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Artwork Titles starting with 'B'

  1. Basic Typography: Design with Letters 1989 (Author: Ruedi Ruegg, ID: GB/5539)
  2. Bayeux Tapestry 1985 (Author: David M. Wilson, ID: GB/7158)
  3. Bayeux Tapestry 1985 (Author: Jean Le Carpentier, ID: GB/7158)
  4. Beautiful Books 1929 (Author: Cyril Davenport, ID: GB/1575)
  5. Belles Heures de Jean Duc de Berry 1974 (Author: Millard Meiss, ID: GB/4329)
  6. Benedictional of St. Ethelwold 1959 (Author: Francis Wormald, ID: GB/7252)
  7. Bestiary 1992 (Author: Richard Barber, ID: GB/346)
  8. Bibliography of Medical Ex Libris Literature 1951 (Author: Samuel X. Radbill, ID: GB/16022)
  9. Bibliography of Medical Ex Libris Literature 1951 (Author: Carlyle S. Baer, ID: GB/16022)
  10. Bibliotheca Corviniana 1969 (Author: Corviniana, ID: GB/1371)
  11. Boccaccio's Decameron 1978 (Author: Edmon Pognon, ID: GB/5120)
  12. Book Collecting As One of the Fine Arts 1996 (Author: Colin Franklin, ID: GB/16764)
  13. Book of Alphabets for Douglas Cleverdon 1987 (Author: Douglas Cleverdon, ID: GB/30511)
  14. Book of Alphabets for Douglas Cleverdon 1987 (Author: Eric Gill, ID: GB/30511)
  15. Book of Alphabets for Douglas Cleverdon 1987 (Author: John Dreyfus, ID: GB/30511)
  16. Book of Kells 1974 (Author: Francoise Henry, ID: GB/2871)
  17. Book of the Dead 1979 (Author: Evelyn Rossiter, ID: GB/5457)
  18. Book Typography 1815-1965 1966 (Author: Kenneth Day, ID: GB/1602)
  19. Bookplates 1904 (Author: Edward Almack, ID: GB/16017)
  20. Bookplates 1927 (Author: J. F. Badeley, ID: GB/16024)
  21. Bookplates and Badges of C.F.A. Voysey 2011 (Author: Karen Livingstone, ID: GB/16018)
  22. Bookplates and Labels by Leo Wyatt 1988 (Author: Brian North Lee, ID: GB/3729)
  23. Books in the Blood 2002 (Author: Anthony Rota, ID: GB/5477)
  24. Books of Hours and Their Owners 1977 (Author: John Harthan, ID: GB/2779)
  25. Boxwood & Graver 1958 (Author: Allen Lane, ID: GB/3630)
  26. Brenthurst Archives Volume 1. Number 1 1994 (Author: Cynthia Kemp, ID: GB/16025)
  27. British Bookplates 1979 (Author: Brian North Lee, ID: GB/3730)
  28. Brushstroke and Free Style Alphabets 1977 (Author: Dan X. Solo, ID: GB/6052)
  29. Buchstabenbuch 1954 (Author: Eugen Nerdinger, ID: GB/16695)

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