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Authors starting with 'L'

  1. Cobi Labuscagne (Book Title: Explore! Awesome South African Artists, ID: SA/2188)
  2. Cobi Labuscagne (Book Title: Joburg Art Fair 2008, ID: SA/0988)
  3. Bronwyn Lace (Book Title: Influx / Reflux / Reflex, ID: SA/1510)
  4. Bronwyn Lace (Book Title: My Room at the Centre of the Universe, ID: SA/1663)
  5. Eduard Ladan (Book Title: Artists' Palate, ID: SA/0601)
  6. Allen Laing (Book Title: Machine in the Garden, ID: SA/2147)
  7. Allen Laing (Book Title: Solo Exhibition by Allen Laing, ID: SA/2114)
  8. Andrew Lamprecht (Book Title: Anton Karstel, ID: SA/1179)
  9. Andrew Lamprecht (Book Title: Cara van der Westhuizen, ID: SA/0958)
  10. Andrew Lamprecht (Book Title: Deborah Poynton, ID: SA/0679)
  11. Andrew Lamprecht (Book Title: Super Boring, ID: SA/1223)
  12. Andrew Lamprecht (Book Title: Terra, ID: SA/2192)
  13. Andrew Lamprecht (Book Title: Tretchikoff, ID: SA/1383)
  14. Andrew Lamprecht (Book Title: Twenty Times. 20 Years of SA Sculpture, ID: SA/1368)
  15. Imre Lamprecht (Book Title: Bronze Classical & Contemporary Exhibition, ID: SA/1612)
  16. David Lancaster (Book Title: Webber Wenzel Art Collection, ID: SA/1219)
  17. Adriaan Landman (Book Title: In Retro, ID: SA/1589)
  18. Renaat Landuyt (Book Title: Smoke, Ashes, Fable: William Kentridge in Bruges, ID: SA/1945)
  19. Hugh Lane (Book Title: Municipal Gallery of Modern Art 1910, ID: SA/1696)
  20. Gugu Langa (Book Title: Women's Festival of Arts, ID: SA/2272)
  21. Mandla Langa (Book Title: Grey Areas, ID: SA/0436)
  22. Moshekwa Langa (Book Title: Elipses, ID: SA/2088)
  23. Moshekwa Langa (Book Title: Fresh - Moshekwa Langa, ID: SA/0269)
  24. Moshekwa Langa (Book Title: Fugitive, ID: SA/2091)
  25. Fritha Langerman (Book Title: Artworks in Progress (8), ID: SA/1167)
  26. Fritha Langerman (Book Title: Artworks in Progress (9), ID: SA/1096)
  27. Fritha Langerman (Book Title: Curiosity CLXXV, ID: SA/0597)
  28. Fritha Langerman (Book Title: Knowledge Chambers, ID: SA/0998)
  29. Fritha Langerman (Book Title: Subtle Thresholds, ID: SA/1321)
  30. Fritha Langerman (Book Title: The Homage Portfolio, ID: SA/2293)
  31. Donvé Langhan (Book Title: Unfolding Man, ID: SA/0288)
  32. Pedro Lapa (Book Title: Seven fragments for Georges Melies, ID: SA/1143)
  33. Jason Larkin (Book Title: After the Mines, ID: SA/2084)
  34. Jason Larkin (Book Title: Marikana, ID: SA/1886)
  35. Jason Larkin (Book Title: Waiting, ID: SA/2239)
  36. Elazaby Laubscher (Book Title: Do We Hear Them Cry?, ID: SA/0250)
  37. Elzaby Laubscher (Book Title: Correspondence with Prof. D. M. (Danie) Joubert, ID: SA/2553)
  38. Erik Laubscher (Book Title: Colourful Palette of Alfred Krenz, ID: SA/0730)
  39. Erik Laubscher (Book Title: Erik Laubscher, ID: SA/1178)
  40. Erik Laubscher (Book Title: Kuns/Art S.A. 1971, ID: SA/1277)
  41. Maggie Laubser (Book Title: Correspondence with Prof. D. M. (Danie) Joubert, ID: SA/2553)
  42. Maggie Laubser (Book Title: Gladys Mgudlandlu and Maggie Laubser, ID: SA/2395)
  43. Maggie Laubser (Book Title: Maggie Laubser, ID: SA/0366)
  44. Stephane Laurant (Book Title: Diane Victor, ID: SA/2535)
  45. Emma Laurence (Book Title: [Working Title] 2013, ID: SA/1749)
  46. Barbara LaVine (Book Title: Art and Craft of Southern Africa, ID: SA/0459)
  47. Jennifer Law (Book Title: Sympathetic Magic, ID: SA/2311)
  48. Patrick Lawlor (Book Title: One, ID: SA/2004)
  49. R. S. Lawrence (Book Title: Great Gold Mines of the Witwatersrand, ID: SA/0853)
  50. Ben Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Art / South Africa, ID: SA/1345)
  51. Ben Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Art / South Africa, ID: SA/1575)
