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Authors starting with 'H'

  1. Eugene Hön (Book Title: Dichotomy, ID: DP/17088)
  2. Katleho Habi (Book Title: Phetoho(?), ID: GB/31702)
  3. Matti Hagelberg (Book Title: Bitterkomix #16, ID: GB/01516)
  4. Daniel Halter (Book Title: Take me to your Leader, ID: GB/30799)
  5. Arash Hanaei (Book Title: Only Delhi, ID: GB/11567)
  6. Stacy Hardy (Book Title: Breathers, ID: GB/31679)
  7. Mary Hark (Book Title: Listen, Listen: Adadam Agofomma, ID: GB/15082)
  8. Dean Harrison (Book Title: Re: Initiative, ID: GB/30725)
  9. Rodan Kane Hart (Book Title: At Work, ID: GB/15619)
  10. Sharon Harvey (Book Title: Print Exchange '95, ID: GB/16119)
  11. Phillipa Haskins (Book Title: Golden Years, ID: DP/17071)
  12. Flip Hattingh (Book Title: Angelcount, ID: DP/0060)
  13. Flip Hattingh (Book Title: Ark Print Cakes, ID: GB/02802)
  14. Flip Hattingh (Book Title: As die Gode by ons kom eet, ID: DP/10008)
  15. Flip Hattingh (Book Title: Bully Boy and the Last Sunset, ID: GB/02803)
  16. Flip Hattingh (Book Title: Coping, ID: DP/17022)
  17. Flip Hattingh (Book Title: Female File, ID: GB/09839)
  18. Flip Hattingh (Book Title: Invitation to Supper, ID: GB/09958)
  19. Flip Hattingh (Book Title: Just, ID: GB/09875)
  20. Flip Hattingh (Book Title: Meeting Pihs, ID: GB/09960)
  21. Flip Hattingh (Book Title: Mrs. God Sewing, ID: GB/02804)
  22. Flip Hattingh (Book Title: Nail File, ID: DP/0057)
  23. Flip Hattingh (Book Title: Pilchards in Tomato, ID: GB/09959)
  24. Flip Hattingh (Book Title: Questions, ID: DP/17021)
  25. Flip Hattingh (Book Title: Skin File, ID: DP/0177)
  26. Flip Hattingh (Book Title: Somerlandskap, ID: DP/10051)
  27. Gerrit Hattingh (Book Title: District Six 50th Commemoration Print Exchange 1966-2016 "Remembering 60 000 Forced Goodbyes', ID: GB/16122)
  28. Roela Hattingh (Book Title: As die Gode by ons kom eet, ID: DP/10008)
  29. Ryk Hattingh (Book Title: Foster Bende, ID: GB/01523)
  30. Mark Haworth-Booth (Book Title: Regarding Intersections, ID: GB/30560)
  31. Jinny Heath (Book Title: Print Exchange '95, ID: GB/16119)
  32. Hans Heese (Book Title: Fragile Histories, Fugitive Lives, ID: GB/14591)
  33. Randy Hemminghaus (Book Title: Receiver, ID: GB/10947)
  34. Randy Hemminghaus (Book Title: Underweysung der Messung, ID: GB/30514)
  35. Brett Hendey (Book Title: Cycad Collection, ID: GB/30752)
  36. Marina Herbst (Book Title: Het Festival, ID: DP/10071)
  37. Marli Heunis (Book Title: Hier zijn Duivelen, ID: DP/10072)
  38. Daniel Hewson (Book Title: GIF 3, ID: GB/14983)
  39. Erica Hibbert (Book Title: GIF 3, ID: GB/14983)
  40. Mark Hipper (Book Title: Body of Work, ID: GB/15035)
  41. Sidney Hirschowitz (Book Title: Cecil Skotnes, ID: GB/16869)
  42. Sipho Hlati (Book Title: Nine, ID: GB/30755)
  43. Bongumusa Hlongwa (Book Title: Penny For Your Thoughts, ID: GB/30711)
  44. Bongumusa Hlongwa (Book Title: Walking the Earth, ID: GB/30712)
  45. Zama Hlongwane (Book Title: Young Catalysts in ACTION, ID: GB/30754)
  46. Philippa Hobbs (Book Title: 176,418 Possible Synoptic Mirages, ID: GB/02955)
  47. Philippa Hobbs (Book Title: Paint Brush End, ID: GB/02956)
  48. Philippa Hobbs (Book Title: Print Exchange '95, ID: GB/16119)
  49. Philippa Hobbs (Book Title: Volatile Alliances, ID: GB/30005)
  50. Stephen Hobbs (Book Title: Be Careful Pop-up Book, ID: GB/13949)
  51. Stephen Hobbs (Book Title: No Fusion, ID: GB/30466)
  52. Stephen Hobbs (Book Title: Rorschach, ID: GB/15023)
  53. Tsako Hobyani (Book Title: Embedded, ID: GB/31717)
  54. Robert Hodgins (Book Title: Artthrob Portfolio, ID: GB/16808)
  55. Robert Hodgins (Book Title: For Little Flo a Panorama, ID: GB/31742)
  56. Robert Hodgins (Book Title: Human Race, ID: GB/11494)
  57. Robert Hodgins (Book Title: Ubu, ID: GB/30742)
  58. John Hodgkiss (Book Title: Black Box / Chambre Noire, ID: GB/16447)
  59. Carole Hofmeyer (Book Title: Print Exchange '95, ID: GB/16119)
  60. Carol Hofmeyr (Book Title: Emandulo Re-Creation, ID: GB/00525)
  61. Isabel Hofmeyr (Book Title: Printing With Books I & II, ID: DP/17029)
  62. Roy Holland (Book Title: Izwi 10, ID: GB/16388)
  63. Debbie Holmes (Book Title: Re: Initiative, ID: GB/30725)
  64. Sunette Holmes-Lowe (Book Title: Print Exchange '95, ID: GB/16119)
  65. Monique Holms (Book Title: Print Exchange '95, ID: GB/16119)
  66. Eugene Hön (Book Title: Embedded, ID: GB/31717)
  67. Eugene Hön (Book Title: Read, Peep, Read, ID: GB/14565)
  68. Rodney Hopley (Book Title: Address / Redress Print Collection '99, ID: GB/16120)
  69. Rodney Hopley (Book Title: Print Exchange '95, ID: GB/16119)
  70. Rodney Hopley (Book Title: Printexchange '98, ID: GB/16118)
  71. Frank Horley (Book Title: African Alphabet, ID: GB/12982)
  72. Frank Horley (Book Title: Small Garden, ID: GB/12986)
  73. Bev Hourquebie (Book Title: Songs From The Earth, ID: GB/30702)
  74. Liam Howroyd (Book Title: Publishing in Comic Sans, ID: GB/16272)
  75. Estelle Hudson (Book Title: Provoking Contemplation, ID: GB/30773)
  76. Peter Hudson (Book Title: i-Jusi #13, ID: GB/1000)
  77. Lindy Hurst (Book Title: Eleven Minutes, ID: GB/30772)
  78. Inge Hyson (Book Title: Manuscript No VIII, ID: DP/17028)
  79. Inge-Lore Hyson (Book Title: University of Johannesburg Print Portfolio, ID: GB/16801)

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