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Authors starting with 'S'

  1. Goolam Saber (Book Title: Pantomime 1, ID: DP/17025)
  2. Goolam Saber (Book Title: Search for More / Veils, ID: DP/17024)
  3. Bernard Sachs (Book Title: Tales, ID: GB/09924)
  4. Jonah Sack (Book Title: Drowning Man Book, ID: GB/14929)
  5. Jonah Sack (Book Title: Eleven Drawings, ID: GB/16129)
  6. Jonah Sack (Book Title: Endpaper, ID: GB/11673)
  7. Jonah Sack (Book Title: Kageyama, ID: GB/11832)
  8. Jonah Sack (Book Title: Kageyama, ID: GB/11754)
  9. Jonah Sack (Book Title: Kageyama: Mountain Shadow, ID: GB/11753)
  10. Jonah Sack (Book Title: Land of the Voice I, ID: GB/13544)
  11. Jonah Sack (Book Title: Land of the Voice I & II, ID: GB/13545)
  12. Jonah Sack (Book Title: Not - To Chase One`s Tale - Like a Dog, ID: DP/17038)
  13. Jonah Sack (Book Title: Three Untitled Zines, ID: GB/13546)
  14. Jonah Sack (Book Title: Your Beautiful City Will Also Die, ID: GB/14006)
  15. Jonah Sack (Book Title: Zines, ID: GB/12975)
  16. Jonah Sack (Book Title: Zombie 1, ID: GB/14676)
  17. Ruth Sack (Book Title: Emandulo Re-Creation, ID: GB/00525)
  18. Steven Sack (Book Title: Allowed, ID: DP/17084)
  19. Les Sacks (Book Title: Izwi 06, ID: GB/16088)
  20. Ruth Sacks (Book Title: Embedded, ID: GB/31717)
  21. Ruth Sacks (Book Title: False Friends, ID: GB/12847)
  22. Ruth Sacks (Book Title: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas, ID: DP/17074)
  23. Mitch Said (Book Title: Human Current, ID: DP/10038)
  24. Lyndi Sales (Book Title: Anomaly, ID: GB/09913)
  25. Lyndi Sales (Book Title: Curiosity, ID: GB/05610)
  26. Lyndi Sales (Book Title: Egypt, ID: GB/09912)
  27. Lyndi Sales (Book Title: Printexchange '98, ID: GB/16118)
  28. Lyndi Sales (Book Title: Ship, ID: GB/05611)
  29. Willem Samuel (Book Title: Mengelmoes, ID: GB/30556)
  30. Fabian Saptouw (Book Title: ISBN University Portrait Series, ID: DP/17019)
  31. Fabian Saptouw (Book Title: On Writing and Difference - Jacques Derrida, ID: DP/17020)
  32. Robyn Sassen (Book Title: Atlas, ID: DP/0121)
  33. Robyn Sassen (Book Title: Broodthaers Text On Home, ID: DP/0120)
  34. Robyn Sassen (Book Title: Drypoint text, ID: DP/0123)
  35. Robyn Sassen (Book Title: Identity Text, ID: DP/0122)
  36. Robyn Sassen (Book Title: Identity Text Revisited, ID: DP/12004)
  37. Robyn Sassen (Book Title: Outlandish Money Caper, ID: DP/0116)
  38. Robyn Sassen (Book Title: Recipes File, ID: DP/0118)
  39. Robyn Sassen (Book Title: Stagnation Text, ID: DP/0119)
  40. Roderick Sauls (Book Title: On the Surface, ID: GB/14218)
  41. Carla Saunders (Book Title: Meaning of Nothing, ID: DP/17009)
  42. Kathleen Patricia Sawyer (Book Title: Belly of the Beast, ID: GB/16515)
  43. Kathleen Patricia Sawyer (Book Title: Swords, ID: DP/17043)
  44. Joachim Schönfeldt (Book Title: fruitleafalgaestone, ID: DP/17033)