  52. Ben Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Art / South Africa, ID: SA/1344)
  53. Ben Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Art and Justice, ID: SA/1084)
  54. Ben Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Everyone is Present, ID: SA/2082)
  55. Ben Law-Viljoen (Book Title: In Context, ID: SA/1242)
  56. Ben Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Seeds & Tracks and Folded Spirits, ID: SA/1528)
  57. Ben Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Undercity, ID: SA/2083)
  58. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Art / South Africa, ID: SA/1570)
  59. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Art / South Africa, ID: SA/1574)
  60. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Art / South Africa, ID: SA/1566)
  61. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Art / South Africa, ID: SA/1992)
  62. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Art / South Africa, ID: SA/1399)
  63. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Art / South Africa, ID: SA/1426)
  64. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Art / South Africa, ID: SA/1571)
  65. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Art / South Africa, ID: SA/1400)
  66. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Commonplace, ID: SA/2099)
  67. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Dream of Rosita, ID: SA/1488)
  68. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Flute, ID: SA/0954)
  69. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: HandBook, ID: SA/1899)
  70. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Heart of the African City, ID: SA/1314)
  71. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Hotel Yeoville, ID: SA/1533)
  72. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: I Like My Neighbours, ID: SA/1063)
  73. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Light on a Hill, ID: SA/2523)
  74. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Marikana, ID: SA/1886)
  75. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Mmakgabo Mmapula Mmankgato Helen Sebidi, ID: SA/2637)
  76. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Nose: Thirty Etchings, ID: SA/1183)
  77. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Paul Stopforth, ID: SA/2638)
  78. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: S'kop, ID: SA/1646)
  79. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: What remains is tomorrow, ID: SA/1885)
  80. Christophe Le Du (Book Title: City People Mythologies, ID: SA/2506)
  81. Isabel le Roux (Book Title: Spotlight on Isabel le Roux, ID: SA/2644)
  82. Le Roux Smith le Roux (Book Title: Mostra Internazionale Dell' "Art Club", ID: SA/1889)
  83. Marius le Roux (Book Title: Cape Copper-Smith, ID: SA/0706)
  84. Neil le Roux (Book Title: In Case of Emergence, ID: SA/1639)
  85. Neil le Roux (Book Title: Self-Organized Systems, ID: SA/1465)
  86. Michelle LeBaron (Book Title: Changing our Worlds, ID: SA/2081)
  87. Jacob Lebeko (Book Title: Dystopia, ID: SA/1485)
  88. Mari Lecanides-Arnott (Book Title: Bruce Murray Arnott, ID: SA/2563)
  89. D. N. Lee (Book Title: Art on the Rocks of Southern Africa, ID: SA/2588)
  90. Juliette Leeb-du Toit (Book Title: Isishweshwe, ID: SA/2187)
  91. Juliette Leeb-du Toit (Book Title: Mmakgabo Mmapula Mmankgato Helen Sebidi, ID: SA/2637)
  92. Ezrom Legae (Book Title: Johannesburg Centenary Print Portfolio, ID: SA/2406)
  93. Ezrom Legae (Book Title: Re/discovery and Memory, ID: SA/2085)
  94. Ezrom Legae (Book Title: Sculptures of Sydney Kumalo and Ezrom Legae, ID: SA/2549)
