Search: South African Artists Books
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Book Titles
Authors starting with 'B'
Giselle Baillie
(Book Title:
Address / Redress Print Collection '99
, ID: GB/16120)
Giselle Baillie
(Book Title:
Print Exchange '95
, ID: GB/16119)
Maaike Bakker
(Book Title:
Beyond The Vanishing Point / Strange Negotiations
, ID: DP/17051)
Maaike Bakker
(Book Title:
Four Manuals
, ID: GB/30063)
Maaike Bakker
(Book Title:
Now Museum / Now You Don't
, ID: GB/14270)
Vincent Baloyi
(Book Title:
Volatile Alliances
, ID: GB/30005)
Shielagh Bamber
(Book Title:
Our House
, ID: GB/30714)
Shielagh Bamber
(Book Title:
POEMS inspired by IMAGES
, ID: GB/30710)
Angie Banks
(Book Title:
Printexchange '98
, ID: GB/16118)
Tiziana Baracchi
(Book Title:
Making Tracks
, ID: GB/31072)
Stanislaw Baranczak
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/10947)
Oliver Barstow
(Book Title:
Fire Walker
, ID: GB/13014)
Oliver Barstow
(Book Title:
Libretto: A Guided Tour of The Exhibition
, ID: GB/15441)
Oliver Barstow
(Book Title:
No, It Is
, ID: GB/13579)
Lunetta Bartz
(Book Title:
About heartache and other emotions
, ID: GB/14690)
Lunetta Bartz
(Book Title:
Fine Line
, ID: GB/12464)
Lunetta Bartz
(Book Title:
Jack's Yellow Book
, ID: GB/30512)
Lunetta Bartz
(Book Title:
Noonoo Index
, ID: GB/15855)
Lunetta Bartz
(Book Title:
Refusal of Time
, ID: GB/13972)
Lunetta Bartz
(Book Title:
Remembering the Treason Trial
, ID: GB/15071)
Lunetta Bartz
(Book Title:
Santu Mofokeng Stories
, ID: GB/30517)
Karin Basel
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/31717)
Karin Basel
(Book Title:
Incomprehension 1
, ID: DP/17041)
Walter Whall Battiss
(Book Title:
Foof the Fook Bible
, ID: GB/13994)
Walter Whall Battiss
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/30018)
Walter Whall Battiss
(Book Title:
Izwi 16
, ID: GB/13351)
Walter Whall Battiss
(Book Title:
Wurm 6
, ID: GB/13456)
Walter Whall Battiss
(Book Title:
Wurm 8
, ID: GB/30156)
Amalia Beagle
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/31717)
Vusi Beauchamp
(Book Title:
Kaffer Paradys
, ID: GB/30097)
Clyde Beech
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/15393)
Gail Behrmann
(Book Title:
Journey Beyond the River and into the Trees
, ID: GB/13751)
Sinclair Beiles
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/09924)
Sinclair Beiles
(Book Title:
Universal Truths Revealed in White Tobacco Smoke
, ID: DP/10044)
Deborah Bell
(Book Title:
Emandulo Re-Creation
, ID: GB/00525)
Deborah Bell
(Book Title:
Paper and Print Collaboration
, ID: GB/16804)
Brendon Bell-Roberts
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/10786)
Brendon Bell-Roberts
(Book Title:
In Transit
, ID: GB/13368)
Suzette Bell-Roberts
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/10786)
Hanneke Benadé
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/14983)
Courteney Bentley
(Book Title:
Paper Jam
, ID: GB/31705)
Vanessa Berlein
(Book Title:
You so Took the Cake
, ID: DP/20003)
Esmé Berman
(Book Title:
Villa at 90 (special edition)
, ID: GB/14309)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
100 Artists 100 Tributes
, ID: GB/11031)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
Address / Redress Print Collection '99
, ID: GB/16120)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
District Six 50th Commemoration Print Exchange 1966-2016 "Remembering 60 000 Forced Goodbyes'
, ID: GB/16122)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
Emandulo Re-Creation
, ID: GB/00525)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/31717)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/31717)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
In Two Days Flat . . . "
, ID: GB/16113)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
Jack's Yellow Book
, ID: GB/30512)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
Jack's Yellow Book
, ID: GB/30512)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/15391)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
