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Authors starting with 'L'

  1. Catherine Labio (Book Title: From 'Bande Dessinée' to Artist's Book, ID: 2649)
  2. Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie (Book Title: De Bonnard à Baselitz., ID: 0994)
  3. Jane LaFerla (Book Title: Penland Book of Handmade Books, ID: 1300)
  4. Jessica Lagunas (Book Title: 2012 Workspace Artists in Residence, ID: 2661)
  5. Michael Lailach (Book Title: Based on Paper, ID: 1816)
  6. Michael Lailach (Book Title: Kiosk - Modes of Multiplication, ID: 2569)
  7. Michael Lailach (Book Title: Printed Matter, ID: 1657)
  8. Michael Laird (Book Title: Fine Printing, ID: 1337)
  9. Lóska Lajos (Book Title: Object-Books, ID: 1027)
  10. Erika Lakat (Book Title: New surprise. . . For our readers!'' (3), ID: 0523)
  11. Monique Lallier (Book Title: Monique Lallier, ID: 3498)
  12. Andrew Lambirth (Book Title: Cooking the Books, ID: 1026)
  13. Matt Lamothe (Book Title: Exquisite Book, ID: 3170)
  14. Jean Lampen (Book Title: 22 Challenges. The Artists' Book Club, ID: 3915)
  15. Lindsey Landfried (Book Title: Summer Reading, ID: 3859)
  16. Brian Lane (Book Title: Printed Performance, ID: 1137)
  17. Cathy Lane (Book Title: Playing with Words, ID: 2758)
  18. John R. Lane (Book Title: On Kawara, ID: 2639)
  19. Lothar Lang (Book Title: Expressionist Book Illustration in Germany 1907 - 1927, ID: 1662)
  20. Lothar Lang (Book Title: Surrealismus und Buchkunst, ID: 0689)
  21. Clemens-Tobias Lange (Book Title: Gemeint ist das Unsichtbare, ID: 2371)
  22. Clemens-Tobias Lange (Book Title: Künstlerbuch, ID: 1722)
  23. Clemens-Tobias Lange (Book Title: Miscellany, ID: 1783)
  24. Clemens-Tobias Lange (Book Title: Poesia per I Sensi, ID: 1738)
  25. Karin Langeveld (Book Title: Imprint, ID: 2327)
  26. Kenneth Langford (Book Title: Private Press Books, ID: 3274)
  27. Angelo Laniece (Book Title: Mirella Bentivoglio. Hyper Ovum, ID: 0534)
  28. Andrew Lanyon (Book Title: Books 2001, ID: 1402)
  29. Shereen LaPlantz (Book Title: Art & Craft of Handmade Books, ID: 1171)
  30. Shereen LaPlantz (Book Title: Cover to Cover, ID: 0256)
  31. Shereen LaPlantz (Book Title: Innovative Bookbinding: Secret Compartments & Hidden Messages, ID: 0167)
  32. Shereen LaPlantz (Book Title: Innovative Bookbinding: Secret Compartments and Hidden Messages, ID: 1343)
  33. Susan C. Larson (Book Title: Booklover's Dream, ID: 0402)
  34. Ervin Laszlo (Book Title: On Kawara, ID: 2639)
  35. John Latham (Book Title: N-U Niddrie Heart, ID: 0891)
  36. Francie Latour (Book Title: Books Unbound, ID: 2317)
  37. Chad Latz (Book Title: Transformation of the Work in Art, ID: 0742)
  38. Cornelia Lauf (Book Title: Artist / Author: Contemporary Artists Books, ID: 0048)
  39. Cornelia Lauf (Book Title: Decade, ID: 0323)
  40. Warja Lavater (Book Title: Folded Stories, ID: 2374)
  41. Warja Lavater (Book Title: Warja Lavater, ID: 2403)
  42. Steven La Voie (Book Title: Navigating the Marketplace, ID: 0793)
  43. Liz Lawes (Book Title: Artists' Books, ID: 1601)
  44. Michael Christopher Lawlor (Book Title: Active Process, ID: 0118)
  45. Deirdre E. Lawrence (Book Title: Annual Artist Member Exhibition, ID: 1043)
  46. Deirdre E. Lawrence (Book Title: Artists Books, ID: 0247)
  47. John Lawrence (Book Title: Selection of Wood Engravings, ID: 3632)
  48. Robert Lawrence (Book Title: Volumes, ID: 1433)