  45. Jennifer Schaum (Book Title: Printexchange '98, ID: GB/16118)
  46. Julia Schimautz (Book Title: Convenience Store, ID: GB/30551)
  47. Ingrid Schindall (Book Title: Be Careful Pop-up Book, ID: GB/13949)
  48. Casper Schmidt (Book Title: Izwi 01, ID: GB/16086)
  49. Joachim Schönfeldt (Book Title: GIF 1, ID: GB/11490)
  50. Joachim Schönfeldt (Book Title: GIF 2, ID: GB/09846)
  51. Joachim Schönfeldt (Book Title: GIF 3, ID: GB/14983)
  52. Joachim Schönfeldt (Book Title: GIF 3, ID: GB/14983)
  53. Olive Schreiner (Book Title: Hunter, ID: GB/05698)
  54. Claudette Schreuders (Book Title: GIF 3, ID: GB/14983)
  55. Derryn Schulze (Book Title: Print Exchange '95, ID: GB/16119)
  56. Paul Schutte (Book Title: Boom van my Lewe [Tree of my Life], ID: DP/10009)
  57. Ulrich Schwanecke (Book Title: African Pictures, ID: GB/10492)
  58. Ulrich Schwanecke (Book Title: Cadaver Palaver & After Laughter, ID: GB/05716)
  59. Ulrich Schwanecke (Book Title: Dumbirds, ID: GB/05309)
  60. Ulrich Schwanecke (Book Title: Green Piece, ID: GB/16287)
  61. Ulrich Schwanecke (Book Title: Images of the Desert, ID: GB/05718)
  62. Ulrich Schwanecke (Book Title: Lessons in Ornithology, ID: GB/16286)
  63. Ulrich Schwanecke (Book Title: Linocut Birds and Words, ID: GB/11497)
  64. Ulrich Schwanecke (Book Title: Love-Birds, ID: GB/05720)
  65. Ulrich Schwanecke (Book Title: Misgivings, ID: GB/10495)
  66. Ulrich Schwanecke (Book Title: My Desert, ID: GB/05721)
  67. Ulrich Schwanecke (Book Title: Noch sind da Stellen so still, ID: GB/16288)
  68. Ulrich Schwanecke (Book Title: There are places so still. Part One, ID: GB/31109)
  69. Ulrich Schwanecke (Book Title: To Fly or Not to Fly, ID: GB/10050)
  70. Ulrich Schwanecke (Book Title: Tsammas, ID: GB/05722)
  71. Ulrich Schwanecke (Book Title: Widow 'of Proofs', ID: GB/16128)
  72. Peter Scott (Book Title: Volatile Alliances, ID: GB/30005)
  73. Russell Scott (Book Title: Lectern, ID: GB/09855)
  74. Russell Scott (Book Title: Milk, Milk, ID: GB/09836)
  75. Russell Scott (Book Title: Pendulum bookbinding, ID: GB/09865)
  76. Laurence Vincent (Larry) Scully (Book Title: A Cape Portfolio: A Tribute to the People of District Six, ID: GB/16619)
  77. Helen Mmakgabo Mmapula Sebidi (Book Title: Emandulo Re-Creation, ID: GB/00525)
  78. Helen Mmakgabo Mmapula Sebidi (Book Title: Volatile Alliances, ID: GB/30005)
  79. Kamogelo Sebopa (Book Title: Phetoho(?), ID: GB/31702)
  80. Usha Seejarim (Book Title: Lockdown Collection, ID: GB/16839)
  81. George Seferis (Book Title: Homage to Seferis, ID: GB/12288)
  82. Naledi Segokgo (Book Title: In Transit, ID: GB/13368)
  83. Shime Sehetla (Book Title: Ingenuity, ID: GB/12134)
  84. Simon Sejake (Book Title: Volatile Alliances, ID: GB/30005)
  85. Koketso Sekhoacha (Book Title: T.S.C, ID: GB/31708)