Lockdown Collection
, ID: GB/16839)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
Paper and Print Collaboration
, ID: GB/16804)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
Paper Samples
, ID: GB/16180)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
Print Exchange '95
, ID: GB/16119)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
Print Exchange Portfolio
, ID: GB/10886)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
Rediscovering the Ordinary: A Diary of Field Visits
, ID: GB31741)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
State of Emergency II
, ID: GB/16112)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
University of Johannesburg Print Portfolio
, ID: GB/16801)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
Volatile Alliances
, ID: GB/30005)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
Volatile Alliances
, ID: GB/30005)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
Women and Walls
, ID: GB/10063)
Kim Berman
(Book Title:
Women of Madibogopane
, ID: GB/14939)
Mona Berman
(Book Title:
Volatile Alliances
, ID: GB/30005)
Meridian Berndt
(Book Title:
Tale of the Mouse and The Stories That Ran Away
, ID: GB/31712)
Tanguy Besset
(Book Title:
Taxi Way to Heaven
, ID: GB/11433)
Jodi Bieber
(Book Title:
Between Dogs and Wolves
, ID: GB/16883)
Jodi Bieber
(Book Title:
Real Beauty
, ID: GB/16884)
Jodi Bieber
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/16881)
Vonani Bila
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/30722)
Vonani Bila
(Book Title:
E-POS "Persoonlijke Vocabulaire" / E-POS "Personal Vocabulary"
, ID: GB/30760)
Vonani Bila
(Book Title:
Lines for Lionel Davis
, ID: GB/30727)
Tony Bingham
(Book Title:
Penny For Your Thoughts
, ID: GB/30711)
Tony Bingham
(Book Title:
Story of Caversham
, ID: GB/30706)
Suzanne Binnemans
(Book Title:
E-POS "Persoonlijke Vocabulaire" / E-POS "Personal Vocabulary"
, ID: GB/30760)
Michael Blake
(Book Title:
Five Pieces for Piccolo and Tuba
, ID: GB/31064)
Belinda Blignaut
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/00620)
Belinda Blignaut
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/13474)
Belinda Blignaut
(Book Title:
Dirty Lives
, ID: GB/00622)
Belinda Blignaut
(Book Title:
I Never Heard of Uglification" Alice Ventured to Say
, ID: GB/00621)
Belinda Blignaut
(Book Title:
Resist Technique
, ID: GB/15155)
Charl Blignaut
(Book Title:
Dirty Lives
, ID: GB/00622)
Francois Bloemhof
(Book Title:
Agent Snoet en die Hondelewe
, ID: GB/16493)
Francois Bloemhof
(Book Title:
Agent Snoet en die Kattekwaad
, ID: GB/16494)
Marié Blomerus
(Book Title:
Wurm 10
, ID: GB/16207)
Marié Blomerus
(Book Title:
Wurm 11
, ID: GB/10851)
Marié Blomerus
(Book Title:
Wurm 12
, ID: GB/10033)
Marié Blomerus
(Book Title:
Wurm 6
, ID: GB/13456)
Marié Blomerus
(Book Title:
Wurm 7
, ID: GB/16205)
Marié Blomerus
(Book Title:
Wurm 8
, ID: GB/30156)
Erna Bodenstein
(Book Title:
Address / Redress Print Collection '99
, ID: GB/16120)
Tatiana Boehm
(Book Title:
Izwi 12
, ID: GB/16092)
Frans Boenders
(Book Title:
E-POS "Persoonlijke Vocabulaire" / E-POS "Personal Vocabulary"
, ID: GB/30760)
Martin Bolton
(Book Title:
, ID: DP/17088)
Johan Booyens
(Book Title:
District Six 50th Commemoration Print Exchange 1966-2016 "Remembering 60 000 Forced Goodbyes'
, ID: GB/16122)
Tshepo Bopape
(Book Title:
It’s Weird
, ID: GB/31707)
Wolfgang Borchert
(Book Title:
Der Kaffee ist Undefinierbar
, ID: GB/16640)
Wolfgang Borchert
(Book Title:
So Ein Alter Mann
, ID: GB/16642)
Wolfgang Borchert
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/16643)
Wolfgang Borchert
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/16641)
András Böröcz
(Book Title:
Emandulo Re-Creation
, ID: GB/00525)
Daniel Borzutzky
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/31679)
Karin Bos
(Book Title:
Belgium Luxembourg
, ID: GB/30761)
Zanele Bosch
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/30554)
Tinus Boshoff
