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Authors starting with 'O'

  1. Norman O'Flynn (Book Title: 2006, ID: GB/10786)
  2. Charles Olson (Book Title: Projective Verse (1950), ID: GB/30153)
  3. Walter Oltmann (Book Title: Lockdown Collection, ID: GB/16839)
  4. Alexander Opper (Book Title: Burning Issues, ID: DP/17004)
  5. Roarke O'Roarke (Book Title: Zombie 1, ID: GB/14676)
  6. Juan Orrantia (Book Title: There as heat that smelled of bread and dead fish, ID: GB/16115)
  7. Sean O'Toole (Book Title: At Work, ID: GB/15619)
  8. Sean O'Toole (Book Title: Dust, thirst, loneliness, waiting, fatigue, life, ID: GB/30550)
  9. Sean O'Toole (Book Title: i-Jusi #23, ID: GB/16469)
  10. Sean O'Toole (Book Title: Just Ask!, ID: SA/2467)
  11. Sean O'Toole (Book Title: Magic of Stones, ID: GB/16380)

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