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Authors starting with 'I'

  1. Igubu Collective (Book Title: Comics Brew, ID: SA/2317)
  2. R. F. M. Immelman (Book Title: South African Bookplates, ID: SA/0353)
  3. Stephen Inggs (Book Title: Come, ID: SA/1220)
  4. Stephen Inggs (Book Title: Come Again, ID: SA/1221)
  5. Stephen Inggs (Book Title: Curiosity CLXXV, ID: SA/0597)
  6. Stephen Inggs (Book Title: Dark Side of the Moon, ID: SA/1502)
  7. Stephen Inggs (Book Title: Exhibition and Auction, ID: SA/1365)
  8. Stephen Inggs (Book Title: In Principle, ID: SA/1211)
  9. Stephen Inggs (Book Title: Making Prints With Light, ID: SA/1437)
  10. Stephen Inggs (Book Title: Masters Grand Show, ID: SA/1500)
  11. Stephen Inggs (Book Title: Masters Moving Out, ID: SA/1340)
  12. Stephen Inggs (Book Title: The Homage Portfolio, ID: SA/2293)
  13. D. P. Inskip (Book Title: Catalogue of the Collections in the Irma Stern Museum, ID: SA/0748)
  14. Mehita Iqani (Book Title: Itch [01/01], ID: SA/0295)
  15. Mehita Iqani (Book Title: Itch [01/02], ID: SA/0328)
  16. Mehita Iqani (Book Title: Itch [01/03], ID: SA/0540)
  17. Mehita Iqani (Book Title: Itch [01/04], ID: SA/0541)

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