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Authors starting with 'T'

  1. Sundaram Tagore (Book Title: Art of Susan Weil, ID: 1759)
  2. Mina Takahashi (Book Title: Essential Material, ID: 1040)
  3. Mina Takahashi (Book Title: Hand Papermaking, ID: 2026)
  4. Susan Tallman (Book Title: Counting Pretty Ponies, ID: 0333)
  5. E. Giulio P. Tambellini (Book Title: Navigating the Bookscape, ID: 0001)
  6. John L. Tancock (Book Title: Multiples, ID: 1440)
  7. Mosa Tanksley (Book Title: Homage á Leslie Nielsen, ID: 2258)
  8. Barbara Tannenbaum (Book Title: Michigan Artists' Books, ID: 0241)
  9. G. Thomas Tanselle (Book Title: Reliure Française Contemporaine, ID: 0864)
  10. John J. Taormina (Book Title: Art of the Contemporary Book: New Works, ID: 0145)
  11. Suzy Taraba (Book Title: Counting on Chance, ID: 2097)
  12. Suzy Taraba (Book Title: Now what should we do with them?: Artists' Books in the Curriculum, ID: 3822)
  13. Stephen Tarantal (Book Title: Art to be Read, ID: 2010)
  14. Ann Tarantino (Book Title: Summer Reading, ID: 3859)
  15. Ulrich Tarlatt (Book Title: Künstlerbuch, ID: 1720)
  16. Helena Tatay (Book Title: Hans-Peter Feldmann, ID: 2837)
  17. Helena Tatay (Book Title: Hans-Peter Feldmann, ID: 2837)
  18. Robert Tauber (Book Title: Art of the Book and the Book Arts Press, ID: 0101)
  19. Brandon Taylor (Book Title: David Ferry, ID: 1873)
  20. Brandon Taylor (Book Title: Montage 2007 - 2010, ID: 2382)
  21. Brian Taylor (Book Title: Room Full of Ideas, ID: 3091)
  22. Chris Taylor (Book Title: 5th Contemporary Artists Book Fair, ID: 1388)
  23. Chris Taylor (Book Title: 6th Contemporary Artists Book Fair, ID: 1631)
  24. Chris Taylor (Book Title: 7th Contemporary Artists Book Fair, ID: 1395)
  25. James Taylor (Book Title: Wayzgoose One, ID: 3159)
  26. John Russell Taylor (Book Title: Art Nouveau Book in Britain, ID: 3914)
  27. Michael Taylor (Book Title: Books for Whose Sake?, ID: 3730)
  28. Michael Taylor (Book Title: Michael Taylor Rare Books, ID: 3804)
  29. Michael Taylor (Book Title: UK Fine Press Book Fair 1999, ID: 3259)
  30. Phil Taylor (Book Title: Various Small Books, ID: 2514)
  31. Sandra Menefee Taylor (Book Title: Volumes, ID: 1433)
  32. Tom Taylor (Book Title: Rare Books and Manuscripts, ID: 3584)
  33. Tom Taylor (Book Title: Selection of Fine Books & Manuscripts, ID: 3583)
  34. Victor Zamudio Taylor (Book Title: Latin American Book Arts, ID: 0801)
  35. W. Thomas Taylor (Book Title: Books Printed, Published, Distributed, ID: 2790)
  36. W. Thomas Taylor (Book Title: Bookways , ID: 0305)
  37. W. Thomas Taylor (Book Title: Letterpress, ID: 3624)
  38. Tjeu Teeuwen (Book Title: Travaux Publics, ID: 2437)
  39. Antoine Terrasse (Book Title: Pierre Bonnard - Illustrator, ID: 3276)
  40. Antoine Terrasse (Book Title: Pierre Bonnard Illustrator, ID: 1064)
  41. Barbara Tetenbaum (Book Title: Animated Type, ID: 3399)
  42. Barbara Tetenbaum (Book Title: Artist's Book Ideation Cards, ID: 2504)
  43. Barbara Tetenbaum (Book Title: Four Proposals for Reading, ID: 2857)
  44. Barbara Tetenbaum (Book Title: Four Proposals for Reading, ID: 2857)
  45. Barbara Tetenbaum (Book Title: Half-Life, ID: 1828)
  46. Barbara Tetenbaum (Book Title: Made in the Midwest, ID: 0576)
  47. Barbara Tetenbaum (Book Title: Rare Beauty, ID: 2553)
  48. William Makepeace Thackeray (Book Title: Illustrations of William Makepeace Thackery, ID: 3243)
  49. Amanda Thackray (Book Title: 2013 Scholars for Advanced Study in Book Arts, ID: 2657)
