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Authors starting with 'A'

  1. Paulene Abrey (Book Title: Curriculum Vitae, ID: SA/2218)
  2. Hector Acebes (Book Title: Portraits in Africa, ID: SA/0441)
  3. Albert Adams (Book Title: Adams Clarke Desmore & Dollar Brand, ID: SA/0537)
  4. Albert Adams (Book Title: invincible spirit: Albert Adams and his art, ID: SA/0186)
  5. Igshaan Adams (Book Title: Igshaan Adams, ID: SA/1908)
  6. Tamsyn Adams (Book Title: Commonplace, ID: SA/2099)
  7. Jill Addleson (Book Title: Things People Make, ID: SA/1675)
  8. Sanell Aggenbach (Book Title: Graceland, ID: SA/1168)
  9. Sanell Aggenbach (Book Title: Johann Louw & Sanell Aggenbach Portraits, ID: SA/0977)
  10. Sanell Aggenbach (Book Title: Sanell Aggenbach, ID: SA/1169)
  11. Bill Ainslie (Book Title: Last Paintings by Bill Ainslie, ID: SA/0166)
  12. Paula Aisemberg (Book Title: Guide of the artistic scene, ID: SA/2359)
  13. M. Campbell Aiton (Book Title: RED data AND etc., ID: SA/1967)
  14. Shea Albert (Book Title: Journeys to the Interior, ID: SA/1205)
  15. (Dr.) Louw Alberts (Book Title: Akademiekunsversameling, ID: SA/0803)
  16. Paul Alberts (Book Title: Some Evidence of Things Seen, ID: SA/0492)
  17. Alan Alborough (Book Title: Size Ten, ID: SA/2318)
  18. Colleen Alborough (Book Title: Transcode, ID: SA/2505)
  19. F. L. Alexander (Book Title: Art in South Africa, ID: SA/0360)
  20. F. L. Alexander (Book Title: Jewish Art Exhibition, ID: SA/0507)
  21. F. L. Alexander (Book Title: South African Bookplates, ID: SA/0353)
  22. F. L. Alexander (Book Title: South African Graphic Art and its Techniques. , ID: SA/0363)
  23. Jane Alexander (Book Title: Butcher Boys, ID: SA/2309)
  24. Jane Alexander (Book Title: Dislocación, ID: SA/2399)
  25. Jane Alexander (Book Title: Jane Alexander, ID: SA/0378)
  26. Jane Alexander (Book Title: Photo-Book, ID: SA/0142)
  27. Jane Alexander (Book Title: Sculpture and Photomontage, ID: SA/0155)
  28. Jane Alexander (Book Title: Surveys (from the Cape of Good Hope), ID: SA/1382)
  29. Keith Alexander (Book Title: Artist and His Work, ID: SA/0086)
  30. Keith Alexander (Book Title: Keith Alexander, ID: SA/1025)
  31. Lucy Alexander (Book Title: 150 South African Paintings, ID: SA/0379)
  32. Lucy Alexander (Book Title: Paris and South African Artists, ID: SA/0738)
  33. Lucy Alexander (Book Title: Women Artists in South Africa, ID: SA/0053)
  34. Bonita Alice (Book Title: Giving and Not Giving, ID: SA/0208)
  35. Bonita Alice (Book Title: Strangers Of Commanding Aspect, ID: SA/2015)
  36. Jani Allan (Book Title: Face Value, ID: SA/1254)
  37. Lisa Allan (Book Title: Birth of the Modernist Body, ID: SA/0929)
  38. Pamela Allara (Book Title: Coexistence: Contemporary Cultural Production in South Africa, ID: SA/0205)
  39. Pamela Allara (Book Title: Coming of Age, ID: SA/1468)
  40. Pamela Allara (Book Title: Kim Berman, ID: SA/0599)
  41. Pamela Allara (Book Title: Kim Berman, ID: SA/1493)
  42. Pamela Allara (Book Title: Paul Emmanuel's Transitions, ID: SA/1412)
  43. Pamela Allara (Book Title: Triumphs and Laments: The Challenges and Pleasures of Collaboration, ID: SA/2394)
  44. Janine Allen (Book Title: Re-envisioning the Anglo-Boer (South African) War, ID: SA/2400)
  45. Lynne Allen (Book Title: 25 Years at the Caversham Press, ID: SA/1517)
  46. Lynne Allen (Book Title: Hourglass Project, ID: SA/0600)
  47. Siemon Allen (Book Title: Flat Gallery, ID: SA/0718)
  48. Siemon Allen (Book Title: Imaging South Africa, ID: SA/2544)
  49. Siemon Allen (Book Title: Newspapers, ID: SA/1102)
  50. Stephanie Allen (Book Title: My First Twenty Years, ID: SA/2340)
  51. Fernando Alvim (Book Title: Deflagration or Difumbe?, ID: SA/0826)
  52. Arlene Amaler-Raviv (Book Title: Arlene Amaler-Raviv, ID: SA/0224)
  53. El Anatsui (Book Title: El Anatsui, ID: SA/2185)
