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Authors starting with 'P'

  1. Richard Pace (Book Title: Mindful Page, ID: 0205)
  2. Myrna Packard (Book Title: Shape and Color of Research, ID: 1837)
  3. Alfred Pacquement (Book Title: Fonds Paul Destribats, ID: 2604)
  4. Susanne Padberg (Book Title: Catalogue of Galerie Druck & Buch, ID: 1789)
  5. Susanne Padberg (Book Title: Druck & Buch. Katalog Nr. 7, ID: 0072)
  6. Susanne Padberg (Book Title: Editions / Artists' Books Fair, ID: 2298)
  7. Susanne Padberg (Book Title: Fragen uber Antworten, ID: 2441)
  8. Susanne Padberg (Book Title: Freud on the Couch, ID: 3178)
  9. Susanne Padberg (Book Title: Galerie Druk & Buch, ID: 3134)
  10. Susanne Padberg (Book Title: Im Zauber der Künstlerbücher, ID: 3998)
  11. Susanne Padberg (Book Title: In Progress - Künstlerbücher / Artist's Books, ID: 3754)
  12. Susanne Padberg (Book Title: Paul Heimbach, ID: 2050)
  13. Susanne Padberg (Book Title: Read me. Like a Book. 30 Years of Dobbin Books, ID: 3542)
  14. Susanne Padberg (Book Title: Salvador Menjibar, ID: 2433)
  15. Page Two, Inc (Book Title: Book Arts Directory 1998/1999 Edition, ID: 0653)
  16. Page Two, Inc (Book Title: Book Arts Directory 2000/2001 Edition, ID: 5051)
  17. David Pagel (Book Title: Artist Turns to the Book, ID: 3840)
  18. Janice T. Paine (Book Title: Wisconsin Book Artists: Reading the Fine Print, ID: 0021)
  19. Kottie Paloma (Book Title: Kottie Paloma, ID: 2110)
  20. Paul Panhuysen (Book Title: Kunstwerken in Boevorm, ID: 0724)
  21. Ida Panicelli (Book Title: Di Carta e D'altro. Libri d'artista, ID: 5114)
  22. Anna Pank (Book Title: Book Works Catalogue, ID: 0411)
  23. Anna Pank (Book Title: Book Works Catalogue 2001, ID: 0884)
  24. David Pankow (Book Title: Tempting the Palette, ID: 0636)
  25. Mary Panzer (Book Title: Things as They Are, ID: 1561)
  26. Giulio Paolini (Book Title: Arte Povera 1966-1980, ID: 1937)
  27. Andreas C. Papadakis (Book Title: Books Do Furnish a Room, ID: 0853)
  28. Henri Paricaud (Book Title: Contemporary American Bookbinding, ID: 2492)
  29. Henri Paricaud (Book Title: Reliure Française Contemporaine, ID: 0864)
  30. Young-Yul Park (Book Title: 2008 Seoul International Book Arts Fair, ID: 1963)
  31. Sara Parkel (Book Title: 2012 Van Lier Scholars for Advanced Study in Book Arts, ID: 2456)
  32. Graham Parker (Book Title: Skipping the Page, ID: 1921)
  33. Philip Parker (Book Title: Remarkable Books, ID: 3058)
  34. Harry S. Parker III (Book Title: Manuel Neri, ID: 1695)
  35. Charles Parkhurst (Book Title: Frasconi Against the Grain, ID: 2017)
  36. Catherine Parnell (Book Title: Poet & the Artist's Book, ID: 1009)
  37. Martin Parr (Book Title: 136 Points of Reference, ID: 1345)
  38. Martin Parr (Book Title: Photobook: A History, ID: 1608)
  39. Martin Parr (Book Title: Photobook: A History, ID: 1333)
  40. Luis Angel Parra (Book Title: El Libro de Artista en el Taller Arte dos Gráfico, ID: 2762)
  41. Gray Parrot (Book Title: Bromer Booksellers, ID: 0440)
  42. Gill Partington (Book Title: Inscription, ID: 4045)
  43. Gill Partington (Book Title: Inscription, ID: 4043)
  44. Gill Partington (Book Title: Inscription, ID: 4044)
  45. Gill Partington (Book Title: Inscription, ID: 4046)
  46. Zahra Partovi (Book Title: Coptic and Collage, ID: 2031)
  47. Zahra Partovi (Book Title: Poetry of Jalaluddin Mohammad Rumi, ID: 3737)
  48. Zahra Partovi (Book Title: Poetry of Jalaluddin Mohammad Rumi, ID: 4083)
  49. Laura A. Partridge (Book Title: Far from Silenced", ID: 2269)
  50. John Pas (Book Title: Denmark, ID: 3846)
  51. Pino Pascali (Book Title: Arte Povera 1966-1980, ID: 1937)
  52. Gabor Pataki (Book Title: Mosem kezeimet, ID: 3388)
  53. Tom Patchett (Book Title: Catalogues of Steven Leiber, ID: 2755)
  54. Mark Paterson (Book Title: Out of Sight, Beyond Touch, ID: 3887)
  55. Ronald D. Patkus (Book Title: Shirley Jones and the Red Hen Press, ID: 2643)
