Exhibition: Artists' Books from the Ginsberg Collection

Intro |  Contents |  Floor plan |  Jack Ginsberg's essay |  David Paton's essay |  David Bunn's opening address
Jack Ginsberg's opening address |  Catalogue of books |  Source List

Chapter 7. Artists' Books as Spines, Bindings and Gutters

Although bindings are not specifically identified in this exhibition and constitute an art-form in their own right, the examples operates as the spine of the exhibition. A few books have been identified as having specific attention paid to their spines. Here note Malcolm Payne's A Chill Down My Spine (Cat: 196) where images inhabit the gutter, a space not conventionally associated with imagery nor text. Note too the extraordinary binding of Toni Dove's Mesmer (Cat: 63).

© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.