  86. Kristina Selmeine (Book Title: Untitled, ID: GB/30765)
  87. David Sewape (Book Title: District Six 50th Commemoration Print Exchange 1966-2016 "Remembering 60 000 Forced Goodbyes', ID: GB/16122)
  88. Leonard Shapiro (Book Title: Dancing With the Machines, ID: DP/0111)
  89. Y. T. Sharke (Book Title: Mamba Comix - Number 1, ID: GB/30096)
  90. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (Book Title: Vindication of the Rights of Woman, ID: GB/09837)
  91. Rupert Shephard (Book Title: Cape Scapes, ID: GB/10496)
  92. Rupert Shephard (Book Title: Passing Scene, ID: GB/05908)
  93. Jesse Shepstone (Book Title: Etched in My Mind, ID: GB/30502)
  94. Jesse Shepstone (Book Title: Eulogy, ID: GB/30504)
  95. Jesse Shepstone (Book Title: Photo Album, ID: GB/30518)
  96. Jesse Shepstone (Book Title: Tokens 1 and 2, ID: GB/30503)
  97. Hazel Sherman (Book Title: Circle Book 1, ID: DP/09027)
  98. Hazel Sherman (Book Title: Circle Book 2, ID: DP/09026)
  99. Hazel Sherman (Book Title: Circle Book 2, ID: DP/09028)
  100. Hazel Sherman (Book Title: Circle Book 3, ID: DP/09029)
  101. Hazel Sherman (Book Title: Circle Book 4, ID: DP/09030)
  102. Hazel Sherman (Book Title: Separation, ID: DP/09025)
  103. Vuka Shift (Book Title: Zeke and the Mine Snake, ID: GB/30098)
  104. Raymond Shihawu (Book Title: re:thINK, ID: GB/16273)
  105. Kglalelo Shoni (Book Title: Invade, ID: GB/16276)
  106. Stanislav Shvabrin (Book Title: Nose, ID: GB/30398)
  107. Nokukhanya Sibanda (Book Title: Paper Jam, ID: GB/31705)
  108. Hazel Sibande (Book Title: GIF 4, ID: GB/15729)
  109. Bambo Sibiya (Book Title: Lockdown Collection, ID: GB/16839)
  110. Frank Sidgwick (Book Title: Everyman, a Morality Play, ID: GB/11498)
  111. Warren Siebrits (Book Title: Fine Line, ID: GB/12464)
  112. Durant Sihlali (Book Title: Volatile Alliances, ID: GB/30005)
  113. Pontsho Sikhosana (Book Title: Continental Series, ID: GB/16803)
  114. Pontsho Sikhosana (Book Title: Ten Years of Democracy, ID: GB/16617)
  115. Robbin Ami Silverberg (Book Title: Emandulo Re-Creation, ID: GB/00525)
  116. Robbin Ami Silverberg (Book Title: Kakistocracy, ID: GB/15391)
  117. Esther Simmons (Book Title: Printexchange '98, ID: GB/16118)
  118. Edwine Simon (Book Title: District Six 50th Commemoration Print Exchange 1966-2016 "Remembering 60 000 Forced Goodbyes', ID: GB/16122)
  119. Donald Simpson (Book Title: Cadaver Palaver & After Laughter, ID: GB/05716)
  120. Penny (Penelope) Siopis (Book Title: Lockdown Collection, ID: GB/16839)
  121. Penny (Penelope) Siopis (Book Title: Paper and Print Collaboration, ID: GB/16804)
  122. Penny (Penelope) Siopis (Book Title: Sympathetic Magic, ID: GB/05421)
  123. Kevin Sipp (Book Title: Travelogue, ID: GB/30733)
  124. Baxolile Siwa (Book Title: Re: Initiative, ID: GB/30725)