  56. David Paton (Book Title: Faces, Spaces and Tenuous Places, ID: 4038)
  57. David Paton (Book Title: Small Editions, ID: 3976)
  58. David Murray Paton (Book Title: A Great Idea at the Time': Cataloguing South Africa's Artist's Book Production, ID: 3568)
  59. David Murray Paton (Book Title: Artists' Books in the Ginsberg Collection, ID: 0273)
  60. David Murray Paton (Book Title: Artists' Books in the Ginsberg Collection, ID: 3725)
  61. David Murray Paton (Book Title: Beyond Words, ID: 3974)
  62. David Murray Paton (Book Title: Body, light, interaction, sound, ID: 3572)
  63. David Murray Paton (Book Title: Bookness of a Book: Cataloging Affect in South African Artists' Books, ID: 3575)
  64. David Murray Paton (Book Title: Booknesses, ID: 2966)
  65. David Murray Paton (Book Title: Booknesses: Framing Book ArtsTheorisation, Curation, Documentation and Practice within a South African Context, ID: 3645)
  66. David Murray Paton (Book Title: Documents Taken From:, ID: 1995)
  67. David Murray Paton (Book Title: imagistic text in Jonathan Safran Foer:, ID: 3573)
  68. David Murray Paton (Book Title: Lo-Fi street cred, ID: 4042)
  69. David Murray Paton (Book Title: Mail Art/ists Books, ID: 3975)
  70. David Murray Paton (Book Title: Matisse and the Book Arts, ID: 3570)
  71. David Murray Paton (Book Title: Mind and Matter, ID: 3569)
  72. David Murray Paton (Book Title: Navigating the Bookscape, ID: 0001)
  73. David Murray Paton (Book Title: Research, ID: 3103)
  74. David Murray Paton (Book Title: Shortcoming of this project is. . . ", ID: 3155)
  75. David Murray Paton (Book Title: Sound of a Book:, ID: 3571)
  76. David Murray Paton (Book Title: South African Artists' Books and Book-Objects Since 1960, ID: 0888)
  77. David Murray Paton (Book Title: Stimulus/response - scratching away at some intrinsic and extrinsic problems in theorising the artist's book from the far end of a 'not-so-dark continent', ID: 3567)
  78. David Murray Paton (Book Title: TEXTures, ID: 2684)
  79. David Murray Paton (Book Title: Towards a theoretical underpinning of the book arts: Applying Bakhtin's dialogism and heteroglossia to selected examples of the artist's book, ID: 3574)
  80. David Murray Paton (Book Title: Towards an Analytical Description of South African Artists' Books, ID: 3801)
  81. David Murray Paton (Book Title: Tribute to biggest collection of artists' books in the southern hemisphere, ID: 3588)
  82. Sunita Patterson (Book Title: Fibre Arts, ID: 1327)
  83. Silke Paull (Book Title: Kunstzeitschriften Der Welt, ID: 2387)
  84. Monique Pauzat (Book Title: Books by Russian and Soviet Artists 1910-1993, ID: 1281)
  85. Monique Pauzat (Book Title: Collection Pays-Paysage: livres d'artistes contemporains., ID: 0722)
  86. Monique Pauzat (Book Title: Livres D'Artistes Russes et Sovietiques 1910-1993, ID: 1081)
  87. Monique Pauzat (Book Title: Livres d'enfances, ID: 0536)
  88. Pays-Paysage (Book Title: Books by Russian and Soviet Artists 1910-1993, ID: 1281)
  89. Pays-Paysage (Book Title: Livres D'Artistes Russes et Sovietiques 1910-1993, ID: 1081)
  90. Jan Peacock (Book Title: I'm Thinking of a Number, ID: 2855)
  91. David Pearson (Book Title: Books as History, ID: 3863)
  92. Lisa Pearson (Book Title: It Is Almost That, ID: 4066)
  93. Cynthia Peck-Kubaczek (Book Title: Read me. Like a Book. 30 Years of Dobbin Books, ID: 3542)
  94. Alain Pecquet (Book Title: Alphabet est une Caille Rôtie, ID: 1356)
  95. Michael Peich (Book Title: First Ten: A Penmaen Bibliography, ID: 3161)
  96. Michael Peich (Book Title: First Ten: A Penmaen Bibliography, ID: 3161)
  97. Michael Peich (Book Title: First Ten: A Penmaen Bibliography, ID: 3161)
  98. Tanya Peixoto (Book Title: Artist's Book Yearbook 1994-1995, ID: 4017)
  99. Tanya Peixoto (Book Title: Artist's Book Yearbook 1996-1997, ID: 4018)
