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Authors starting with 'F'

  1. Lana Faasen (Book Title: Address / Redress Print Collection '99, ID: GB/16120)
  2. Leora Farber (Book Title: Futility of writing 24-page letters, ID: DP/10066)
  3. Lana Fassen (Book Title: Print Exchange '95, ID: GB/16119)
  4. Mrs Henry Fawcett (Book Title: Vindication of the Rights of Woman, ID: GB/09837)
  5. Dov Fedler (Book Title: Izwi 11, ID: GB/16090)
  6. Sizakele Fekude (Book Title: Inkalankala (The Crab), ID: GB/30747)
  7. H. M. Ferguson (Book Title: Izwi 04, ID: GB/16087)
  8. H. M. Ferguson (Book Title: Izwi 15, ID: GB/16094)
  9. Joao Fernandes (Book Title: Interseccoes Intersectadas, ID: GB/30558)
  10. Joao Fernandes (Book Title: Intersections Intersected, ID: GB/30559)
  11. Alexia Ferreira (Book Title: Exposed, ID: DP/17005)
  12. Erna Bodenstein Ferreira (Book Title: Print Exchange '95, ID: GB/16119)
  13. Lindie Ferreira (Book Title: Fine Line, ID: GB/12464)
  14. Bronwen Findlay (Book Title: Embedded, ID: GB/31717)
  15. Bronwen Findlay (Book Title: Painting of a Book (2016), ID: DP/17008)
  16. Bronwen Findlay (Book Title: Printexchange '98, ID: GB/16118)
  17. Bronwen Findlay (Book Title: University of Johannesburg Print Portfolio, ID: GB/16801)
  18. Sinead Fletcher (Book Title: Liminal Cryptozoology, ID: DP/17078)
  19. Sheila Flynn (Book Title: 1st Degree, 2nd Degree, 3rd Degree Burn, ID: DP/0041)
  20. Sheila Flynn (Book Title: Chain-Stitch, ID: GB/30743)
  21. Sheila Flynn (Book Title: Earth, air, fire, water, heaven, hell and now, ID: GB/30119)
  22. Sheila Flynn (Book Title: GIF 3, ID: GB/14983)
  23. Sheila Flynn (Book Title: Groundswell 1, ID: GB/10533)
  24. Sheila Flynn (Book Title: Groundswell 2, ID: GB/10534)
  25. Sheila Flynn (Book Title: Groundswell 3, ID: GB/10535)
  26. Sheila Flynn (Book Title: Lest We Forget, ID: GB/11829)
  27. Sheila Flynn (Book Title: Print Exchange '95, ID: GB/16119)
  28. Sheila Flynn (Book Title: Scroll, ID: GB/11756)
  29. Sheila Flynn (Book Title: Seat of Wisdom, ID: DP/0037)
  30. Sheila Flynn (Book Title: Wo-Men, ID: DP/0045)
  31. Simon Ford (Book Title: Street Graphics, ID: DP/0048)
  32. Franco Forleo (Book Title: Cecil Skotnes, ID: GB/16869)
  33. Lyisette Forsyth (Book Title: Lockdown Collection, ID: GB/16839)
  34. Nicola Fouché (Book Title: Hoofstuk II, ID: DP/17067)
  35. Nicola Fouché (Book Title: My-Metamorfose-Proses, ID: DP/17066)
  36. Tim Foulds (Book Title: Print Exchange '95, ID: GB/16119)
  37. Abrie Fourie (Book Title: And How They Lived, ID: GB/02179)
  38. Abrie Fourie (Book Title: Giant Protea, ID: GB/02180)
  39. Abrie Fourie (Book Title: Hope Street, Richmond, Northern Cape, 7090, South Africa, 2013, ID: DP/17001)
  40. Abrie Fourie (Book Title: Oblique, ID: GB/31108)
  41. Abrie Fourie (Book Title: Only Delhi, ID: GB/11567)
  42. Abrie Fourie (Book Title: Philippians 4.8, ID: GB/02181)
  43. Ethna Frankenfeld (Book Title: Address / Redress Print Collection '99, ID: GB/16120)
  44. Ethna Frankenfeld (Book Title: Printexchange '98, ID: GB/16118)
  45. Lesley Magwood Fraser (Book Title: Eleven Minutes, ID: GB/30772)
  46. Lesley Magwood Fraser (Book Title: From Lesley With Love, ID: GB/31073)
  47. Lesley Magwood Fraser (Book Title: Reclined, ID: GB/30771)
  48. Peter Fraser (Book Title: Citygroup Photography Prize 2004, ID: GB/30519)
  49. Charl Fregona (Book Title: Handspun, ID: GB/30776)
  50. Federico Freschi (Book Title: Embedded, ID: GB/31717)
  51. Federico Freschi (Book Title: University of Johannesburg Print Portfolio, ID: GB/16801)
  52. Gus Av. Friendly (Book Title: ABC of Un-Natural History, ID: GB/09999)
  53. Gus Av. Friendly (Book Title: ABC of Un-Natural History - For young and old, ID: GB/15310)
  54. Juanita Frier (Book Title: Currents, ID: DP/10036)
  55. Juanita Frier (Book Title: Eliza's Days, ID: DP/10034)
  56. Juanita Frier (Book Title: Obadiah's Night, ID: DP/10035)
  57. Kerry Frizelle (Book Title: You & Me, ID: GB/14013)
  58. Gordon Froud (Book Title: Agastopia, ID: GB/16500)
  59. Gordon Froud (Book Title: Book of Life, ID: GB/02261)
  60. Gordon Froud (Book Title: Embedded, ID: GB/31717)
  61. Gordon Froud (Book Title: Extracts of Alice, ID: DP/10053)
  62. Gordon Froud (Book Title: Holey Book of Alice, ID: DP/10052)
  63. Gordon Froud (Book Title: Lockdown Collection, ID: GB/16839)
  64. Gordon Froud (Book Title: Lost & Found, ID: GB/07348)
  65. Gordon Froud (Book Title: Manhattan Unfurled, ID: DP/10054)
  66. Gordon Froud (Book Title: Scorch, ID: GB/14019)
  67. Gordon Froud (Book Title: Still Crazy after all these years!, ID: GB/14016)
  68. Gordon Froud (Book Title: Turning Tables, ID: GB/10745)
  69. Gordon Froud (Book Title: University of Johannesburg Print Portfolio, ID: GB/16801)
  70. St. John Fuller (Book Title: Rainbow Nation, ID: DP/17080)

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