(Book Title:
Address / Redress Print Collection '99
, ID: GB/16120)
Tinus Boshoff
(Book Title:
District Six 50th Commemoration Print Exchange 1966-2016 "Remembering 60 000 Forced Goodbyes'
, ID: GB/16122)
Tinus Boshoff
(Book Title:
Print Exchange '95
, ID: GB/16119)
Tinus Boshoff
(Book Title:
Printexchange '98
, ID: GB/16118)
Willem Hendrik Adriaan Boshoff
(Book Title:
370 Day Project
, ID: GB/09854)
Willem Hendrik Adriaan Boshoff
(Book Title:
, ID: DP/0008)
Willem Hendrik Adriaan Boshoff
(Book Title:
Blind Alphabet
, ID: DP/0012)
Willem Hendrik Adriaan Boshoff
(Book Title:
Blind Alphabet ABC
, ID: GB/16174)
Willem Hendrik Adriaan Boshoff
(Book Title:
Blind Man's Bluff
, ID: GB/30104)
Willem Hendrik Adriaan Boshoff
(Book Title:
City Book
, ID: GB/10849)
Willem Hendrik Adriaan Boshoff
(Book Title:
, ID: DP/0011)
Willem Hendrik Adriaan Boshoff
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/09978)
Willem Hendrik Adriaan Boshoff
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/16854)
Willem Hendrik Adriaan Boshoff
(Book Title:
Last Supper Codex
, ID: GB/09847)
Willem Hendrik Adriaan Boshoff
(Book Title:
Lockdown Collection
, ID: GB/16839)
Herman Charles Bosman
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/11866)
Brand Botes
(Book Title:
i-Jusi #13
, ID: GB/1000)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
1st Copy
, ID: GB/31054)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
2nd Copy
, ID: GB/31055)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Benefiet Voorstelling
, ID: GB/16335)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Best of Bitterkomix
, ID: GB/01521)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Best of Bitterkomix
, ID: GB/01520)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Big Bad Bitterkomix Handbook
, ID: GB/01522)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/01518)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Bitterkomix #00
, ID: GB/01519)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Bitterkomix #01
, ID: GB/01501)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Bitterkomix #02
, ID: GB/01502)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Bitterkomix #03
, ID: GB/01503)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Bitterkomix #04
, ID: GB/01504)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Bitterkomix #05
, ID: GB/01505)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Bitterkomix #06
, ID: GB/01506)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Bitterkomix #07
, ID: GB/01507)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Bitterkomix #08
, ID: GB/01508)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Bitterkomix #09
, ID: GB/01509)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Bitterkomix #10
, ID: GB/01510)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Bitterkomix #11
, ID: GB/01511)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Bitterkomix #12
, ID: GB/01512)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Bitterkomix #13
, ID: GB/01513)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Bitterkomix #14
, ID: GB/01514)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Bitterkomix #15
, ID: GB/01515)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Bitterkomix #16
, ID: GB/01516)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Bitterkomix #17
, ID: GB/01517)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Cain and Abel
, ID: GB/16850)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Children's Story
, ID: GB/16849)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
Foster Bende
, ID: GB/01523)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/14983)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
i-Jusi #13
, ID: GB/1000)
Conrad Botes
(Book Title:
i-Jusi #13
, ID: GB/1000)
Andries Botha
(Book Title:
Dangerous Women, Defeated Men
, ID: GB/14323)
Elza Botha
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/14983)
Elza Botha
(Book Title:
'n windjie wat suis
, ID: GB/30749)
Elza Botha
(Book Title:
Ra and Ma
, ID: GB/30738)
Helene Botha
(Book Title:
Dissecting Disliking
, ID: DP/10055)
Karen Botha
(Book Title:
Eloff 111 Comix
, ID: GB/13000)
Lien Botha
(Book Title:
After Ampersand
, ID: GB/10739)
Ben Bothma
(Book Title:
Printexchange '98
, ID: GB/16118)
Suzanne Bothma-Hale
(Book Title:
First Edition
, ID: DP/0015)
Ben Botma
(Book Title:
Address / Redress Print Collection '99
, ID: GB/16120)
Ben Botma
(Book Title:
District Six 50th Commemoration Print Exchange 1966-2016 "Remembering 60 000 Forced Goodbyes'
, ID: GB/16122)
Rebecca Boulet
(Book Title:
Terms and Conditions
, ID: GB/31706)
Wernher Bouwens
(Book Title:
Johannesburg 21 Feb - 4 March, 2005
, ID: GB/13790)
Annelize Bowker-Marais
(Book Title:
Address / Redress Print Collection '99
, ID: GB/16120)
Kathy Boyle
(Book Title:
Making Tracks
, ID: GB/31072)
Majak Bredell
(Book Title:
7 Chakras - Magdalene's Healing
, ID: DP/17053)
Majak Bredell
(Book Title:
Moederdeur / Mother Passage
, ID: DP/12006)
Majak Bredell
(Book Title:
My Carmina Burana Dream and its Meaning
, ID: DP/17052)
Majak Bredell
(Book Title:
Prayer Book - Blue Book 1
, ID: DP/12020)
Majak Bredell
(Book Title:
Prayer Book - Blue Book 2
, ID: DP/12021)
Majak Bredell
(Book Title:
Prayer Book - Blue Book 3
, ID: DP/12022)
Majak Bredell
(Book Title:
Prayer Book - Red Book 1
, ID: DP/12023)
Majak Bredell
(Book Title:
Prayer Book - Red Book 2
, ID: DP/12024)
Majak Bredell
(Book Title:
Prayer Book - Red Book 3
, ID: DP/12025)
Majak Bredell
(Book Title:
Shrine Book - Black Madonna
, ID: DP/12018)
Majak Bredell
(Book Title:
Shrine Book - Coniunctio
, ID: DP/12016)
Majak Bredell
(Book Title:
Shrine Book - Origins
, ID: DP/12017)
Majak Bredell
(Book Title:
Shrine Book - Queen of Heaven & Earth
, ID: DP/12019)
Majak Bredell
(Book Title:
Shrine Book - Red Moon Dance
, ID: DP/12014)
Majak Bredell
(Book Title:
Shrine Book - Dark Earth
, ID: DP/12013)
Majak Bredell
(Book Title:
Shrine Book - Earth & Her Seasons
, ID: DP/12012)
Majak Bredell
(Book Title:
Song of the Spinners
, ID: GB/11284)
Wilna Breedt
(Book Title:
Wurm 3
, ID: GB/16204)
Julia Brewis
(Book Title:
District Six 50th Commemoration Print Exchange 1966-2016 "Remembering 60 000 Forced Goodbyes'
, ID: GB/16122)
Breyten Breytenbach
(Book Title:
Print Exchange '95
, ID: GB/16119)
Francis Broek
(Book Title:
Convenience Store
, ID: GB/30551)
Ashley Brown
(Book Title:
Terms and Conditions
, ID: GB/31706)
Jean Brundrit
(Book Title:
Print Exchange '95
, ID: GB/16119)
Jean Brundrit
(Book Title:
Spit II
, ID: GB/16343)
Walter Buchholz
(Book Title:
District Six 50th Commemoration Print Exchange 1966-2016 "Remembering 60 000 Forced Goodbyes'
, ID: GB/16122)
Ezekiel Budeli
(Book Title:
Volatile Alliances
, ID: GB/30005)
Edith Bukani
(Book Title:
Address / Redress Print Collection '99
, ID: GB/16120)
Katherine Bull
(Book Title:
January & February 2007
, ID: GB/11294)
Katherine Bull
(Book Title:
Spit II
, ID: GB/16343)
Ashton Bullock
(Book Title:
, ID: DP/17088)
David Bunn
(Book Title:
Sympathetic Magic
, ID: GB/05421)
Samkelo Bunu
(Book Title:
Printexchange '98
, ID: GB/16118)
Francis Burger
(Book Title:
Go Home and Play with your Genitals
, ID: GB/12512)
Francis Burger
(Book Title:
New Way of Having Nothing
, ID: GB/30064)
Jaco Burger
(Book Title:
Ad Hominem
, ID: DP/10027)
Ricky Burnett
(Book Title:
Processed Image
, ID: GB/16620)
Elizabeth Burroughs
(Book Title:
Villa at 90 (special edition)
, ID: GB/14309)
Johanna Burton
(Book Title:
Citygroup Photography Prize 2004
, ID: GB/30519)
Nils Burwitz
(Book Title:
It's About Time
, ID: GB/30016)
Nils Burwitz
(Book Title:
Izwi 12
, ID: GB/16092)
Mbongeni Richman Buthelezi
(Book Title:
Volatile Alliances
, ID: GB/30005)
Guy Butler
(Book Title:
Pilgrimage to Dias Cross
, ID: GB/00961)
Stephen Buys
(Book Title:
Print Exchange '95
, ID: GB/16119)
Achal Byroo
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/31708)
© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.