  100. Tanya Peixoto (Book Title: Artist's Book Yearbook 1998-1999, ID: 4019)
  101. Tanya Peixoto (Book Title: Artist's Book Yearbook 2001-2002, ID: 4020)
  102. Tanya Peixoto (Book Title: Artist's Book Yearbook 2003-2005, ID: 4021)
  103. Tanya Peixoto (Book Title: Artist's Book Yearbook 2010-2011, ID: 4024)
  104. Tanya Peixoto (Book Title: Artist's Book Yearbook 2012-2013, ID: 4025)
  105. Tanya Peixoto (Book Title: Artist's Book Yearbook 2014-2015, ID: 4026)
  106. Tanya Peixoto (Book Title: Artist's Book Yearbook 2016-2017, ID: 4027)
  107. Tanya Peixoto (Book Title: Artist's Book Yearbook 2018-2019, ID: 4028)
  108. Tanya Peixoto (Book Title: Artist's Book Yearbook 2020-2021, ID: 4029)
  109. Elisa Pellicani (Book Title: Libros Unicos, Libros Multiplicados, ID: 1955)
  110. Cheryl Penn (Book Title: Bittersweet Parting, ID: 3647)
  111. Cheryl Penn (Book Title: Book Arts Newsletter No. 092, ID: 3418)
  112. Cheryl Penn (Book Title: Encyclopedia of Everything - and Other Matters, ID: 3653)
  113. Cheryl Penn (Book Title: Encyclopedia of Everything - Exhibition Catalogue, ID: 3654)
  114. Cheryl Penn (Book Title: Encyclopedia of Everything - The Expanded Version (Part One), ID: 3655)
  115. Cheryl Penn (Book Title: Encyclopedia of Everything - The Expanded Version (Part Two and Three), ID: 3656)
  116. Cheryl Penn (Book Title: Experiencing Artist's Books, ID: 2675)
  117. Cheryl Penn (Book Title: Letters to Spring, ID: 3658)
  118. Cheryl Penn (Book Title: Mail Art Makes the World a Town, ID: 3657)
  119. Giuseppe Penone (Book Title: Arte Povera 1966-1980, ID: 1937)
  120. Bruce W. Pepich (Book Title: JoAnna Poehlmann 1964-1994, ID: 2001)
  121. Bruce W. Pepich (Book Title: Made in the Midwest, ID: 0576)
  122. Brigid Peppin (Book Title: Fantasy. Book Illustration 1860 - 1920, ID: 3452)
  123. Geoffrey Perkins (Book Title: Gentle Art of Lucien Pissaro , ID: 3164)
  124. Geoffrey Perkins (Book Title: Gentle Art of Lucien Pissaro , ID: 3164)
  125. Geoffrey Perkins (Book Title: Gentle Art of Lucien Pissaro , ID: 3164)
  126. Stephen Perkins (Book Title: Alternative Art Publishing: Artists' Books (1960-1980), ID: 1439)
  127. Stephen Perkins (Book Title: Art of the Fold, ID: 2103)
  128. Stephen Perkins (Book Title: Art of the Fold, ID: 3939)
  129. Stephen Perkins (Book Title: Territories of Artists' Priodicals, ID: 3944)
  130. Jed Perl (Book Title: Booked, ID: 0606)
  131. Géza Perneczky (Book Title: Magazine Network, ID: 0537)
  132. Peter Pero (Book Title: Anarchy in Kassel: Notes on the Sixth Documenta Exhibition, ID: 0825)
  133. Patrick Perratt (Book Title: Artists' Books, ID: 1601)
  134. Rob Perrée (Book Title: Cover to Cover, ID: 1135)
  135. Lynne Perrella (Book Title: Artists' Journals & Sketchbooks, ID: 1349)
  136. Chris Perry (Book Title: Ripples Current(ly), ID: 3092)
  137. Hasse Persson (Book Title: Open Book, ID: 1416)
  138. Nicolas Pesquès (Book Title: Recensions pour François Righi, ID: 3884)
  139. Cindy Pestka (Book Title: Altered Books 101, ID: 1352)
  140. Maria Peters (Book Title: Radio as Art, ID: 3481)
  141. Susan Dodge Peters (Book Title: Do You Read Me?, ID: 0435)
  142. Christian A. Peterson (Book Title: Light Bound: Photographers Regard the Book, ID: 1393)
  143. William S. Peterson (Book Title: Well-Made Book, ID: 2319)
  144. Yevgenia Petrova (Book Title: Kharmsizdat Presents. . ., ID: 1490)
  145. Raymond Pettibon (Book Title: Zine Masters of the Universe, ID: 2893)
  146. Ruthie Petty (Book Title: Small Sanctuaries, ID: 0563)
  147. Yves Peyré (Book Title: Art Deco Bookbindings, ID: 1568)
  148. Yves Peyré (Book Title: French Book Art / Livres d'Artistes, ID: 1596)
  149. Werner Pfeiffer (Book Title: Book-Objects & Artist Books, ID: 2127)
  150. Werner Pfeiffer (Book Title: Bookobjects. Words lost - Sounds found (Buchobjekte Verlorene Worte - Gefundener Klang), ID: 1052)
  151. Werner Pfeiffer (Book Title: Endangered Species, ID: 5110)
