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Authors starting with 'G'

  1. Gordon Gabashane (Book Title: Emandulo Re-Creation, ID: GB/00525)
  2. Gordon Gabashane (Book Title: Volatile Alliances, ID: GB/30005)
  3. Neville Gabie (Book Title: Playing Away, ID: GB/02278)
  4. Cheryl Gage (Book Title: Advice to Alice, ID: DP/17011)
  5. Cheryl Gage (Book Title: In Dedication to the History of Medusa. . ., ID: GB/10267)
  6. Cheryl Gage (Book Title: reGENEration, ID: DP/10047)
  7. Cheryl Gage (Book Title: Tapies Verte, ID: DP/17010)
  8. Jade Gaines (Book Title: re:thINK, ID: GB/16273)
  9. Totem-Meneghelli Gallery (Book Title: From Bamako to the Dogon Country, ID: GB/15681)
  10. Lorin Galloway (Book Title: In Transit, ID: GB/13368)
  11. Pookya Gardee (Book Title: Print Exchange '95, ID: GB/16119)
  12. Raimi Gbadamosi (Book Title: Independence, ID: GB/14010)
  13. Alexandra Geen (Book Title: Paper Jam, ID: GB/31705)
  14. Kendell Geers (Book Title: Argot, ID: GB/02329)
  15. Kendell Geers (Book Title: Fingered, ID: GB/11083)
  16. Kendell Geers (Book Title: Handbook, ID: GB/10037)
  17. Kendell Geers (Book Title: Penis Might Ier Than Thes Word, ID: GB/12601)
  18. Kendell Geers (Book Title: Point Blank, ID: GB/10288)
  19. Penny George (Book Title: Address / Redress Print Collection '99, ID: GB/16120)
  20. Penny George (Book Title: District Six 50th Commemoration Print Exchange 1966-2016 "Remembering 60 000 Forced Goodbyes', ID: GB/16122)