  50. Amanda Thackray (Book Title: Central Booking Magazine, ID: 2668)
  51. The New Bookbinder (Book Title: New Bookbinder, ID: 0307)
  52. Pierre Théberge (Book Title: Art Metropole, ID: 1915)
  53. Maria Kjaer Themsen (Book Title: Danish Artists' Books, ID: 2698)
  54. Beth Thielen (Book Title: Talking Books With Four Southern California Book Artists: Sue Ann Robinson, Terry Braunstein, Beth Theilen and Harry Reese., ID: 0794)
  55. Daniel Thierstein (Book Title: Künstlerbucher, ID: 1287)
  56. Alan G. Thomas (Book Title: Fine Books, ID: 3926)
  57. Donna Thomas (Book Title: 1000 Artists' Books, ID: 2331)
  58. Jeff Thomas (Book Title: Reclamation, ID: 3874)
  59. Larry Thomas (Book Title: Con Text, ID: 2834)
  60. Larry Thomas (Book Title: In Book Form - En Forma de Libro, ID: 0597)
  61. Peter Thomas (Book Title: 1000 Artists' Books, ID: 2331)
  62. Peter Thomas (Book Title: Dressing the Text: The Fine Press Artists' Book, ID: 0147)
  63. Peter Thomas (Book Title: Fine Letterpress Printing on Handmade Paper, ID: 0566)
  64. Peter Thomas (Book Title: Future of the Book as Art, ID: 1318)
  65. Peter Thomas (Book Title: Gospel of the Book According to Peter, ID: 1317)
  66. Peter Thomas (Book Title: Manifesto of a Book Artist, ID: 1316)
  67. Peter Thomas (Book Title: Reflections by Peter Thomas, ID: 1319)
  68. Peter Thomas (Book Title: Reflections on Making Paper, ID: 0322)
  69. Peter and Donna Thomas (Book Title: Bibliography 1974-2020, ID: 3868)
  70. Peter and Donna Thomas (Book Title: More Making Books by Hand, ID: 1330)
  71. Peter and Donna Thomas (Book Title: Paper Bound, ID: 0497)
  72. Peter and Donna Thomas (Book Title: The Work of 40 Years, ID: 3380)
  73. Peter and Donna Thomas (Book Title: Wandering Book Artists' Gypsy Wagon, ID: 2477)
  74. Sarah E. Thomas (Book Title: Bound for Success, ID: 2058)
  75. Susan E. Thomas (Book Title: Value and Validity of Art Zines as an Art Form, ID: 3652)
  76. Carole Thompson (Book Title: From Manet to Motherwell, ID: 5087)
  77. Carole Thompson (Book Title: William Eggleston: Seen and Unseen, ID: 0446)
  78. Jason Thompson (Book Title: Playing with Books, ID: 2157)
  79. Michael Thompson (Book Title: 2014 Whitney Biennial, ID: 2926)
  80. Michael Thompson (Book Title: Fellowship of American Bibliophilic Societies, ID: 3072)
  81. Peggy Thompson (Book Title: Nine-Ton Cat, ID: 1672)
  82. Susan Otis Thompson (Book Title: Kelmscott Centennial: Leonard Baskin, Claire Van Vliet and Victor Hammer. , ID: 0882)
  83. Rúna Thorkelsdóttir (Book Title: Boekie Woekie, ID: 2777)
  84. Rúna Thorkelsdóttir (Book Title: Boekie Woekie, ID: 2754)
  85. Charlotte Thorp (Book Title: Textiles/Fibres/Threads: The Book Show, ID: 0061)
  86. Connie Thorpe (Book Title: Ampersand, ID: 1624)
  87. Connie Thorpe (Book Title: Ampersand, ID: 1622)
  88. Connie Thorpe (Book Title: Ampersand, ID: 1625)
  89. Connie Thorpe (Book Title: Ampersand, ID: 1620)
  90. Connie Thorpe (Book Title: Ampersand, ID: 1615)
  91. Connie Thorpe (Book Title: Ampersand, ID: 1623)
  92. Connie Thorpe (Book Title: Ampersand, ID: 1626)
  93. Harriet Thorpe (Book Title: Game, Set, Match: Three concepts of the Artist's book, ID: 3795)
  94. Felicitas Thun (Book Title: Dieter Roth. Printed Pressed Bound: Prints and books 1949-1979, ID: 0861)
  95. Christoph Thun-Hohenstein (Book Title: Artists' Books on Tour, ID: 2375)
  96. James Thurber (Book Title: Radio as Art, ID: 3481)
  97. Anne Thurmann-Jajes (Book Title: Artists' Publications. A Genre and its Investigation, ID: 3185)