  152. Werner Pfeiffer (Book Title: Werner Pfeiffer (censor, villain, provocateur, experimenter):, ID: 3044)
  153. Dietmar Pfister (Book Title: Buchobjekte, ID: 2711)
  154. Dietmar Pfister (Book Title: Feyne Liberey, ID: 2871)
  155. Inigo Philbrick (Book Title: Gilbert & George Art Titles, ID: 2952)
  156. Catherine Phillips (Book Title: Paper Theatre III. Bookcamera or The Book and The Elements., ID: 1482)
  157. Deborah C. Phillips (Book Title: Definitely Not Suitable for Framing, ID: 0403)
  158. Deborah C. Phillips (Book Title: New Faces in Alternative Space, ID: 0404)
  159. Elizabeth Phillips (Book Title: American Livre de Peintre, ID: 0051)
  160. Elizabeth Phillips (Book Title: Elizabeth Phillips, ID: 1218)
  161. Elizabeth Phillips (Book Title: Elizabeth Phillips, ID: 2818)
  162. Glenn Phillips (Book Title: Artists and Their Books, ID: 3201)
  163. Patricia C. Phillips (Book Title: Hand, Voice, & Vision, ID: 2234)
  164. Rodney Phillips (Book Title: Broken Rules and Double Crosses, ID: 0246)
  165. Tom Phillips (Book Title: Aspects of British Book Arts Today, ID: 0750)
  166. Tom Phillips (Book Title: Bookworks by Tom Phillips, ID: 0065)
  167. Tom Phillips (Book Title: Dante's Inferno, ID: 2591)
  168. Tom Phillips (Book Title: Dante's Inferno, ID: 3602)
  169. Tom Phillips (Book Title: Humument, ID: 2590)
  170. Tom Phillips (Book Title: Interview with Tom Phillips, ID: 0458)
  171. Tom Phillips (Book Title: Tom Phillips, ID: 0120)
  172. Tom Phillips (Book Title: Tom Phillips, ID: 0276)
  173. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: ABC of Artists' Books Collections, ID: 0807)
  174. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Art Magazines and Magazine Art, ID: 0485)
  175. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Artist / Author: Contemporary Artists Books, ID: 0048)
  176. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Books Bookworks Book Objects Artists' Books, ID: 0503)
  177. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Books in Review: Artists' Books, ID: 0393)
  178. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Booktrek, ID: 2804)
  179. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Feedback, ID: 0521)
  180. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Feedback, ID: 0520)
  181. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Feedback, ID: 0334)
  182. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Feedback, ID: 0518)
  183. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Interview with Clive Phillpot, ID: 0447)
  184. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Interview with Clive Phillpot, ID: 3661)
  185. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Outside of a Dog, ID: 2778)
  186. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Outside of a Dog, ID: 1295)
  187. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Quant aux livres. On Books, ID: 0081)
  188. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Richard Long's Books & the Transmission of Sculptural Images, ID: 0450)
  189. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Second Annual Artists' Book Show, ID: 0904)
  190. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Telfer Stokes & Helen Douglas, ID: 0519)
  191. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Twenty Years of British Art, ID: 0535)
  192. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Twentysix Gasoline Stations That Shook the World, ID: 0514)
  193. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Two Decades of Book Art, ID: 0610)
  194. Clive Phillpot (Book Title: Umbrella: The Anthology 1978-1998., ID: 0010)
  195. Maura Picciau (Book Title: Alighiero e Boetti, ID: 2873)
  196. Maura Picciau (Book Title: Book as a Work of Art, ID: 1658)
  197. Michalis Pichler (Book Title: Books and Ideas after Seth Sieglaub, ID: 3012)
  198. Michalis Pichler (Book Title: Coup de Dés (Collection), ID: 4004)
