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Authors starting with 'F'

  1. Leora Farber (Book Title: Leora Farber, ID: SA/0004)
  2. Christophe Farnaud (Book Title: Gerard Sekoto Group Exhibition, ID: SA/2036)
  3. Ann Farrell (Book Title: Personal Affects - Volume I, ID: SA/0342)
  4. Ann Farrell (Book Title: Personal Affects - Volume II, ID: SA/0553)
  5. Laurie Ann Farrell (Book Title: Deborah Poynton, ID: SA/1082)
  6. Laurie Ann Farrell (Book Title: Looking Both Ways, ID: SA/0805)
  7. Marianne Fassler (Book Title: In Retro, ID: SA/1589)
  8. Marianne Fassler (Book Title: Those Famous Shirts, ID: SA/1097)
  9. Akexa Favata (Book Title: Bearni Searle. Approach, ID: SA/0889)
  10. William Fehr (Book Title: Thomas Bowler, ID: SA/0798)
  11. Dumile Feni (Zwelidumile Jeremiah Mgxaji) (Book Title: Dumile 1942 - 1991, ID: SA/0341)
  12. Dumile Feni (Zwelidumile Jeremiah Mgxaji) (Book Title: Dumile Feni, ID: SA/2045)
  13. Dumile Feni (Zwelidumile Jeremiah Mgxaji) (Book Title: Dumile Feni Resource Book, ID: SA/0604)
  14. Dumile Feni (Zwelidumile Jeremiah Mgxaji) (Book Title: Dumile Feni Retrospective, ID: SA/0901)
  15. Jose Ferreira (Book Title: Sulsouth, ID: SA/0187)
  16. Angela Ferriera (Book Title: Angela Ferreira, ID: SA/1238)
  17. Sophie Feyder (Book Title: Commonplace, ID: SA/2099)
  18. Marisa Fick-Jordaan (Book Title: Wired, ID: SA/0486)
  19. Adler Fielding (Book Title: Sculpture SA, ID: SA/0861)
  20. Maj. Aubrey Fielding (Book Title: Lucas Sithole 1958 - 1979, ID: SA/0149)
  21. Lwandile Fikeni (Book Title: Strange Fruit, ID: SA/2089)
  22. Bronwen Findlay (Book Title: Every Picture Tells a Story, ID: SA/0942)
  23. Dick Findlay (Book Title: Correspondence with Prof. D. M. (Danie) Joubert, ID: SA/2553)
  24. Laurie Firstenberg (Book Title: Translation/Seduction/Displacement, ID: SA/0222)
  25. Natalie Fitz-Gerald (Book Title: Down to Earth, ID: SA/0143)
  26. Patrick Flannery (Book Title: Kate Gottgens, ID: SA/2055)
  27. John Fleetwood (Book Title: Back and Forth, ID: SA/1734)
  28. John Fleetwood (Book Title: Portfolio 08, ID: SA/1611)
  29. Jacqueline Flint (Book Title: Sunsets, ID: SA/1951)
  30. Luciano Fontana (Book Title: Kentridge, ID: SA/2486)
  31. Richard John Forbes (Book Title: Richard John Forbes, ID: SA/1492)
  32. Craig Forster (Book Title: My Heart Stands in the Hill, ID: SA/0857)
  33. Samuel Fosso (Book Title: Chinafrika, ID: SA/1884)
  34. Jeremy Foster (Book Title: Washed with Sun, ID: SA/1235)
  35. Abrie Fourie (Book Title: Andrew Munnik, ID: SA/0849)
  36. Abrie Fourie (Book Title: Cedric Nunn, ID: SA/0848)
  37. Abrie Fourie (Book Title: Cobus Haupt, ID: SA/0847)
  38. Abrie Fourie (Book Title: Donna Kukama, ID: SA/0846)
  39. Abrie Fourie (Book Title: Film Will Always Be You, ID: SA/2254)
  40. Abrie Fourie (Book Title: Heart of the African City, ID: SA/1314)
  41. Abrie Fourie (Book Title: Horse, ID: SA/0088)
  42. Abrie Fourie (Book Title: In die Bos, ID: SA/1297)
  43. Abrie Fourie (Book Title: Johan Thom, ID: SA/0851)
  44. Abrie Fourie (Book Title: Karin Preller, ID: SA/0850)
  45. Abrie Fourie (Book Title: Oblique, ID: SA/1829)
  46. Abrie Fourie (Book Title: Oblique, ID: SA/1349)
  47. Abrie Fourie (Book Title: University of Johannesburg Art Gallery, ID: SA/1350)
  48. Heidi Fourie (Book Title: Machine in the Garden, ID: SA/2147)
  49. Joanita Fourie (Book Title: Sculptor par Exellence, ID: SA/2446)
