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Authors starting with 'E'

  1. Merit Eads (Book Title: Walter Hamady's Interminable Gabberjabs, ID: 3517)
  2. Timothy A. Eaton (Book Title: Books As Art, ID: 0020)
  3. Timothy A. Eaton (Book Title: Books As Art, ID: 0008)
  4. Gerhild Ebel (Book Title: Gerhild Ebel, ID: 3113)
  5. Gerhild Ebel (Book Title: Gerhild Ebel, ID: 0707)
  6. Gerhild Ebel (Book Title: Kommunikation Visuell:, ID: 2434)
  7. Gerhild Ebel (Book Title: Künstlerbuch, ID: 1720)
  8. Bob Ebendorf (Book Title: Liquid Language of Artist's Books, ID: 1155)
  9. Simon Eccles (Book Title: Inside Outside, ID: 2961)
  10. Margot Ecke (Book Title: Poet & the Artist's Book, ID: 1009)
  11. Audun Eckhoff (Book Title: Kurt Johannessen, ID: 2373)
  12. Umberto Eco (Book Title: Vegetal and Mineral Memory: The Future of Books, ID: 2301)
  13. Charles Ede (Book Title: Art of the Book, ID: 0264)
  14. Anne Edgar (Book Title: Conversation with Printed Matter, ID: 0490)
  15. Julian I. Edison (Book Title: Miniature Book Society Newsletter, ID: 3071)
  16. Julian I. Edison (Book Title: Miniature Books, ID: 1817)
  17. Edition Hundertmark (Book Title: Edition Hundertmark, ID: 1099)
  18. David Edlefsen (Book Title: Books: Inside and Out, ID: 0150)
  19. J. Brian Edwards (Book Title: Artists Bookworks, ID: 1217)
  20. Janis Edwards (Book Title: Extensions of the Book, ID: 0819)
  21. Kathleen A. Edwards (Book Title: Art is Life / Life is Art, ID: 0050)
  22. Marc Edwards (Book Title: Navigating the Bookscape, ID: 0001)
  23. Ruth Edwards (Book Title: Inventing in Color, ID: 1113)
  24. Ute Eggeling (Book Title: Emil Schumacher: Bücher und Kataloge, ID: 2421)
  25. Dave Eggers (Book Title: Exquisite Book, ID: 3170)
  26. Sven Ehmann (Book Title: Turning Pages, ID: 2380)
  27. Fritz Eichenberg (Book Title: Wood and the Graver, ID: 3454)
  28. Dorothea Eimert (Book Title: Book Art in Europe / Buchobjekte aus Papier, ID: 5049)
  29. Barbara Eisner (Book Title: Künstlerbücher_Artists' Books, ID: 3026)
  30. Barbara Eisner (Book Title: Künstlerbücher_Artists' Books, ID: 3026)
  31. Janis Ekdahl (Book Title: Artists' Books and Beyond, ID: 2303)
  32. Rudi Ekkart (Book Title: Een boekmuseum verzamelt, ID: 0703)
  33. Power Ekroth (Book Title: Bibliotheca Alexandrina's First International Biennale for the Artists Book, ID: 1418)
  34. Sherif Mohie Eldin (Book Title: Bibliotheca Alexandrina's First International Biennale for the Artists Book, ID: 1418)
  35. Betsy Palmer Eldridge (Book Title: Guild of Book Workers, ID: 0567)
  36. Dietmar Elger (Book Title: Gerhard Richter Books, ID: 2876)
  37. Daniel Elias (Book Title: 4th ArtistBook International, ID: 1214)
  38. Olafur Eliasson (Book Title: Prospectus: A View becomes a window, ID: 2687)
  39. Samuel Ellenport (Book Title: 10th Anniversary Exhibition, ID: 0439)
  40. Samuel Ellenport (Book Title: Fall Exhibition - A Checklist, ID: 0438)
  41. Heike Ellermann (Book Title: Malerbücher, ID: 3082)
  42. Bina Sarkar Ellias (Book Title: International Gallerie, ID: 1630)
  43. Francis Elliot (Book Title: Foundry, ID: 1207)
  44. Bridget Elmer (Book Title: Collective Relevance, ID: 3196)
  45. Bridget Elmer (Book Title: Rising Together, ID: 3511)
  46. Jessica Elsaesser (Book Title: Central Booking Magazine, ID: 2202)
  47. Jessica Elsaesser (Book Title: Central Booking Magazine, ID: 2201)