  199. Michalis Pichler (Book Title: Michalis Pichler, ID: 2960)
  200. Michalis Pichler (Book Title: Six Hands and a cheese sandwich, ID: 2653)
  201. Leon Pichon (Book Title: New Book Illustration in France, ID: 3209)
  202. Leon Pichon (Book Title: New Book Illustration in France, ID: 3209)
  203. Sauro Pigliapoco (Book Title: Maestri Rilegatori per l'Infinito, ID: 3229)
  204. Sauro Pigliapoco (Book Title: Maestri Rilegatori per l'Infinito, ID: 3229)
  205. Philippe Piguet (Book Title: Livres / objets & papiers d'artistes, ID: 0588)
  206. Kirk E. Pillow (Book Title: Read me. Like a Book. 30 Years of Dobbin Books, ID: 3542)
  207. Stan Pinkwas (Book Title: Book Transformed, ID: 0609)
  208. Mikhail Piotrovsky (Book Title: Art of the Handmade Book, ID: 1209)
  209. Maria G. Pisano (Book Title: Book as Witness, ID: 1975)
  210. Lucien Pissarro (Book Title: Book Art of Lucien Pissarro, ID: 1701)
  211. Lucien Pissarro (Book Title: Gentle Art of Lucien Pissaro , ID: 3164)
  212. Lucien Pissarro (Book Title: Gentle Art of Lucien Pissaro , ID: 3164)
  213. Michelangelo Pistoletto (Book Title: Arte Povera 1966-1980, ID: 1937)
  214. Marianne Pitzen (Book Title: Buch-Art, ID: 2423)
  215. Peter Plagens (Book Title: Making Book the Hard Way, ID: 3673)
  216. David Platzker (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0222)
  217. David Platzker (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5036)
  218. Craig Pleasants (Book Title: Bookart, ID: 0761)
  219. Veronique Plesch (Book Title: Illuminating Words, ID: 2035)
  220. J. H. Plumb (Book Title: Early Children's Books and Their Illustration, ID: 3318)
  221. Hans-Jorg Pochmann (Book Title: Works from the Book Arts Department of the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle, ID: 4088)
  222. JoAnna Poehlmann (Book Title: JoAnna Poehlmann 1964-1994, ID: 2001)
  223. Mikhail Pogarsky (Book Title: Artist Book Museum [MUZEI "KNIGA KHUDOZHNIKA"], ID: 2170)
  224. Mikhail Pogarsky (Book Title: Artist's Book, ID: 1518)
  225. Mikhail Pogarsky (Book Title: Book About Artist's Books. Triangular Wheel #3. Almanac., ID: 1521)
  226. Jean-Marc Poinsot (Book Title: Art Conceptuel I, ID: 2974)
  227. Lucile Poiret (Book Title: Playful Look Look Look... Book!, ID: 3192)
  228. Lise Poirier (Book Title: Bookobjects. Words lost - Sounds found (Buchobjekte Verlorene Worte - Gefundener Klang), ID: 1052)
  229. Kathrin Pokorny (Book Title: Artists' Books on Tour, ID: 2375)
  230. Lois Polansky (Book Title: Pages Speak: Artists' Books, ID: 0219)
  231. Diana Pollack (Book Title: Peter Koch, Printer: A Forty-Five Year Retrospective Exhibition, ID: 3504)
  232. Alfred W. Pollard (Book Title: English Book-Illustration of To-Day, ID: 3314)
  233. The Poltroon Press (Book Title: Trance and Recalci-Trance. Twenty Years of Poltroon Press., ID: 1196)
  234. Alena Pomajzlovà (Book Title: Modern Czech Book 3. Seeing the Book/ The Book Design of Josef Capek, ID: 2366)
  235. Jean-Michel Ponty (Book Title: Livres-Objets, Lumièrs du Soleil Noir, ID: 0218)
  236. Maria Porges (Book Title: Buzz Spector, ID: 0146)
  237. Maria Porges (Book Title: Uncommon Thread, ID: 2715)
  238. Bern Porter (Book Title: I've Left, ID: 2921)
  239. Bern Porter (Book Title: I've Left, ID: 2921)
  240. Valentine J. Poska (Book Title: MBS 1990, ID: 2678)
  241. John Potts (Book Title: Unbound / Bound, ID: 2593)
  242. Hervé Poulin (Book Title: Avant-Gardes due Xxe Siecle, ID: 2496)
  243. Heather Powell (Book Title: Bound by Silence, ID: 1858)
  244. Heather Powell (Book Title: Silence Unbound: The Artist's Lexicon in the Making, ID: 2885)
  245. Earl A. Powell III (Book Title: Patricia G. England Collection of Fine Press and Artists' Books, ID: 0574)
  246. Alan Powers (Book Title: Front Cover, ID: 3461)
  247. Maria Pranzo (Book Title: 21 for 25, ID: 1048)
  248. Kiril Prashkov (Book Title: Kiril Prashkov, ID: 3518)