  50. Justin Fox (Book Title: Centenary, ID: SA/2489)
  51. Justin Fox (Book Title: François Krige, ID: SA/0219)
  52. Justin Fox (Book Title: Life and Art of François Krige, ID: SA/0425)
  53. Michael Frampton (Book Title: Black and Brown, ID: SA/0559)
  54. Michael Frampton (Book Title: South Africa, ID: SA/0558)
  55. Fernando Frances (Book Title: No se unirà usted al baile?, ID: SA/1498)
  56. Hans Fransen (Book Title: Erik Laubscher, ID: SA/1178)
  57. Hans Fransen (Book Title: Otto Landsberg 1803-1905, ID: SA/2001)
  58. Hans Fransen (Book Title: Three Centuries of South Africa Art, ID: SA/0427)
  59. Barbara Freemantle (Book Title: From Sitting to Selfie, ID: SA/1643)
  60. Barbara Freemantle (Book Title: Signature Pieces, ID: SA/1686)
  61. Barbara Freemantle (Book Title: Standard Bank Young Artists:25, ID: SA/1130)
  62. Barbara Freemantle (Book Title: Tying the Knot:, ID: SA/0308)
  63. Federico Freschi (Book Title: Alan Crump, ID: SA/1357)
  64. Federico Freschi (Book Title: Angus Taylor, ID: SA/1089)
  65. Federico Freschi (Book Title: Braam Kruger, ID: SA/1129)
  66. Federico Freschi (Book Title: Imaging and Imagining, ID: SA/1134)
  67. Federico Freschi (Book Title: Modern Palimpsest, ID: SA/1018)
  68. Emily Friedman (Book Title: Georgina Gratrix, ID: SA/2020)
  69. Hazel Friedman (Book Title: Helmut Starcke, ID: SA/2342)
  70. Hazel Friedman (Book Title: Incognito, ID: SA/1578)
  71. Hazel Friedman (Book Title: Leora Farber, ID: SA/0004)
  72. Hazel Friedman (Book Title: Little Deaths, ID: SA/1225)
  73. Hazel Friedman (Book Title: Norman Catherine, ID: SA/0430)
  74. Hazel Friedman (Book Title: Simon Stone, ID: SA/1591)
  75. Hazel Friedman (Book Title: Zwelethu Mthethwa, ID: SA/0896)
  76. Friends of the Johannesburg Art Gallery (Book Title: Johannesburg Art Gallery, ID: SA/0025)
  77. Gustav Fritsch (Book Title: Eloquent Picture Gallery, ID: SA/2545)
  78. Jean G. Fritts (Book Title: African Art from the Egon Guenther Family Collection, ID: SA/0619)
  79. Lola Frost (Book Title: Jeremy Wafer - Artist's Book, ID: SA/2626)
  80. Gordon Froud (Book Title: ABSA L'Atelier Awards 2005, ID: SA/0754)
  81. Gordon Froud (Book Title: After New York, ID: SA/2290)
  82. Gordon Froud (Book Title: Babel Tower, ID: SA/0049)
  83. Gordon Froud (Book Title: Buttons, ID: SA/0154)
  84. Gordon Froud (Book Title: Challenge of the Cravat, ID: SA/1733)
  85. Gordon Froud (Book Title: Chapter One, ID: SA/0888)
  86. Gordon Froud (Book Title: Gordon Froud, ID: SA/1053)
  87. Gordon Froud (Book Title: Gordon Froud, ID: SA/1060)
  88. Gordon Froud (Book Title: Harmonia, ID: SA/2023)
  89. Gordon Froud (Book Title: Rendezvous, ID: SA/1035)
  90. Gordon Froud (Book Title: Rendezvous, ID: SA/0990)
  91. Philip Fry (Book Title: Contemporary African Art, ID: SA/2517)
  92. Jacques Fuller (Book Title: Jacques Fuller Sculptor, ID: SA/0199)
  93. Jacques Fuller (Book Title: Jacques Fuller Sculptor, ID: SA/0201)
  94. Natasha Fuller (Book Title: FNB Vita Art Now, ID: SA/0094)
  95. Natasha Fuller (Book Title: FNB Vita Art Prize, ID: SA/0144)
  96. Natasha Fuller (Book Title: FNB Vita Art Prize, ID: SA/0521)
  97. Natasha Fuller (Book Title: FNB Vita Art Prize and Exhibition, ID: SA/2356)
  98. Natasha Fuller (Book Title: FNB Vita Art Prize Exhibition, ID: SA/0019)
  99. Natasha Fuller (Book Title: FNB Vita Awards, ID: SA/0147)

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