  49. William R. Laws (Book Title: In Book Form, ID: 1046)
  50. Jon Laxdal (Book Title: With the Back to the Future, ID: 2954)
  51. Ruth Laxson (Book Title: It is up to us if we go on as is, ID: 2717)
  52. Ruth Laxson (Book Title: JAB 36, ID: 2831)
  53. Uwe Laysiepen (Book Title: Johan Deumens - Sundry Catalogues, ID: 2044)
  54. Edna Lazaron (Book Title: Artists' Books / What are They?, ID: 0230)
  55. Rémy le Fur (Book Title: Avant-Gardes due Xxe Siecle, ID: 2496)
  56. Michael R. Leaman (Book Title: Art Word and Image, ID: 2089)
  57. Nancy Ruth Leavitt (Book Title: Book is a Garden Carried in the Pocket, ID: 2796)
  58. Nancy Ruth Leavitt (Book Title: Contemporary Illuminated Manuscripts, ID: 3387)
  59. Robert Lebeck (Book Title: Kiosk, ID: 1065)
  60. Irmeline Lebeer (Book Title: L'art? c'est une Meilleure idée! Entretiens 1972-1984., ID: 2867)
  61. Pat Leddy (Book Title: Talking Books With Four Southern California Book Artists: Sue Ann Robinson, Terry Braunstein, Beth Theilen and Harry Reese., ID: 0794)
  62. Russet Lederman (Book Title: Clap! 10x 10, ID: 3054)
  63. Aimee Lee (Book Title: Confluence, ID: 3025)
  64. Aimee Lee (Book Title: Revive and Renew, ID: 3024)
  65. Aimee Lee (Book Title: Revive and Renew, ID: 3024)
  66. David Lee (Book Title: Artists' Books From A to B: Contemporary Artists' Books, ID: 0177)
  67. Jennifer B. Lee (Book Title: Themes & Variations, ID: 1757)
  68. Jim Lee (Book Title: Made in the Midwest, ID: 0576)
  69. Jungil Lee (Book Title: 1st Seoul International BookArts Fair, ID: 1226)
  70. Myung Sook Lee (Book Title: Artist's Books, ID: 2816)
  71. Seungcheol Lee (Book Title: Going Out - Artist's Books from Korea, ID: 2408)
  72. Pierre Legrain (Book Title: Art Deco Bookbindings, ID: 1568)
  73. Virgile Legrand (Book Title: Livres Rares, ID: 3879)
  74. Arnold L. Lehman (Book Title: Materializing Six Years, ID: 2383)
  75. Claire Lehmann (Book Title: Artists who Make Books, ID: 3057)
  76. Claire Lehmann (Book Title: Paperwork, ID: 2956)
  77. Claire Lehmann (Book Title: Zine Masters of the Universe, ID: 2893)
  78. Julia Lehner (Book Title: Feyne Liberey, ID: 2871)
  79. Leonard Lehrer (Book Title: Art of the Book and the Book Arts Press, ID: 0101)
  80. Warren Lehrer (Book Title: Books, Animation, Perfomrance, Collaboration, ID: 3903)
  81. Warren Lehrer (Book Title: Life in Books, ID: 2641)
  82. Steven Leiber (Book Title: Art, books & posters, ID: 2093)
  83. Steven Leiber (Book Title: Buchwerke. Bookworks, ID: 2096)
  84. Steven Leiber (Book Title: Catalogue of Steven Leiber, ID: 3809)
  85. Steven Leiber (Book Title: Catalogues of Steven Leiber, ID: 2755)
  86. Steven Leiber (Book Title: Images, ID: 2091)
  87. Steven Leiber (Book Title: Images, ID: 2092)
  88. Steven Leiber (Book Title: Steven Lieber Catalogs, ID: 3483)
  89. Steven Leiber (Book Title: Steven Lieber Catalogs, ID: 3483)
  90. Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost (Book Title: By Women, About Women, ID: 3832)
  91. John Leighton (Book Title: Humument, ID: 2590)
  92. Anna Maria Lelli (Book Title: Visual Poetry of Mirella Bentivoglio, ID: 0577)
  93. Albert Lemmens (Book Title: Colour is Optics, ID: 3385)
  94. Albert Lemmens (Book Title: Mikhail Karasik, ID: 2117)
  95. Albert Lemmens (Book Title: Russian Book Art 1904-2005, ID: 1483)
  96. Sto Len (Book Title: Cinders Gallery, ID: 2892)
  97. Thomas W. Lentz (Book Title: Words Without Meaning, Meaning Without Words, ID: 1958)