  249. Deirdre Pretorius (Book Title: 22 Challenges. The Artists' Book Club, ID: 3915)
  250. Rainer Pretzell (Book Title: Publisher Rainer Pretzell, ID: 3758)
  251. Richard Price (Book Title: Richard Price: American Prayer, ID: 3270)
  252. Richard Price (Book Title: Richard Price: American Prayer, ID: 3270)
  253. Robin Price (Book Title: Books for the End of the * * *, ID: 3744)
  254. Robin Price (Book Title: Books for the End of the [---], ID: 1211)
  255. Robin Price (Book Title: By Chance, ID: 1509)
  256. Robin Price (Book Title: Counting on Chance, ID: 2097)
  257. Robin Price (Book Title: Illuminated Word, ID: 2233)
  258. Tania Prill (Book Title: Under the Radar, ID: 3053)
  259. Zdenek Primus (Book Title: Much Pop More Art, ID: 1415)
  260. Clare Prince (Book Title: Japanese Papermaking Techniques, ID: 3154)
  261. Richard Prince (Book Title: Ed Ruscha: Road Tested, ID: 2605)
  262. Nancy Princenthal (Book Title: Art on Paper. Nov-Dec, 1998, ID: 0686)
  263. Nancy Princenthal (Book Title: Artist's Book Beat, ID: 3738)
  264. Nancy Princenthal (Book Title: Artist's Book Beat [1,1], ID: 0624)
  265. Nancy Princenthal (Book Title: Artist's Book Beat [1,2], ID: 0625)
  266. Nancy Princenthal (Book Title: Artist's Book Beat [1,4], ID: 0626)
  267. Nancy Princenthal (Book Title: Artist's Book Beat [1,6], ID: 0629)
  268. Nancy Princenthal (Book Title: Artist's Book Beat [2,1], ID: 0627)
  269. Nancy Princenthal (Book Title: Artist's Book Beat [2,2], ID: 0628)
  270. Nancy Princenthal (Book Title: Artist's Book Beat [2,3], ID: 0630)
  271. Nancy Princenthal (Book Title: Artist's Book Beat [2,4], ID: 0631)
  272. Nancy Princenthal (Book Title: Artist's Book Beat [2,6], ID: 0632)
  273. Nancy Princenthal (Book Title: Artist's Book Beat [3,1], ID: 0633)
  274. Nancy Princenthal (Book Title: Artists' Books: A Critical Anthology and Sourcebook, ID: 0453)
  275. Nancy Princenthal (Book Title: Interview with Clive Phillpot, ID: 0447)
  276. Nancy Princenthal (Book Title: Interview with Dick Higgins, ID: 0504)
  277. Nancy Princenthal (Book Title: Interview with Johanna Drucker, ID: 0464)
  278. Nancy Princenthal (Book Title: Interview with Martha Wilson, ID: 0461)
  279. Nancy Princenthal (Book Title: Numbers of Happiness: Richard Tuttle's Books, ID: 0463)
  280. Nancy Princenthal (Book Title: Recent Artists' Books, or How to Invest $100 in Artists' Books Published Since 1980, ID: 0459)
  281. Nancy Princenthal (Book Title: Rosemarie Trockel, ID: 0466)
  282. Martine Pringuet (Book Title: Alphabet est une Caille Rôtie, ID: 1356)
  283. Emilio Prini (Book Title: Arte Povera 1966-1980, ID: 1937)
  284. Print Collector's Newsletter (Book Title: American Livre de Peintre: An Exhibition at the Grolier Club, ID: 0607)
  285. Printed Matter (Book Title: Art Direct, ID: 2848)
  286. Printed Matter (Book Title: Artists' Magazines, ID: 2296)
  287. Printed Matter (Book Title: LA Art Book Fair, ID: 2897)
  288. Printed Matter (Book Title: NY Art Book Fair 2008, ID: 1941)
  289. Printed Matter (Book Title: NY Art Book Fair 2012, ID: 2449)
  290. Printed Matter (Book Title: NY Art Book Fair 2014, ID: 2883)
  291. Printed Matter (Book Title: NY Art Book Fair 2015, ID: 2962)
  292. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalog, ID: 0180)
  293. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5015)
  294. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5010)
  295. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0899)
  296. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0656)
  297. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5023)
  298. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0222)
  299. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 1173)
  300. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 1156)
  301. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5039)
