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Authors starting with 'L'

  1. Cathal Lagan (Book Title: At Caversham, ID: GB/30748)
  2. Jean Lampen (Book Title: (Wired People), ID: GB/30468)
  3. Jean Lampen (Book Title: Altered Biology, ID: GB/30467)
  4. Jean Lampen (Book Title: Chain maille, a short history, ID: DP/10061)
  5. Jean Lampen (Book Title: Labels and Fables, ID: GB/30469)
  6. Moshekwa Langa (Book Title: No Title, ID: DP/0084)
  7. Moshekwa Langa (Book Title: No Title, ID: DP/0076)
  8. Fritha Langerman (Book Title: Address / Redress Print Collection '99, ID: GB/16120)
  9. Fritha Langerman (Book Title: Archive, ID: GB/10247)
  10. Fritha Langerman (Book Title: New Way of Having Nothing, ID: GB/30064)
  11. Fritha Langerman (Book Title: On the Surface, ID: GB/14218)
  12. Fritha Langerman (Book Title: White Wagons, ID: GB/16759)
  13. Jill Larsen (Book Title: before I wake, ID: GB/30737)
  14. Meredith Laschinger (Book Title: Our Holiday, ID: DP/0085)
  15. Jennifer Law (Book Title: Sympathetic Magic, ID: GB/05421)
  16. D. H. Lawrence (Book Title: Lest We Forget, ID: GB/11829)
  17. Dale Lawrence (Book Title: Dust, thirst, loneliness, waiting, fatigue, life, ID: GB/30550)
  18. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Book Title: Fire Walker, ID: GB/13014)
  19. Pierre le Riche (Book Title: Sketches for Urns for the Ashes of My Lost Lovers, ID: GB/30552)
  20. Andre le Roux (Book Title: Printexchange '98, ID: GB/16118)
  21. Ina le Roux (Book Title: hippo swallowed a little girl, ID: DP/10080)
  22. Jane Leach (Book Title: Everything and Nothing and Juniper trees and Reacting and Random and Impressive and Everything and Reaction and Life and Bald and Paint and Barter and Plans and Eyes and Φ++Φ WillΦam and Henry, ID: GB/30774)
  23. Moleleki Frank Ledimo (Book Title: Emandulo Re-Creation, ID: GB/00525)
  24. Moleleki Frank Ledimo (Book Title: Print Exchange '95, ID: GB/16119)
  25. Moleleki Frank Ledimo (Book Title: Volatile Alliances, ID: GB/30005)
  26. Marshall Walker Lee (Book Title: Caversham Centre Residency 2008, ID: GB/30756)
  27. Marshall Walker Lee (Book Title: Who Cares What You Think, ID: GB/30715)
  28. Lisa Lefeuvre (Book Title: Citygroup Photography Prize 2004, ID: GB/30519)
  29. Leshoka Legate (Book Title: Remembering the Treason Trial, ID: GB/15071)
  30. Tim Leibbrandt (Book Title: U-Saved-Me, ID: GB/16359)
  31. Mark Lewis (Book Title: City of Cities, ID: GB/31022)
  32. Estelle J. Liebenberg-Barkhuizen (Book Title: Stroebel's Strudel, ID: DP/09036)
  33. Estelle J. Liebenberg-Barkhuizen (Book Title: 'Think With Your Heart', ID: DP/17018)
  34. Kim Lieberman (Book Title:, ID: DP/10037)
  35. Kim Lieberman (Book Title: Human Current, ID: DP/10038)
  36. Kim Lieberman (Book Title: Lockdown Collection, ID: GB/16839)
  37. Kerri Liebovitz (Book Title: Phetoho(?), ID: GB/31702)
  38. Ruth Lingen (Book Title: Receiver, ID: GB/10947)
  39. Eileen Lipkin (Book Title: From Bamako to the Dogon Country, ID: GB/15681)
  40. Willie Little (Book Title: God Given Birthright, ID: GB/30736)
  41. Lynne Lomofsky (Book Title: LE 32: Cancer Ward, ID: GB/03941)
  42. Davide Longari (Book Title: It’s Weird, ID: GB/31707)
  43. Kai Lossgott (Book Title: Help Yourself, ID: DP/17040)
  44. Kai Lossgott (Book Title: Vol 178, No 7, ID: DP/17039)
  45. Colette Lotz (Book Title: Ons `Queen', ID: DP/10050)
  46. Nicolene Louw (Book Title: Zombie 1, ID: GB/14676)
  47. Frank Lunar (Book Title: White Curtains Diary, ID: DP/17089)
  48. Eva-Rose Lundon (Book Title: Move!, ID: GB/31704)
  49. Travis Lyle (Book Title: i-Jusi #24, ID: GB/16470)
  50. Travis Lyle (Book Title: i-Jusi #28, ID: GB/16474)

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