  98. Giocomo Leopardi (Book Title: Maestri Rilegatori per l'Infinito, ID: 3229)
  99. Giocomo Leopardi (Book Title: Maestri Rilegatori per l'Infinito, ID: 3229)
  100. Sandra Lerner (Book Title: Philadelphia Independent Publishers of Artists Books, ID: 0716)
  101. John Letts (Book Title: Folio 34, ID: 3474)
  102. Pamela Tranin Leutz (Book Title: The Guild of Book Workers, ID: 3156)
  103. Norma Levarie (Book Title: Art and History of Books, ID: 3326)
  104. Jean-Jacques Lévêque (Book Title: Etats du Livre - Allemagne, ID: 0719)
  105. Helen Levin (Book Title: Orihon and More: Books by Artists, ID: 1036)
  106. Constance Lewallen (Book Title: Guest Informant, ID: 2621)
  107. John Lewis (Book Title: Twentieth Century Book, ID: 1536)
  108. John Lewis (Book Title: Twentieth Century Book, ID: 1539)
  109. Martha Lewis (Book Title: CT (Un)Bound, ID: 3177)
  110. Roy Harley Lewis (Book Title: Fine Bookbinding in the Twentieth Century, ID: 0856)
  111. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: D'une Oeuvre L'autre, ID: 1090)
  112. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Pick up the Book, Turn the Page and Enter the System, ID: 1380)
  113. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Sol LeWitt, ID: 0153)
  114. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Sol Lewitt's Systeme in Buchform, ID: 2406)
  115. Micah Lexier (Book Title: Book Sculptures, ID: 1006)
  116. Micah Lexier (Book Title: I'm Thinking of a Number, ID: 2855)
  117. Dirk Leyman (Book Title: Book Manifesto, ID: 3629)
  118. Ingrid Li (Book Title: Books, Boxes and Portfolios, ID: 0265)
  119. Megan N. Liberty (Book Title: Book Art Review, ID: 3941)
  120. Megan N. Liberty (Book Title: Book Art Review, ID: 3965)
  121. Megan N. Liberty (Book Title: Centre for Book Arts, ID: 4050)
  122. Megan N. Liberty (Book Title: Craft & Conceptual Art, ID: 3938)
  123. Megan N. Liberty (Book Title: How Our Relationship to Books Has Changed Throughout History, ID: 3398)
  124. Alan Licht (Book Title: Ear to the Page, ID: 2420)
  125. Jennifer Licht (Book Title: Books in Review: Artists' Books, ID: 0393)
  126. William E. Lickfield (Book Title: Owed to the Book, ID: 3994)
  127. Matthew Liddle (Book Title: Contemporary Book Art, ID: 0318)
  128. Estelle Liebenberg-Barkhuizen (Book Title: Artists' books: a postmodern perspective, ID: 3579)
  129. Estelle Liebenberg-Barkhuizen (Book Title: Experiencing Artist's Books, ID: 2675)
  130. Kim Lieberman (Book Title: Navigating the Bookscape, ID: 0001)
  131. Marie-Louise Lienhard (Book Title: Warja Lavater, ID: 2403)
  132. Zeuler Lima (Book Title: City as Subject, ID: 1705)
  133. Limited Editions Club (Book Title: Bibliography of the Fine Books Published by the Limited Editions Club, ID: 1454)
  134. Louise Lincoln (Book Title: Bookmaking in the '70s: Redefining the Artist's Book, ID: 0592)
  135. Richard H. F. Lindemann (Book Title: Threatened and Endangered, ID: 2376)
  136. Liz Linden (Book Title: 2011 Workspace Artists in Residence, ID: 2560)
  137. Bruce Lineker (Book Title: In Out Siders from the American South, ID: 0989)
  138. Ruth Lingen (Book Title: Made in the Midwest, ID: 0576)
  139. Ruth Lingen (Book Title: Prints & Books, ID: 1633)
  140. Ruth Lingen (Book Title: Remembering Walter Hamady, ID: 3559)
  141. Eva Linhart (Book Title: richtige Buch, ID: 2379)
  142. Maria Linsmann (Book Title: George Baselitz Künstlerbücher, ID: 2407)
