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Authors starting with 'V'

  1. Martin van Aardt (Book Title: Printexchange '98, ID: GB/16118)
  2. Heléne van Aswegen (Book Title: Binding, ID: GB/14900)
  3. Heléne van Aswegen (Book Title: Binding Book, ID: GB/15152)
  4. Heléne van Aswegen (Book Title: Fourteen Stations of the Cross, ID: GB/12423)
  5. Heléne van Aswegen (Book Title: Honour Book, ID: DP/17057)
  6. Heléne van Aswegen (Book Title: Many Rivers to Cross, ID: GB/14592)
  7. Heléne van Aswegen (Book Title: Maria's Story, ID: GB/14487)
  8. Heléne van Aswegen (Book Title: Speaking in Tongues, ID: GB/15041)
  9. Heléne van Aswegen (Book Title: There as heat that smelled of bread and dead fish, ID: GB/16115)
  10. Heléne van Aswegen (Book Title: WO 32/8061 [The Book Of Holes], ID: DP/17058)
  11. Clive Van den Berg (Book Title: Two in Bed and Space for a Ghost, ID: GB/60562)
  12. Lizelle van der Bergh (Book Title: Printexchange '98, ID: GB/16118)
  13. Hentie van der Merwe (Book Title: Artthrob Portfolio, ID: GB/16808)
  14. Jan van der Merwe (Book Title: Sleepmerke [Drag Marks], ID: DP/10060)
  15. Klynhans van der Merwe (Book Title: Tweeling, ID: GB/31775)
  16. Strijdom van der Merwe (Book Title: GIF 3, ID: GB/14983)
  17. Strijdom van der Merwe (Book Title: Sculpting the Land, ID: DP/10007)
  18. Strijdom van der Merwe (Book Title: Verneukpan / Bitterputs, ID: DP/10062)
  19. Barry van der Westhuizen (Book Title: Worldplay on Paper, ID: GB/31776)
  20. Christiaan Erlank Van Der Westhuizen (Book Title: About February, ID: DP/10048)
  21. Hans van Dijck (Book Title: E-POS "Persoonlijke Vocabulaire" / E-POS "Personal Vocabulary", ID: GB/30760)
  22. Gwen van Embden (Book Title: Blue Mary, ID: GB/09967)
  23. Janet van Graan (Book Title: District Six 50th Commemoration Print Exchange 1966-2016 "Remembering 60 000 Forced Goodbyes', ID: GB/16122)
  24. Delina van Heerden (Book Title: 370 Day Project, ID: GB/09854)
  25. Hanrie van Heerden (Book Title: In Transit, ID: GB/13368)
  26. Johan van Heerden (Book Title: Izwi 07, ID: GB/16089)
  27. Christina van Heyningen (Book Title: Non-Europeans Only, ID: GB/30031)
  28. Karen van Niekerk (Book Title: Printexchange '98, ID: GB/16118)
  29. Storm van Rensburg (Book Title: Cousin, ID: DP/0149)
  30. Thelma van Rensburg (Book Title: Soos `n Goue Droom, ID: DP/20001)
  31. Lize van Robbroeck (Book Title: Fourteen Stations of the Cross, ID: GB/12423)
  32. Lize van Robbroeck (Book Title: Fragile Histories, Fugitive Lives, ID: GB/14591)
  33. Ilka van Schalkwyk (Book Title: Reading Colour, ID: GB/13258)
  34. Ilka van Schalkwyk (Book Title: Throwing Stones, ID: DP/17027)
  35. Maggie van Schalkwyk (Book Title: Construction through time and context: Communication through collage, ID: DP/10069)
  36. Maggie van Schalkwyk (Book Title: Displacement workbook, ID: DP/10070)
  37. Helicia van Staden (Book Title: Print Exchange '95, ID: GB/16119)
  38. Magda van Staden (Book Title: Caversham Bookbinding Series, ID: GB/30740)
  39. Johan van Wyk (Book Title: Trollop Slaap te Veel, ID: GB/12493)
  40. Lisa van Wyk (Book Title: Address / Redress Print Collection '99, ID: GB/16120)
  41. Christa van Zyl (Book Title: Dichotomy, ID: DP/17088)
  42. Kurt Vanbelleghem (Book Title: Fingered, ID: GB/11083)
  43. Minnette Vari (Book Title: Embedded, ID: GB/31717)
  44. Minnette Vari (Book Title: University of Johannesburg Print Portfolio, ID: GB/16801)
  45. Tamzyn Varney (Book Title: In Transit, ID: GB/13368)
  46. Elizabeth Vels (Book Title: Beauty for Ashes I and II, ID: GB/31056)
  47. Elizabeth Vels (Book Title: Book about Books, ID: GB/31052)
  48. Elizabeth Vels (Book Title: Book Catalogue, ID: GB/31062)
