Exhibition: Artists' Books from the Ginsberg Collection

Intro |  Contents |  Floor plan |  Jack Ginsberg's essay |  David Paton's essay |  David Bunn's opening address
Jack Ginsberg's opening address |  Catalogue of books |  Source List

Chapter 12. Artists' Books as Democratic Multiple

The artist has always been a mirror of society and a commentator on culture. Art has also challenged the status quo on many levels. Artists' books are a medium of discourse and debate and are activators of and agents for social change. One of the important aspects of democratic multiples is the cost of production and distribution, given the desire for mass circulation. Andrew Putter's books Dancing With the Machines and Under the Sun and Over the Moon (Cat: 198 & 199) have been produced by means of a photocopier and are staple bound. Their small format makes them appear like a tract or pamphlet and thus are easily obtained, held and read.

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