  48. Jessica Elsaesser (Book Title: Central Booking Magazine, ID: 2200)
  49. Jessica Elsaesser (Book Title: Central Booking Magazine, ID: 2203)
  50. Jessica Elsaesser (Book Title: Central Booking Magazine, ID: 2205)
  51. Jessica Elsaesser (Book Title: Central Booking Magazine, ID: 2198)
  52. Jessica Elsaesser (Book Title: Central Booking Magazine, ID: 2199)
  53. Jessica Elsaesser (Book Title: Central Booking Magazine, ID: 2204)
  54. Paul Eluard (Book Title: Notre Livre: À Toute épreuve, ID: 2936)
  55. Harriet Elvin (Book Title: Edition + Artist Book Survey, ID: 1691)
  56. Timothy C. Ely (Book Title: Book: Art and Object, ID: 2964)
  57. Timothy C. Ely (Book Title: Cognitive Distance, ID: 3949)
  58. Timothy C. Ely (Book Title: Dreamweaver, ID: 2299)
  59. Timothy C. Ely (Book Title: Exhibition of Unique and Limited Edition Artists' Books, ID: 5132)
  60. Timothy C. Ely (Book Title: Tables of Jupiter, ID: 1189)
  61. Timothy C. Ely (Book Title: Timothy C. Ely, ID: 2166)
  62. Timothy C. Ely (Book Title: Works by Timothy C. Ely & Hedi Kyle, ID: 0431)
  63. Paul Emmanuel (Book Title: Navigating the Bookscape, ID: 0001)
  64. Amze Emmons (Book Title: Publisher! Publisher!, ID: 3104)
  65. Patience Empson (Book Title: The Wood Engravings of Robert Gibbings, ID: 3613)
  66. Arlyn Ende (Book Title: Beyond Words, ID: 1667)
  67. Arlyn Ende (Book Title: Beyond Words, ID: 2554)
  68. Beverley Beetham Endersby (Book Title: General Idea: Multiples, ID: 1005)
  69. Patricia G. England (Book Title: Patricia G. England Collection of Fine Press and Artists' Books, ID: 0574)
  70. Patricia G. England (Book Title: Text as Inspiration, ID: 2164)
  71. Britta Erickson (Book Title: Words Without Meaning, Meaning Without Words, ID: 1958)
  72. Leif Eriksson (Book Title: Artists' Books / Booked Art - Konstnärsböcker / Konst på bok, ID: 1306)
  73. Leif Eriksson (Book Title: Konst-och bildforskning, ID: 1294)
  74. Leif Eriksson (Book Title: Swedish artists' books, ID: 3750)
  75. Michael Erlhoff (Book Title: Robert Filliou, ID: 2720)
  76. Michael Erlhoff (Book Title: Vom Aussehen Der Wörter, ID: 0208)
  77. K. S. Ernst (Book Title: Writing to Be Seen, ID: 1801)
  78. Max Ernst (Book Title: Granville / Ernst, ID: 3493)
  79. Max Ernst (Book Title: News & Nightmares, ID: 2300)
  80. Carol Eron (Book Title: Nine-Ton Cat, ID: 1672)
  81. Jim A. Escalante (Book Title: Made in the Midwest, ID: 0576)
  82. Stephen J. Eskilson (Book Title: Graphic Design, ID: 1716)
  83. David Esslemont (Book Title: Gwasg Gregynog, ID: 3106)
  84. David Esslemont (Book Title: Gwasg Gregynog, ID: 3105)
  85. Tina Essmaker (Book Title: Brian Dettmer, ID: 2332)
  86. Mark James Estren (Book Title: History of Underground Comics, ID: 2849)
  87. Christine Euler (Book Title: Einhundert Ein Blicke, ID: 3508)
  88. Hilary and Mary Evans (Book Title: Sources of Illustration, ID: 3311)
  89. Gavin Everall (Book Title: Book Works Catalogue 2005 - 2006, ID: 1496)
  90. Gavin Everall (Book Title: Book Works Catalogue 2013/14, ID: 2654)
  91. Bernd Evers (Book Title: Printed Matter, ID: 1657)
  92. Edwina B. Evers (Book Title: Book Thought Through, ID: 0442)
  93. Edwina B. Evers (Book Title: Califia, ID: 2798)
  94. Deborah Evetts (Book Title: Designer Bookbinders. DB3, ID: 4015)
  95. Heather Ewing (Book Title: Depero Futurista, ID: 3221)

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