  54. Peter Anders (Book Title: Beyond the Line - Johannesburg, ID: SA/1263)
  55. Heilwig and Peter Andreae (Book Title: Levinson Collection, ID: SA/0411)
  56. David Andrew (Book Title: New Work 14, ID: SA/1735)
  57. David Andrew (Book Title: Newwork12, ID: SA/1505)
  58. RJ Angel (Book Title: Mobil Court Art Collection, ID: SA/2344)
  59. Federica Angelucci (Book Title: Country Girls, ID: SA/1259)
  60. Federica Angelucci (Book Title: Men Only, ID: SA/1170)
  61. Federica Angelucci (Book Title: What we Talk About When we Talk about Love, ID: SA/1472)
  62. Anonymous (Book Title: Sandton Civic Art Collection, ID: SA/0043)
  63. Anton Anreith (Book Title: Anton Anreith, ID: SA/0744)
  64. Francis Antonie (Book Title: Focus, ID: SA/1421)
  65. Francis Antonie (Book Title: Focus., ID: SA/2364)
  66. Wendy Anziska (Book Title: Wendy Anziska, ID: SA/0300)
  67. Umbro Apollonio (Book Title: Baldinelli, ID: SA/0423)
  68. Ernesto Ardila (Book Title: Fortuna, ID: SA/2450)
  69. Kym Argo (Book Title: Art's on the Wall, ID: SA/2207)
  70. Arisha Maharaj (Book Title: Dream Invisible Connections, ID: SA/2470)
  71. David Arment (Book Title: Wired, ID: SA/0486)
  72. Marion Arnold (Book Title: Art Meets Science, ID: SA/0236)
  73. Marion Arnold (Book Title: Boxing Days: structuring time and space, ID: SA/0148)
  74. Marion Arnold (Book Title: Craft Art, ID: SA/0658)
  75. Marion Arnold (Book Title: De Arte (37), ID: SA/0810)
  76. Marion Arnold (Book Title: De Arte (38), ID: SA/0811)
  77. Marion Arnold (Book Title: De Arte (39), ID: SA/0812)
  78. Marion Arnold (Book Title: De Arte (40), ID: SA/0813)
  79. Marion Arnold (Book Title: De Arte (41), ID: SA/0814)
  80. Marion Arnold (Book Title: De Arte (42), ID: SA/0815)
  81. Marion Arnold (Book Title: Irma Stern: A Feast for the Eye, ID: SA/0426)
  82. Marion Arnold (Book Title: Life and Work of Thomas Baines, ID: SA/0428)
  83. Marion Arnold (Book Title: Marion Arnold: "Encounters", ID: SA/0084)
  84. Marion Arnold (Book Title: Pippa Skotnes, ID: SA/0669)
  85. Marion Arnold (Book Title: RED data AND etc., ID: SA/1967)
  86. Marion Arnold (Book Title: Sculpture and Photomontage, ID: SA/0155)
  87. Marion Arnold (Book Title: South African Botanical Art, ID: SA/0429)
  88. Marion Arnold (Book Title: Women and Art in South Africa, ID: SA/0735)
  89. Bruce Arnott (Book Title: Artworks in Progress (10), ID: SA/1323)
  90. Bruce Arnott (Book Title: Artworks in Progress (2), ID: SA/0287)
  91. Bruce Arnott (Book Title: Artworks in Progress (3), ID: SA/0286)
  92. Bruce Arnott (Book Title: Artworks in Progress (5), ID: SA/0313)
  93. Bruce Arnott (Book Title: Artworks in Progress (7), ID: SA/0280)
  94. Bruce Arnott (Book Title: Artworks in Progress (8), ID: SA/1167)
  95. Bruce Arnott (Book Title: Claude Bouscharain, ID: SA/0432)
  96. Bruce Arnott (Book Title: John Muafangejo, ID: SA/2308)
  97. Bruce Arnott (Book Title: Lippy Lipshitz, ID: SA/0433)
  98. Erika Arzt (Book Title: Influx / Reflux / Reflex, ID: SA/1510)
  99. Brenda Atkinson (Book Title: Grey Areas, ID: SA/0436)
  100. Brenda Atkinson (Book Title: Jo Ractliffe: Artist's Book, ID: SA/2624)
  101. Brenda Atkinson (Book Title: Jo Ractliffe: Artist's Book, ID: SA/2624)
  102. Brenda Atkinson (Book Title: Robert Hodgins, ID: SA/0450)
  103. Brenda Atkinson (Book Title: Wash, ID: SA/0002)
  104. Brenda Atkinson (Book Title: Wash, ID: SA/0630)
  105. Brenda Atkinson (Book Title: Wash, ID: SA/0050)
  106. Brenda Atkinson (Book Title: Wayne Barker, ID: SA/0022)
  107. Bruce Attwood (Book Title: Art [1], ID: SA/0542)
  108. Mark Attwood (Book Title: Art of the Lithograph, ID: SA/0637)
  109. Vivian Attwood (Book Title: News Art KZN, ID: SA/0806)
  110. Roxana Azimi (Book Title: Lumieres D'Afriques, ID: SA/2326)

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