Exhibition: Artists' Books from the Ginsberg Collection

Intro |  Contents |  Floor plan |  Jack Ginsberg's essay |  David Paton's essay |  David Bunn's opening address
Jack Ginsberg's opening address |  Catalogue of books |  Source List

Chapter 13. Artists' Books as Subversion

If the concept of the democratic multiples works for social change then it is expected that artists, and the art they produce, might from time to time become subversive. This subversion might attach itself to socio-economic or political agendas, in order to bring about meaningful change. Other forms of subversion engage with taboo subjects, such as sexual deviation, while many books engage in a dialogue with the book arts itself and subvert the very notion of a book. It is this subversive dialogue that has, in fact, been exhibited in many cabinets thus far as a simple change in traditional rectangular shape or paper as a material renders a work potentially subversive.

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