  95. Nessa Leibhammer (Book Title: Africa Meets Africa, ID: SA/1372)
  96. Nessa Leibhammer (Book Title: Africa Meets Africa, ID: SA/0096)
  97. Nessa Leibhammer (Book Title: Five MTN commissions and the artists who made them, ID: SA/0238)
  98. Nessa Leibhammer (Book Title: Jackson Hlungwani, ID: SA/2552)
  99. Nessa Leibhammer (Book Title: l'Afrique: A Tribute to Maria Stein-Lessing and Leopold Spiegel, ID: SA/2353)
  100. Nessa Leibhammer (Book Title: Landmark: Visions of Land in Africa, ID: SA/0242)
  101. Nessa Leibhammer (Book Title: Printmaking Resource, ID: SA/0239)
  102. Nessa Leibhammer (Book Title: Shifts. . .In Consciousness. A Changing Heritage, ID: SA/0237)
  103. Tom Leick-Burns (Book Title: Red Bridge Project, ID: SA/2459)
  104. Valerie Leigh (Book Title: Wolf Kibel, ID: SA/1098)
  105. Layla Leiman (Book Title: Art, ID: SA/1995)
  106. Sekibakiba Peter Lekgoathi (Book Title: Africa Meets Africa, ID: SA/1372)
  107. Sekibakiba Peter Lekgoathi (Book Title: Ndebele Women Designing Identity, ID: SA/1956)
  108. Sekibakiba Peter Lekgoathi (Book Title: Ndebele Women designing Identity, ID: SA/1141)
  109. Sekibakiba Peter Lekgoathi (Book Title: Ndebele Women Designing Identity, ID: SA/1957)
  110. Lawrence Lemaoana (Book Title: Transcode, ID: SA/2505)
  111. T. J. Lemon (Book Title: Sharp, ID: SA/1267)
  112. Gervanne Leridon (Book Title: Lumieres D'Afriques, ID: SA/2326)
  113. Amos Lestoalo (Book Title: Jackson Hlungwani, ID: SA/2552)
  114. Rachelle Lever (Book Title: Little Magazine in South Africa, ID: SA/2117)
  115. Rhoda Levinsohn (Book Title: Art and Craft of Southern Africa, ID: SA/0459)
  116. Olga Levinson (Book Title: Adolph Jentsch, ID: SA/0461)
  117. Olga Levinson (Book Title: John Ndevasia Muafangejo, ID: SA/0743)
  118. Orde Levinson (Book Title: African Dream, ID: SA/0789)
  119. Orde Levinson (Book Title: I was Lonelyness, ID: SA/0462)
  120. Orde Levinson (Book Title: Visions of Love and Sorrow, ID: SA/2404)
  121. Andrea Lewis (Book Title: Brushing up on Irma Stern, ID: SA/2606)
  122. Andrea Lewis (Book Title: Journeys to the Interior, ID: SA/1205)
  123. Carla Lewis (Book Title: Conflux - A Confluence of Daring and Discovery, ID: SA/2572)
  124. David Lewis (Book Title: Naked Eye, ID: SA/0463)
  125. Dylan Lewis (Book Title: Dylan Lewis, ID: SA/0375)
  126. Fleur Lewis (Book Title: Commonplace, ID: SA/2099)
  127. Mark Lewis (Book Title: Bed Room, ID: SA/2384)
  128. Mark Lewis (Book Title: Good Riddance, ID: SA/2403)
  129. Mark Lewis (Book Title: Inside Out, ID: SA/2381)
  130. Mark Lewis (Book Title: Master Mansions, ID: SA/2238)
  131. Mark Lewis (Book Title: S'kop, ID: SA/1646)
  132. Mark Lewis (Book Title: Tony Dreams in Yellow and Blue, ID: SA/2382)
  133. Mark Lewis (Book Title: Undercity, ID: SA/2083)
  134. Mark Lewis (Book Title: Wake Up, This is Joburg, ID: SA/2543)
  135. Mark Lewis (Book Title: What remains is tomorrow, ID: SA/1885)
  136. Mark Lewis (Book Title: Zola, ID: SA/2386)
  137. David Lewis-Williams (Book Title: San Spirituality, ID: SA/2032)
  138. Leigh Leyde (Book Title: Andy Warhol Unscreened, ID: SA/2390)
  139. Leigh Leyde (Book Title: Giving Direction: Figuration, Past and Present, ID: SA/2429)
  140. Leigh Leyde (Book Title: Seen, Heard and Valued, ID: SA/2369)
  141. Kim Lieberman (Book Title: Blood Relatives, ID: SA/0198)
  142. Kim Lieberman (Book Title: Every Interaction Interrupts the Future, ID: SA/0204)
  143. Kim Lieberman (Book Title: Ground. Art and Culture., ID: SA/0585)
  144. Kim Lieberman (Book Title: Human Constellations, ID: SA/1056)
  145. Kim Lieberman (Book Title: Human Currents, ID: SA/0898)
  146. Kim Lieberman (Book Title: Pregnant Tables, ID: SA/1418)