  49. Elizabeth Vels (Book Title: Book of the Frozen right Shoulder, ID: GB/31057)
  50. Elizabeth Vels (Book Title: Dance, ID: GB/06801)
  51. Elizabeth Vels (Book Title: Dear Cheryl, ID: GB/31066)
  52. Elizabeth Vels (Book Title: Flotsam, ID: GB/31058)
  53. Elizabeth Vels (Book Title: Habitat of Psalms, ID: GB/31061)
  54. Elizabeth Vels (Book Title: Handspun, ID: GB/30776)
  55. Elizabeth Vels (Book Title: It is Written, ID: GB/31059)
  56. Elizabeth Vels (Book Title: Last Supper Codex, ID: GB/09847)
  57. Elizabeth Vels (Book Title: Lord's Prayer, ID: GB/06802)
  58. Elizabeth Vels (Book Title: Prayer Fragments, ID: GB/31060)
  59. André Venter (Book Title: I-Ching for the 'African Renaissance', ID: DP/10041)
  60. André Venter (Book Title: I-Ching for the 'African Renaissance', ID: DP/10042)
  61. Nanna Venter (Book Title: Com!cs 2018, ID: GB/30012)
  62. P. A. de Waal Venter (Book Title: Wurm 1, ID: GB/16148)
  63. P. A. de Waal Venter (Book Title: Wurm 2, ID: GB/16203)
  64. P. A. de Waal Venter (Book Title: Wurm 2, ID: GB/16203)
  65. P. A. de Waal Venter (Book Title: Wurm 3, ID: GB/16204)
  66. Sara-Aimee Verity (Book Title: 13, ID: GB/16341)
  67. Sara-Aimee Verity (Book Title: Continental Series, ID: GB/16803)
  68. Sara-Aimee Verity (Book Title: Marcus Aurelius and Garibaldi, ID: DP/17090)
  69. Robert Vermeulen (Book Title: Dirty Lives, ID: GB/00622)
  70. Andrew Verster (Book Title: Homage to Seferis, ID: GB/12288)
  71. Andrew Verster (Book Title: Mere et Fillette, ID: GB/16791)
  72. Andrew Verster (Book Title: Pages, ID: GB/30767)
  73. Johan Verster (Book Title: District Six 50th Commemoration Print Exchange 1966-2016 "Remembering 60 000 Forced Goodbyes', ID: GB/16122)
  74. Emmah Vhengani (Book Title: hippo swallowed a little girl, ID: DP/10080)
  75. Diane Victor (Book Title: Address / Redress Print Collection '99, ID: GB/16120)
  76. Diane Victor (Book Title: Car Book, ID: DP/10014)
  77. Diane Victor (Book Title: District Six 50th Commemoration Print Exchange 1966-2016 "Remembering 60 000 Forced Goodbyes', ID: GB/16122)
  78. Diane Victor (Book Title: Emandulo Re-Creation, ID: GB/00525)
  79. Diane Victor (Book Title: Embedded, ID: GB/31717)
  80. Diane Victor (Book Title: hunting of the snark, ID: DP/10013)
  81. Diane Victor (Book Title: Lockdown Collection, ID: GB/16839)
  82. Diane Victor (Book Title: Print Exchange '95, ID: GB/16119)
  83. Diane Victor (Book Title: Printexchange '98, ID: GB/16118)
  84. Diane Victor (Book Title: Volatile Alliances, ID: GB/30005)
  85. Fanie Viljoen (Book Title: Pynstiller, ID: DP/10010)
  86. Edoardo Villa (Book Title: Villa at 90 (special edition), ID: GB/14309)
  87. Wendy Vincent (Book Title: Hunter, ID: GB/05698)
  88. Linda Vinck (Book Title: E-POS "Persoonlijke Vocabulaire" / E-POS "Personal Vocabulary", ID: GB/30760)
  89. Morné Visagie (Book Title: GIF 3, ID: GB/14983)
  90. Ivan Vladislavic (Book Title: Oblique, ID: GB/31108)
  91. Ivan Vladislavic (Book Title: Ponte City, ID: GB/14533)
  92. Juan Voges (Book Title: Leg'kaarte, ID: GB/14903)
  93. Amalie von Maltitz (Book Title: Villa at 90 (special edition), ID: GB/14309)
  94. Alma Vorster (Book Title: Address / Redress Print Collection '99, ID: GB/16120)
  95. Alma Vorster (Book Title: Chorus for Chimeras, ID: DP/0156)
  96. Anna Vorster (Book Title: Izwi 12, ID: GB/16092)
  97. Eugene Vorster (Book Title: Beautiful World, ID: GB/12851)
  98. P. Vorster (Book Title: Cycad Collection, ID: GB/30752)
  99. Theo Paul Vorster (Book Title: District Six 50th Commemoration Print Exchange 1966-2016 "Remembering 60 000 Forced Goodbyes', ID: GB/16122)
  100. Brode Vosloo (Book Title: i-Jusi #13, ID: GB/1000)

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