  125. Fikele Skosana (Book Title: E-POS "Persoonlijke Vocabulaire" / E-POS "Personal Vocabulary", ID: GB/30760)
  126. Cecil Skotnes (Book Title: Assassination of Shaka, ID: GB/11496)
  127. Cecil Skotnes (Book Title: Assassination of Shaka, ID: GB/10684)
  128. Cecil Skotnes (Book Title: Assassination of Skaka, ID: GB/31694)
  129. Cecil Skotnes (Book Title: Baudelaire's Voyage, ID: DP/0128)
  130. Cecil Skotnes (Book Title: Cecil Skotnes, ID: GB/16869)
  131. Cecil Skotnes (Book Title: Ek Sing Waar Ek Staan, ID: GB/14474)
  132. Cecil Skotnes (Book Title: Ek Sing Waar Ek Staan, ID: GB/30102)
  133. Cecil Skotnes (Book Title: In Memoriam, ID: GB/13572)
  134. Cecil Skotnes (Book Title: Izwi 14, ID: GB/16093)
  135. Cecil Skotnes (Book Title: Man's Gold, ID: GB/10215)
  136. Cecil Skotnes (Book Title: Pilgrimage to Dias Cross, ID: GB/00961)
  137. Cecil Skotnes (Book Title: Rooinek, ID: GB/11866)
  138. Cecil Skotnes (Book Title: Tales, ID: GB/09924)
  139. Cecil Skotnes (Book Title: White Monday Disaster, ID: GB/14941)
  140. Pippa Skotnes (Book Title: Book of the Divine Consolation, ID: GB/15847)
  141. Pippa Skotnes (Book Title: Cape Town Days, ID: GB/06944)
  142. Pippa Skotnes (Book Title: Cecil Skotnes, ID: GB/16869)
  143. Pippa Skotnes (Book Title: Dream, ID: GB/11499)
  144. Pippa Skotnes (Book Title: Gan-a, ID: DP/0130)
  145. Pippa Skotnes (Book Title: Heaven's Things, ID: DP/0129)
  146. Pippa Skotnes (Book Title: Mordant Methods, ID: GB/14217)
  147. Pippa Skotnes (Book Title: On the Surface, ID: GB/14218)
  148. Pippa Skotnes (Book Title: Sound From the Thinking Strings, ID: GB/31693.)
  149. Pippa Skotnes (Book Title: What's Bred in the Stone, ID: GB/14219)
  150. Pippa Skotnes (Book Title: White Wagons, ID: GB/16759)
  151. Sarita Slabbert (Book Title: Address / Redress Print Collection '99, ID: GB/16120)
  152. Adam Small (Book Title: Black Bronze Beautiful, ID: GB/15870)
  153. Mavis Smallberg (Book Title: E-POS "Persoonlijke Vocabulaire" / E-POS "Personal Vocabulary", ID: GB/30760)
  154. Derek Smith (Book Title: Karoo Gothic, ID: GB/31023)
  155. Kathryn Smith (Book Title: GIF 3, ID: GB/14983)
  156. Richard Smith (Book Title: Izwi 11, ID: GB/16090)
  157. Tina Smith (Book Title: District Six 50th Commemoration Print Exchange 1966-2016 "Remembering 60 000 Forced Goodbyes', ID: GB/16122)
  158. Tina Smith (Book Title: Wedding, ID: GB/30729)
  159. Amanda Snyman (Book Title: Printexchange '98, ID: GB/16118)
  160. Cara Snyman (Book Title: Soweto, ID: GB/16881)
  161. Mikhael Sobotzky (Book Title: Ponte City, ID: GB/14533)
  162. Michele Sohn (Book Title: codex, ID: DP/0135)
  163. Evan Sohun (Book Title: Com!cs 2018, ID: GB/30012)
  164. Avitha Sooful (Book Title: Address / Redress Print Collection '99, ID: GB/16120)
  165. James Soullier (Book Title: Villa at 90 (special edition), ID: GB/14309)