  98. Anne Thurmann-Jajes (Book Title: Malerbücher - Künstlerbücher, ID: 2413)
  99. Anne Thurmann-Jajes (Book Title: Manual for Artists' Publications (MAP), ID: 2457)
  100. Anne Thurmann-Jajes (Book Title: Research Centre for Artists' Publications, ID: 3480)
  101. John Anthony Thwaites (Book Title: Documenta 6: The Medium was the Message, ID: 0400)
  102. Pataki Tibor (Book Title: Pataki Tibor, ID: 1644)
  103. Marianne Tidcombe (Book Title: Tregaskis Centenary Exhibition, ID: 0266)
  104. Marianne Tidcombe (Book Title: Twenty-Five Gold-Tooled Bookbindings, ID: 0444)
  105. Daniel J. Tierney (Book Title: Eighty from the Eighties., ID: 0138)
  106. Ward Tietz (Book Title: Blurred Library, ID: 3360)
  107. Yulia Tikhonova (Book Title: Brother, Can you Spare a Stack?, ID: 2640)
  108. Jill Timm (Book Title: Artist Book News, ID: 1671)
  109. Jill Timm (Book Title: Book Show News, ID: 1654)
  110. Jill Timm (Book Title: Pop-Up Now, ID: 2126)
  111. Walter Tisdale (Book Title: Made in the Midwest, ID: 0576)
  112. Léonid Tishkov (Book Title: Artist's Book. Russia, The 1970s-1990s, ID: 1493)
  113. Rachel Tobie (Book Title: Word & Image in the Contemporary Artist's Book, ID: 1194)
  114. Vicente Todoli (Book Title: Collaborations: Relations-Confrontations, ID: 1176)
  115. Vicente Todoli (Book Title: John Baldessari: Pure Beauty, ID: 2019)
  116. Jindřich Toman (Book Title: Modern Czech Book 1. Czech Cubism and the Book, ID: 2365)
  117. Jindřich Toman (Book Title: Modern Czech Book 2. Photo/Montaage in Print, ID: 2116)
  118. Calvin Tomkins (Book Title: Art World: Artists' Books, Art Books, and Books on Art, ID: 0619)
  119. G. S. Tomkinson (Book Title: Select Bibliography of the Principal Modern Presses Public and Private in Great Britain and Ireland, ID: 3266)
  120. G. S. Tomkinson (Book Title: Select Bibliography of the Principal Modern Presses Public and Private in Great Britain and Ireland, ID: 3266)
  121. Edith A. Tonelli (Book Title: Foirades/Fizzles:, ID: 3265)
  122. Bruno Tonini (Book Title: 72 Books for Paris, ID: 2923)
  123. Bruno Tonini (Book Title: Books by Ettore Sottsass, ID: 2951)
  124. Paolo Tonini (Book Title: 72 Books for Paris, ID: 2923)
  125. Dominique Tonneau (Book Title: Bibliothèque Imaginée de Collectif Génération., ID: 0728)
  126. Yoshiaki Tono (Book Title: Artists' Books: Japan, ID: 2516)
  127. Nina Torr (Book Title: Lo-Fi street cred, ID: 4042)
  128. Erika Torri (Book Title: Allen Ruppersberg, ID: 2708)
  129. Erika Torri (Book Title: Ed Ruscha, ID: 2183)
  130. Erika Torri (Book Title: Ida Applebroog, ID: 2709)
  131. Erika Torri (Book Title: Imagine That, ID: 1511)
  132. Suzanne J. E. Tourtillott (Book Title: 500 Handmade Books, ID: 1886)
  133. Rafael Tous i Giner (Book Title: Llibres d'Artista / Artist's Books, ID: 0272)
  134. Nancy Tousley (Book Title: Artists' Books, ID: 0469)
  135. Nina Tovish (Book Title: Envisioning the Word, ID: 0584)
  136. Laurence Town (Book Title: Bookbinding by Hand, ID: 3225)
  137. Richard Tran (Book Title: 2017 Workspace Artist-in-Residence, ID: 3391)
  138. Janet Treacy (Book Title: Verbal Text / Non-Verbal Context, ID: 5063)
  139. Tricia Treacy (Book Title: Shift-lab, ID: 2858)
  140. Tricia Treacy (Book Title: Trace, ID: 3001)
  141. Tricia Treacy (Book Title: Trace, ID: 3030)
  142. Dominique G. Tremblay (Book Title: Louise Genest. Maux Muets., ID: 1002)
  143. David Trend (Book Title: At the Margins: Artists' Books in the '80s, ID: 0434)