  147. Nessa Liebhammer (Book Title: Tapestries and Ceramics from Rorke's Drift, ID: SA/2602)
  148. Benji Liebmann (Book Title: Re/discovery and Memory, ID: SA/2085)
  149. Barbara Lindop (Book Title: Gerard Sekoto, ID: SA/0464)
  150. Barbara Lindop (Book Title: My Life and Work, ID: SA/0779)
  151. Barbara Lindop (Book Title: Song for Sekoto, ID: SA/1548)
  152. Andrew Lindsay (Book Title: Map of Soweto and Underground Josi, ID: SA/1740)
  153. Heather Sealy Lineberry (Book Title: Long Day, ID: SA/0401)
  154. Sascha Lipka (Book Title: Sascha Lipka, ID: SA/1286)
  155. Alan Lipman (Book Title: Momentarily Endless, ID: SA/1236)
  156. I. Lippy Lipschitz (Book Title: Lippy Lipshitz, ID: SA/0433)
  157. I. Lippy Lipschitz (Book Title: Mostra Internazionale Dell' "Art Club", ID: SA/1889)
  158. I. Lippy Lipschitz (Book Title: Wenning, ID: SA/0362)
  159. Sheree Lissoos (Book Title: Johannesburg Art and Artists: Selections from a Century, ID: SA/0069)
  160. Sue Litpschitz (Book Title: Art on the Box, ID: SA/0071)
  161. Teresa Lizamore (Book Title: Art @ work, ID: SA/0737)
  162. Teresa Lizamore (Book Title: Business of Art, Art of Business, ID: SA/1387)
  163. Teresa Lizamore (Book Title: Dialogues, ID: SA/0771)
  164. Teresa Lizamore (Book Title: Ik Ben Een Afrikander, ID: SA/1476)
  165. Teresa Lizamore (Book Title: Sasol 1991-2001, ID: SA/0520)
  166. Teresa Lizamore (Book Title: Sasol Art Collection. Vol III, ID: SA/0260)
  167. Teresa Lizamore (Book Title: Sasol New Signatures Revisited, ID: SA/0126)
  168. Angela Read Lloyd (Book Title: Artist in the Garden, ID: SA/1862)
  169. Cecile Loedolff (Book Title: ABSA Atelier Winners, ID: SA/0561)
  170. Cecile Loedolff (Book Title: ABSA Group Corporate Art Collection, ID: SA/0564)
  171. Cecile Loedolff (Book Title: Absa L'Atelier 2007, ID: SA/0936)
  172. Cecile Loedolff (Book Title: Absa L'Atelier 2008, ID: SA/2645)
  173. Cecile Loedolff (Book Title: Absa L'Atelier 2009, ID: SA/1137)
  174. Cecile Loedolff (Book Title: ABSA L'Atelier 2010, ID: SA/1253)
  175. Cecile Loedolff (Book Title: ABSA L'Atelier Awards 2002, ID: SA/0562)
  176. Cecile Loedolff (Book Title: ABSA L'Atelier Awards 2003, ID: SA/0229)
  177. Cecile Loedolff (Book Title: ABSA L'Atelier Awards 2005, ID: SA/0754)
  178. Pierre Lombart (Book Title: For the Love of Being . . ., ID: SA/1830)
  179. Richard Long (Book Title: Karoo Highveld, ID: SA/1731)
  180. Pierre Loos (Book Title: Zagourski - Lost Africa, ID: SA/2184)
  181. Kai Lossgott (Book Title: Hunter-Gatherer, ID: SA/1875)
  182. Kai Lossgott (Book Title: Talking to the Tree Outside my Window While I Sleep, ID: SA/1396)
  183. Ronel Loukakis (Book Title: Five MTN commissions and the artists who made them, ID: SA/0238)
  184. Ronel Loukakis (Book Title: Printmaking Resource, ID: SA/0239)
  185. Johann Louw (Book Title: Cyst, ID: SA/0165)
  186. Johann Louw (Book Title: Johann Louw, ID: SA/0984)
  187. Johann Louw (Book Title: Johann Louw & Sanell Aggenbach Portraits, ID: SA/0977)
  188. Johann Louw (Book Title: Johann Louw / Clare Menck / Kennett Sinclair, ID: SA/0348)
  189. Roelof Louw (Book Title: Flag Works, ID: SA/0688)
  190. Glenn D. Lowry (Book Title: Impressions from South Africa 1965 to Now, ID: SA/2137)
  191. Glenn D. Lowry (Book Title: Trace: Prints for The Museum of Modern Art, ID: SA/1181)
  192. Edward Lucie-Smith (Book Title: Walking the Tightrope, ID: SA/1027)
  193. Jack Lugg (Book Title: Correspondence with Prof. D. M. (Danie) Joubert, ID: SA/2553)
  194. Deborah Lee Lutrin (Book Title: Walter Battiss and the Golden Age, ID: SA/1838)
  195. Rosa Lyster (Book Title: Some new paintings by Georgina Gratrix, ID: SA/2214)

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