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Authors starting with 'L'

  1. Paul La Farge (Book Title: Moravagine, ID: GB/16745)
  2. Luisa Lagos (Book Title: Memorials of Identity, ID: GB/11124)
  3. Aleksandr Lavrent'ev (Book Title: Aleksandr Rodchenko, ID: GB/1534)
  4. John Lawrence (Book Title: Sketchbook Drawings, ID: GB/3689)
  5. Simon Lawrence (Book Title: Tales from Bleeding Heart Yard, ID: GB/3691)
  6. Brigitte Leal (Book Title: Sonia Delaunay, ID: GB/14576)
  7. Annabel Levitt (Book Title: At the Heart of the World, ID: GB/14603)
  8. Constance Lewallen (Book Title: Allen Ruppersberg Sourcebook, ID: GB/2878)
  9. Ben Lifson (Book Title: Photographs of Lucas Samaras, ID: GB/12311)
  10. Annick Lionel-Marie (Book Title: Brassaï, ID: GB/15959)
  11. Peter Liversidge (Book Title: Surface Mail (or The Limitations of Magic), ID: GB/15183)
  12. G. F. Lorca (Book Title: Ten Poems, ID: GB/3968)
  13. Glenn D. Lowry (Book Title: MoMA Now, ID: GB/16439)

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