  143. Lucy R. Lippard (Book Title: 557,087 / 955,000, ID: 2360)
  144. Lucy R. Lippard (Book Title: Artist's Book Goes Public, ID: 0620)
  145. Lucy R. Lippard (Book Title: Elements, ID: 1200)
  146. Lucy R. Lippard (Book Title: From Conceptualism to Feminism, ID: 2556)
  147. Lucy R. Lippard (Book Title: Going Over the Books, ID: 0783)
  148. Lucy R. Lippard (Book Title: Materializing Six Years, ID: 2383)
  149. Lucy R. Lippard (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0582)
  150. Lucy R. Lippard (Book Title: Six Years: The dematerialization of the art object, ID: 1664)
  151. Giovanni Lista (Book Title: Livre Futuriste, ID: 0642)
  152. Sherri Littlefield (Book Title: Americans Looking In, ID: 3891)
  153. Robert R. Littman (Book Title: Book Stripped Bare, ID: 0672)
  154. Anne Livet (Book Title: Record as Artwork, ID: 2620)
  155. Gary Lloyd (Book Title: Talk with Ed Ruscha, ID: 0648)
  156. Mechthild Lobisch (Book Title: Art Conceptuel du Livre, ID: 3759)
  157. Hans Locher (Book Title: Publications by and works by Edition Hansjörg Mayer, ID: 2705)
  158. Hans Locher (Book Title: Tom Phillips, ID: 0120)
  159. Margaret Lock (Book Title: Ink paper lead, board leather thread, ID: 1114)
  160. Inverna Lockpez (Book Title: 21 for 25, ID: 1048)
  161. Carl Loeffler (Book Title: Distribution: The New Heroics, ID: 0645)
  162. Florence Loewy (Book Title: 1st Artist Book International, ID: 0002)
  163. Florence Loewy (Book Title: Fiction? Non-Fiction?, ID: 0543)
  164. Reva and David Logan (Book Title: Artists' Books in the Modern Era 1870-2000, ID: 0997)
  165. Joel Levy Logiudice (Book Title: Book Arts - Contemporary Interpretations, ID: 0596)
  166. Joel Levy Logiudice (Book Title: Book Arts: Contemporary Interpretations, ID: 1041)
  167. Kenneth A. Lohf (Book Title: Contemporary American Bookbinding, ID: 2492)
  168. Helmut Löhr (Book Title: Dialogue - Alchemy of the Word, ID: 0257)
  169. Helmut Löhr (Book Title: International Library, ID: 0756)
  170. Helmut Löhr (Book Title: Kommunikation Visuell:, ID: 2434)
  171. David Lomas (Book Title: Art Word and Image, ID: 2089)
  172. Cathy Lomax (Book Title: Arty: Books, ID: 1387)
  173. Celine Lombardi (Book Title: 2012 Van Lier Scholars for Advanced Study in Book Arts, ID: 2456)
  174. Celine Lombardi (Book Title: Center for Book Arts. Book Forms, ID: 3343)
  175. Mary-Kay Lombino (Book Title: Off the Shelf, ID: 1689)
  176. Mathieu Lommen (Book Title: Architecture of the Book, ID: 2860)
  177. Mathieu Lommen (Book Title: Book of Books, ID: 2367)
  178. Mathieu Lommen (Book Title: Irma Boom: Biography in Books, ID: 2073)
  179. Barbara J. London (Book Title: Bookworks Checklist, ID: 0943)
  180. Barbara J. London (Book Title: News of the Print World: People & Places, ID: 0525)
  181. Alan Loney (Book Title: Adventures & Art, ID: 2341)
  182. Alan Loney (Book Title: Verso 1, ID: 3036)
  183. Alan Loney (Book Title: Verso 2, ID: 3037)
  184. Alan Loney (Book Title: Verso 3, ID: 3038)
  185. Alan Loney (Book Title: Verso 4, ID: 3039)
  186. Alan Loney (Book Title: Verso 5, ID: 3040)
  187. Elizabeth Long (Book Title: JAB 23, ID: 1832)
  188. Elizabeth Long (Book Title: JAB 24, ID: 1979)
  189. Mary Ellen Long (Book Title: Book Unbound, ID: 0052)
  190. Richard Long (Book Title: Books, Prints, Printed Matter, ID: 0990)
  191. Richard Long (Book Title: D'une Oeuvre L'autre, ID: 1090)