  166. Chris Spies (Book Title: Fragmente van Afrika, ID: GB/13647)
  167. Jaco Spies (Book Title: Address / Redress Print Collection '99, ID: GB/16120)
  168. Jaco Spies (Book Title: Printexchange '98, ID: GB/16118)
  169. Katherine Spindler (Book Title: 'Look again, you may have missed a few', ID: DP/11017)
  170. Jenny Stadler (Book Title: Wild Thing, ID: DP/0136)
  171. Anne Stanwix (Book Title: Homepages, ID: GB/16061)
  172. Jessica Steele (Book Title: Terms and Conditions, ID: GB/31706)
  173. Irma Stern (Book Title: Paradise, ID: DP/0137)
  174. Joel Sternfeld (Book Title: Citygroup Photography Prize 2004, ID: GB/30519)
  175. Muffin Stevens (Book Title: And How They Lived, ID: GB/02179)
  176. Michael Stevenson (Book Title: Regarding Intersections, ID: GB/30560)
  177. Colonel Stevenson-Hamilton (Book Title: Our South African National Parks, ID: GB/16765)
  178. Wilma Stockenström (Book Title: Izwi 01, ID: GB/16086)
  179. Wilma Stockenström (Book Title: Izwi 04, ID: GB/16087)
  180. Wilma Stockenström (Book Title: Izwi 06, ID: GB/16088)
  181. Wilma Stockenström (Book Title: Izwi 07, ID: GB/16089)
  182. Wilma Stockenström (Book Title: Izwi 08, ID: GB/16091)
  183. Wilma Stockenström (Book Title: Izwi 09, ID: GB/16387)
  184. Wilma Stockenström (Book Title: Izwi 10, ID: GB/16388)
  185. Wilma Stockenström (Book Title: Izwi 11, ID: GB/16090)
  186. Wilma Stockenström (Book Title: Izwi 12, ID: GB/16092)
  187. Wilma Stockenström (Book Title: Izwi 14, ID: GB/16093)
  188. Wilma Stockenström (Book Title: Skoelapperheuwel, Skoelappervrou, ID: GB/12418)
  189. Le-Ana Stoffeberg (Book Title: Printexchange '98, ID: GB/16118)
  190. Simon Stone (Book Title: 16.6.94 and 6.7.94, ID: GB/15618)
  191. Simon Stone (Book Title: 16.9.90, ID: GB/09841)
  192. Simon Stone (Book Title: Emandulo Re-Creation, ID: GB/00525)
  193. Simon Stone (Book Title: Erotikos - 7.6.90, ID: GB/09842)
  194. Sonja Strafella (Book Title: Angel in the Dark, ID: DP/0140)
  195. Sonja Strafella (Book Title: In Honour Of The Feather, ID: GB/09844)
  196. Sonja Strafella (Book Title: Violinator, ID: GB/09843)
  197. Richardt Strydom (Book Title: Ad Hominem, ID: DP/10027)
  198. Lucy Stuart-Clark (Book Title: Gardening In Southern Africa, ID: DP/17049)
  199. Lucy Stuart-Clark (Book Title: London Has a Garden, ID: DP/17050)
  200. Lucy Stuart-Clark (Book Title: Page by Page, ID: GB/30575)
  201. Asiva Swaley (Book Title: Printexchange '98, ID: GB/16118)
  202. Chris Swift (Book Title: In Transit, ID: GB/13368)
  203. Keri Swift (Book Title: Izwi 18, ID: GB/16096)
  204. Malou Swinnen (Book Title: E-POS "Persoonlijke Vocabulaire" / E-POS "Personal Vocabulary", ID: GB/30760)
  205. Stephanie Symonds (Book Title: Re: Initiative, ID: GB/30725)
  206. Wislawa Szymborska (Book Title: Receiver, ID: GB/10947)

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