  302. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5005)
  303. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5027)
  304. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5008)
  305. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5006)
  306. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0640)
  307. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5014)
  308. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0582)
  309. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5016)
  310. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5017)
  311. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5018)
  312. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5019)
  313. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5021)
  314. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5022)
  315. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5004)
  316. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0641)
  317. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0638)
  318. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0639)
  319. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0673)
  320. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0657)
  321. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5013)
  322. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 1802)
  323. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0925)
  324. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0924)
  325. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0940)
  326. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0917)
  327. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0923)
  328. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0941)
  329. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0897)
  330. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0898)
  331. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0922)
  332. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5040)
  333. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5030)
  334. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5031)
  335. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5037)
  336. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 1797)
  337. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 1023)
  338. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 3875)
  339. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5034)
  340. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5035)
  341. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5036)
  342. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5025)
  343. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5038)
  344. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5024)
  345. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5041)
  346. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5042)
  347. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 1079)
  348. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 1078)
  349. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0570)
  350. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 0181)
  351. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter Catalogue, ID: 5032)
  352. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter presents the tenth annual NY Art Book Fair, ID: 3333)
  353. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter presents the thirteenth annual NY Art Book Fair, ID: 3337)
  354. Printed Matter (Book Title: Printed Matter's Virtual art Book Fair, ID: 3742)
  355. Francine Prose (Book Title: Illustrated Letters, ID: 1505)
  356. Leslie Puckett (Book Title: Manual Transmission: The Artists Book, ID: 1017)
  357. Carol Pulin (Book Title: Contemporary Impressions, ID: 4100)
  358. Renate Puvogel (Book Title: Peter Wüthrich, ID: 0066)

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