  192. Richard Long (Book Title: Four Works - Ivorypress. Volume One 1998-2005, ID: 1320)
  193. Richard Long (Book Title: Johan Deumens - Sundry Catalogues, ID: 2044)
  194. Richard Long (Book Title: Prospectus: Walking and Sleeping, ID: 2685)
  195. Elsa Longhauser (Book Title: Guest Informant, ID: 2621)
  196. Fernando Lopes (Book Title: Nexus Press, ID: 1796)
  197. Barry Holstun Lopez (Book Title: Why I Love Books, ID: 1091)
  198. Omar Lopez-Chahoud (Book Title: Artist as Publisher, ID: 1920)
  199. Frederico García Lorca (Book Title: Things That Dream, ID: 2785)
  200. Joan Lord (Book Title: With Love, ID: 1967)
  201. Susan Lorence (Book Title: Technique and Collaboration in the Prints of Jasper Johns, ID: 2595)
  202. Susan Lorence (Book Title: Technique and Collaboration in the Prints of Jasper Johns, ID: 2595)
  203. Albert Lorenz (Book Title: Creating with Abandon, ID: 1993)
  204. Angela Lorenz (Book Title: Artist's Books - For Lack of a Better Name, ID: 2307)
  205. Angela Lorenz (Book Title: Bound to Make Books, ID: 0114)
  206. John Loring (Book Title: Book by its Cover, ID: 0810)
  207. Elizabeth Lortic (Book Title: Playful Look Look Look... Book!, ID: 3192)
  208. Elizabeth Lortic (Book Title: Quand les artistes créent pour les enfants, ID: 2765)
  209. Andrew Losowsky (Book Title: Turning Pages, ID: 2380)
  210. Theo Lotz (Book Title: Type Bound, ID: 2038)
  211. Guy Loudmer (Book Title: Bibliotheque Contemporaine, ID: 1072)
  212. Ann Lovett (Book Title: In Retrospect, ID: 2178)
  213. Ernesto S. Lowenstien (Book Title: Ediciones Dos Amigos, ID: 1762)
  214. Glenn D. Lowry (Book Title: Printed Picture, ID: 3319)
  215. Glenn D. Lowry (Book Title: Russian Avant-Garde Book 1910-1934, ID: 1019)
  216. Jingren Lu (Book Title: Book Design, ID: 2397)
  217. Brock Lueck (Book Title: Biblio Vertigo, ID: 0082)
  218. Carol Lufty (Book Title: Book: Art in Book Form, ID: 0407)
  219. Philippe Luiggi (Book Title: Selection for the 4th Artistbook International, ID: 1182)
  220. Jason Lujan (Book Title: Zines + and the World of ABC No Rio, ID: 2887)
  221. Jenni Lukac (Book Title: Artists' Books, ID: 0803)
  222. Victor Lukin (Book Title: Artist Book Museum [MUZEI "KNIGA KHUDOZHNIKA"], ID: 2170)
  223. Rebecca Lumuto (Book Title: Homage á Leslie Nielsen, ID: 2258)
  224. Ellen Lupton (Book Title: Indie Publishing, ID: 2075)
  225. Angela Wolf Lusici (Book Title: Lusici, ID: 2764)
  226. Erica Lüttich (Book Title: 22 Challenges. The Artists' Book Club, ID: 3915)
  227. Mary Lydon (Book Title: Book Artist, ID: 3131)
  228. Emily Lyons (Book Title: Novel Abstractions, ID: 2297)
  229. Joan Lyons (Book Title: Artists' Books, ID: 2020)
  230. Joan Lyons (Book Title: Artists' Books: A Critical Anthology and Sourcebook, ID: 0453)
  231. Joan Lyons (Book Title: Artists' Books: A Critical Anthology and Sourcebook, ID: 0022)
  232. Joan Lyons (Book Title: Digital Book Design and Publishing, ID: 0949)
  233. Joan Lyons (Book Title: Extended Page, ID: 0734)
  234. Joan Lyons (Book Title: Why Artists' Books?, ID: 0122)
  235. Peter Lyssiotis (Book Title: Artist's Books, ID: 2171)
  236. Peter Lyssiotis (Book Title: Peter Lyssiotis: Outside of a Dog, ID: 1964)
  237. Peter Lyssiotis (Book Title: Peter Lyssiotis: 'Outside of a Dog. . .', ID: 2345)
  238. Peter Lyssiotis (Book Title: Silent Scream, ID: 2169)

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