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Authors starting with 'C'

  1. David Campany (Book Title: Handfull of Dust, ID: GB/15395)
  2. Gary Carrion-Murayari (Book Title: Pen of All Work, ID: GB/15916)
  3. Lewis Carroll (Book Title: Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There, ID: GB/1059)
  4. Julia Cartwright (Book Title: Three Weddings Attended by Beatrice D'Este, ID: GB/11041)
  5. Anne Cathcart (Book Title: Avocet to Zander, ID: GB/1089)
  6. Anne Cathcart (Book Title: Book of Months, ID: GB/7408)
  7. Anne Cathcart (Book Title: Handful of Hares, ID: GB/12164)
  8. Blaise Cendrars (Book Title: At the Heart of the World, ID: GB/14603)
  9. Blaise Cendrars (Book Title: Dan Yack, ID: GB/16746)
  10. Blaise Cendrars (Book Title: Modernities & Other Writings, ID: GB/14581)
  11. Blaise Cendrars (Book Title: Moravagine, ID: GB/16745)
  12. Blaise Cendrars (Book Title: Selected Writings, ID: GB/14708)
  13. Monique Chefdor (Book Title: Modernities & Other Writings, ID: GB/14581)
  14. Christophe Cherix (Book Title: MoMA Now, ID: GB/16439)
  15. Celine Chicha-Castex (Book Title: Sonia Delaunay, ID: GB/14576)
  16. John Clare (Book Title: Two Poems, ID: GB/1221)
  17. Jack Clemo (Book Title: Clay Cuts, ID: GB/1247)
  18. Nels Cline (Book Title: Dirty Baby, ID: GB/12643)
  19. Wendy Coates-Smith (Book Title: Predatory Bite of the Steel Nib, ID: GB/10194)
  20. Leontine Coelewij (Book Title: Seth Siegelaub. Beyond Conceptual Art, ID: GB/15337)
  21. Mark Coetzee (Book Title: Memorials of Identity, ID: GB/11124)
  22. Arthur A. Cohen (Book Title: New Art of Colour, ID: GB/14580)
  23. Arthur A. Cohen (Book Title: Sonia Delaunay, ID: GB/14572)
  24. Stuart Comer (Book Title: MoMA Now, ID: GB/16439)
  25. Olive Cook (Book Title: Tryphema Pruss - The Ghost of Great Lodge, ID: GB/1342)
  26. Robert Copland (Book Title: History of Helyas Knight of the Swan, ID: GB/1357)
  27. Antoine Coron (Book Title: Trésors de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, ID: GB/14582)
  28. Lisa Graziose Corrin (Book Title: Mark Dion, ID: GB/10840)
  29. Christine Le Quellec Cottier (Book Title: Blaise Cendrars et Sonia Delaunay, ID: GB/15463)
  30. Harry Crook (Book Title: Inky Parrot Press, ID: GB/1481)
  31. Cedric Cullingford (Book Title: Inconstant Visitors, ID: GB/1503)

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