  144. Teal Triggs (Book Title: Fanzines, ID: 2975)
  145. Teal Triggs (Book Title: Fanzines, ID: 2975)
  146. Meredith Tromble (Book Title: Conversation with Marie Dern, Book Artist, Publisher and Curator and Edwina Leggett, Artists' Books Dealer, ID: 0795)
  147. Roberto G. Trujillo (Book Title: Art of the Book in California, ID: 2144)
  148. Roberto G. Trujillo (Book Title: Experiments in Navigation, ID: 1838)
  149. Roberto G. Trujillo (Book Title: Libros de Artista, ID: 2479)
  150. Roberto G. Trujillo (Book Title: Materialia Lumina, ID: 3854)
  151. Roberto G. Trujillo (Book Title: Peter Koch Printer: A Forty-Year Retrospective, ID: 3048)
  152. Roberto G. Trujillo (Book Title: Peter Koch, Printer: A Forty-Five Year Retrospective Exhibition, ID: 3504)
  153. Roberto G. Trujillo (Book Title: Things That Dream, ID: 2785)
  154. Tom Trusky (Book Title: Art Books of James Castle, ID: 0524)
  155. Tom Trusky (Book Title: Artist's & Eccentric Books on Aids, ID: 1042)
  156. Tom Trusky (Book Title: Booker's Dozen, ID: 0227)
  157. Tom Trusky (Book Title: Booker's Dozen 2002, ID: 1049)
  158. Tom Trusky (Book Title: Missing Pages: Idaho & The Book, ID: 1056)
  159. Tom Trusky (Book Title: Pop-up Books for Adults & Other Children, ID: 0741)
  160. Tom Trusky (Book Title: Triple A: Artist, Artifact, Audience, ID: 1037)
  161. Alan Tucker (Book Title: Moschatel Press, ID: 2293)
  162. Linda & Harvey Tucker (Book Title: Black Sun Books, ID: 3665)
  163. Linda & Harvey Tucker (Book Title: Illustrated Books, ID: 3620)
  164. Andrew W. Tuer (Book Title: History of the Horn Book, ID: 3851)
  165. Decherd Turner (Book Title: Designer Bookbinders 1982, ID: 4013)
  166. Elisa Turner (Book Title: Finding 'Meaning' in Artists' Books at The Frost Art Museum, ID: 3538)
  167. Elisa Turner (Book Title: Living With Art: Ruth and Marvin Sackner, ID: 0408)
  168. Evan H. Turner (Book Title: Multiples, ID: 1440)
  169. Silvie Turner (Book Title: Book of Fine Paper, ID: 3852)
  170. Silvie Turner (Book Title: British Artists' Books 1970-1983, ID: 0149)
  171. Silvie Turner (Book Title: British Artist's Books. 1970-1983., ID: 1546)
  172. Silvie Turner (Book Title: Facing the Page, ID: 0057)
  173. Neal Turtell (Book Title: Artists' Books and the National Gallery: An Interview with Executive Librarian Neal Turtell., ID: 0254)
  174. Richard Tuttle (Book Title: Books & Prints, ID: 0248)
  175. Richard Tuttle (Book Title: Checklist for North/South Axis, ID: 1629)
  176. Richard Tuttle (Book Title: Field of Stars, ID: 1164)
  177. Richard Tuttle (Book Title: Numbers of Happiness: Richard Tuttle's Books, ID: 0463)
  178. Richard Tuttle (Book Title: Prospectus: Not The Point, ID: 2688)
  179. Richard Tuttle (Book Title: Richard Tuttle, In Parts, 1998-2001, ID: 1174)
  180. Mark Twain (Book Title: Prospectus: Extracts from The Diaries of Adam & Eve, ID: 1198)
  181. Michael Twyman (Book Title: Early Lithographed Books, ID: 3460)
  182. W. R. Tymms (Book Title: Art of Illuminating, ID: 3960)
  183. Ian Tyson (Book Title: British Artists' Books 1970-1983, ID: 0149)
  184. Ian Tyson (Book Title: Contemporary British Artists Books, ID: 0556)
  185. Ian Tyson (Book Title: Facing the Page, ID: 0057)
  186. Janet Tyson (Book Title: Dafatir, ID: 1731)
  187. Janet E. S. Tyson (Book Title: Constructed Fictions, ID: 0814)
  188. Matthew Tyson (Book Title: Painters and Poets in Print, ID: 0591)
  189. Matthew Tyson (Book Title: z. B. #21, ID: 3773)

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