  21. Penny George (Book Title: Printexchange '98, ID: GB/16118)
  22. Valeria Geselev (Book Title: White Curtains Diary, ID: DP/17089)
  23. Eunice Geustyn (Book Title: Address / Redress Print Collection '99, ID: GB/16120)
  24. Eunice Geustyn (Book Title: What's Bred in the Stone, ID: GB/14219)
  25. Lize Geyer (Book Title: Print Exchange '95, ID: GB/16119)
  26. Reinhard Giezing (Book Title: Moving, ID: GB/31665)
  27. Muziwandile Gigaba (Book Title: University of Johannesburg Print Portfolio, ID: GB/16801)
  28. Sarah Gilbert (Book Title: Book, ID: DP/10003)
  29. Sarah Gilbert (Book Title: Box, ID: DP/10006)
  30. Sarah Gilbert (Book Title: Notebook, ID: DP/10001)
  31. Sarah Gilbert (Book Title: Rational education of the will, ID: DP/10004)
  32. Sarah Gilbert (Book Title: Trilogy / Trinity, ID: DP/10002)
  33. Sarah Gilbert (Book Title: Untitled: Sarah Gilbert, Exercise Book, ID: DP/10005)
  34. Jeanette Gilks (Book Title: Post Box Re(a)d, ID: DP/12003)
  35. Jeanette Gilks (Book Title: Truth, ID: GB/30775)
  36. Douglas Gimberg (Book Title: Go Home and Play with your Genitals, ID: GB/12512)
  37. Jack Mitchell Ginsberg (Book Title: 370 Day Project, ID: GB/09854)
  38. Jack Mitchell Ginsberg (Book Title: Autobiography, ID: GB/31786)
  39. Jack Mitchell Ginsberg (Book Title: Penelope Punctuated, ID: GB/09874)
  40. Jack Mitchell Ginsberg (Book Title: Transfigured Sackcloth, ID: GB/09834)
  41. Jack Mitchell Ginsberg (Book Title: Vindication of the Rights of Woman, ID: GB/09837)
  42. Jared Ginsburg (Book Title: Digging for Oil, ID: GB/16342)
  43. Jared Ginsburg (Book Title: GIF 3, ID: GB/14983)
  44. Gunievere Glasfurd (Book Title: stonewater, ID: GB/15354)
  45. Lauriana Glenny (Book Title: Blood Red Blood, ID: GB/30597)
  46. R. Gobardan (Book Title: Untitled (Six Books), ID: GB/30759)
  47. Irene Goddard (Book Title: Printexchange '98, ID: GB/16118)
  48. Nikolai Gogol (Book Title: Nose, ID: GB/30398)
  49. Sandile Goje (Book Title: Address / Redress Print Collection '99, ID: GB/16120)
  50. David Goldblatt (Book Title: Artthrob Portfolio, ID: GB/16808)
  51. David Goldblatt (Book Title: Citygroup Photography Prize 2004, ID: GB/30519)
  52. David Goldblatt (Book Title: Interseccoes Intersectadas, ID: GB/30558)
  53. David Goldblatt (Book Title: Intersections Intersected, ID: GB/30559)
  54. David Goldblatt (Book Title: On the Mines, ID: GB/30000)
  55. David Goldblatt (Book Title: Particulars, ID: GB/30034)
  56. David Goldblatt (Book Title: Regarding Intersections, ID: GB/30560)
  57. Alice Goldin (Book Title: Gebed vir Wilhelm, ID: GB/14566)
  58. Alice Goldin (Book Title: Izwi 19 & 20, ID: GB/16097)
  59. Margo Goldschmidt (Book Title: Filling in the Cracks, ID: GB/31787)
  60. Ann Gollifer (Book Title: Maru A Pula Dictionary of Contemporary Lingo, ID: GB/30107)
  61. Ann Gollifer (Book Title: Profit & Discount Tables, ID: GB/30108)
  62. Thembinkosi Goniwe (Book Title: On the Surface, ID: GB/14218)
  63. Thembinkosi Gonowe (Book Title: Printexchange '98, ID: GB/16118)
  64. Douglas Goode (Book Title: Cycad Collection, ID: GB/30752)
  65. Frances Goodman (Book Title: You, ID: GB/12156)
  66. Nadine Gordimer (Book Title: On the Mines, ID: GB/30000)
  67. Nadine Gordimer (Book Title: Ultimate Safari, ID: GB/2475)
  68. Antony Gormley (Book Title: stonewater, ID: GB/15354)
  69. Susan Gosin (Book Title: Paper and Print Collaboration, ID: GB/16804)
  70. Susan Gosin (Book Title: Receiver, ID: GB/10947)
  71. Susan Gosin (Book Title: Sheets of Evidence, ID: GB/12473)
  72. Stephen Jay Gould (Book Title: Sound From the Thinking Strings, ID: GB/31693.)
  73. Elsa Gouws (Book Title: In Transit, ID: GB/13368)
  74. Margaret Gradwell (Book Title: Print Exchange '95, ID: GB/16119)
  75. Hilary Graham (Book Title: At Caversham, ID: GB/30748)
  76. Jill Graham (Book Title: GIF 3, ID: GB/14983)
  77. Sue-Pam Grant (Book Title: war-pigeon SPG, ID: GB/16250)
  78. Brenden Gray (Book Title: University of Johannesburg Print Portfolio, ID: GB/16801)
  79. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Assassination of Shaka, ID: GB/10684)
  80. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Assassination of Shaka, ID: GB/11496)
  81. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Assassination of Skaka, ID: GB/31694)
  82. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Baudelaire's Voyage, ID: DP/0128)
  83. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Izwi 01, ID: GB/16086)
  84. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Izwi 04, ID: GB/16087)
  85. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Izwi 06, ID: GB/16088)
  86. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Izwi 07, ID: GB/16089)
  87. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Izwi 08, ID: GB/16091)
  88. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Izwi 09, ID: GB/16387)
  89. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Izwi 10, ID: GB/16388)
  90. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Izwi 11, ID: GB/16090)
  91. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Izwi 12, ID: GB/16092)
  92. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Izwi 14, ID: GB/16093)
  93. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Izwi 15, ID: GB/16094)
  94. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Izwi 16, ID: GB/13351)
  95. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Izwi 17, ID: GB/16095)
  96. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Izwi 18, ID: GB/16096)
  97. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Izwi 19 & 20, ID: GB/16097)
  98. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Man's Gold, ID: GB/10215)
  99. Stephen Gray (Book Title: Tales, ID: GB/09924)
  100. Stephen Gray (Book Title: White Monday Disaster, ID: GB/14941)
  101. Jo-Anne Green (Book Title: Waiting and Remembering, ID: GB/16114)
  102. Alexandra Greenberg (Book Title: Paper Jam, ID: GB/31705)
  103. Franci Greyling (Book Title: Tinboektoe toe, ID: DP/10011)
  104. Franci Greyling (Book Title: Tinboektoe Toe Toep / App, ID: DP/17023)
  105. Isabelle Grobler (Book Title: District Six 50th Commemoration Print Exchange 1966-2016 "Remembering 60 000 Forced Goodbyes', ID: GB/16122)
  106. Nicola Grobler (Book Title: Small Victories, ID: GB/12956)
  107. Nicola Grobler (Book Title: Small Victories II, ID: GB/12957)
  108. Piet Grobler (Book Title: 7 Boerneef - verse, ID: GB/30751)
  109. Suzan Grobler (Book Title: Cake Quotes, ID: DP/10079)
  110. Stanley Grootboom (Book Title: Suid Afrikaanse Gelieblik Stories en Liedjies, ID: DP/17081)
  111. Egon Guenther (Book Title: Hunter, ID: GB/05698)
  112. Egon Guenther (Book Title: In Memoriam, ID: GB/13572)
  113. Egon Guenther (Book Title: Man's Gold, ID: GB/10215)
  114. Egon Guenther (Book Title: Rooinek, ID: GB/11866)
  115. Egon Guenther (Book Title: Villa at 90 (special edition), ID: GB/14309)
  116. Siobhan Gunning (Book Title: i-Jusi #26, ID: GB/16472)
  117. Elizabeth Gunter (Book Title: Spit II, ID: GB/16343)
  118. Kim Gurney (Book Title: Word Launder, ID: DP/17047)
  119. Pauline Gutter (Book Title: District Six 50th Commemoration Print Exchange 1966-2016 "Remembering 60 000 Forced Goodbyes', ID: GB/16122)
  120. Gabrielle Guy (Book Title: GIF 3, ID: GB/14983)

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