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Artwork Titles starting with 'S'

  1. Saint Joan n.d. (Author: Bernard Shaw, ID: GB/5890)
  2. Salamagundi 1942 (Author: R. M. Titlestad, ID: GB/6493)
  3. Salinger - A Critical and Personal Portrait 1964 (Author: Henry Anatole Grunwald, ID: GB/2623)
  4. Salinger J.D 1965 (Author: James E. Jnr Miller, ID: GB/4432)
  5. Salome 1912 (Author: Aubrey Beardsley, ID: GB/7107)
  6. Salome 1912 (Author: Oscar Wilde, ID: GB/7107)
  7. Salome & La Sainte Coutisane & A Florentine Tragedy 1921 (Author: Oscar Wilde, ID: GB/7108)
  8. Salvadore Dali 1975 (Author: Luis Romero, ID: GB/5415)
  9. Sam Hunter n.d. (Author: Isamu Noguchi, ID: GB/4765)
  10. Samuel Pepy's Penny Merriments 1976 (Author: Roger Thompson, ID: GB/6458)
  11. Satisfuction Guarantee 1996 (Author: Chris Kenny, ID: GB/3422)
  12. Satori in Paris 1966 (Author: Jack Kerouac, ID: GB/3435)
  13. Satyagraha (Non-Violent Resistence) 1958 (Author: M. K. Gandhi, ID: GB/2299)
  14. Satyagraha in South Africa 1961 (Author: M. K. Gandhi, ID: GB/2300)
  15. Saul Steinberg 1978 (Author: Harold Rosenberg, ID: GB/5431)
  16. Scandal of Pleasure 1995 (Author: Wendy Steiner, ID: GB/6185)
  17. Scar Strangled Banger n.d. (Author: Ralph Steadman, ID: GB/6149)
  18. Scarfeland 1989 (Author: Gerald Scarfe, ID: GB/5659)
  19. Scarlet Letter 1965 (Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne, ID: GB/2811)
  20. Scarlet Pimpernel n.d. (Author: Baroness Orczy, ID: GB/4873)
  21. Scatty 1977 (Author: Sine, ID: GB/5958)
  22. Scenes from the Nineteenth-Century Stage 1977 (Author: Stanley Appelbaum, ID: GB/198)
  23. Scenes of Clerical Life (Author: George Eliot, ID: GB/1952)
  24. School for Scandal n.d. (Author: Richard Brinsley Sheridan, ID: GB/5913)
  25. Schott's Food and Drink Miscellny 2003 (Author: Ben Schott, ID: GB/7354)
  26. Schrift-Zeichen 1984 (Author: Peter J. Betts, ID: GB/2657)
  27. Schrift-Zeichen 1984 (Author: Margit Haldemann, ID: GB/2657)
  28. Science Fiction Book 1975 (Author: Franz Rottensteiner, ID: GB/5516)
  29. Scorn with Added Vitriol 1994 (Author: Matthew Parris, ID: GB/4950)
  30. Script Lettering for Artists 1965 (Author: Tommy Thompson, ID: GB/6461)
  31. Sculpting with the Enviroment 1995 (Author: Baile Oakes, ID: GB/4791)
  32. Sculptor's Handbook 1984 (Author: Stan Smith, ID: GB/6022)
  33. Sculpture: Process and Principals 1986 (Author: Rudolf Wittkower, ID: GB/7184)
  34. Season of Giants 1990 (Author: Vincenzo Labella, ID: GB/3605)
  35. Second American Revolution 1982 (Author: Gore Vidal, ID: GB/6834)
  36. Second Book of South African Flowers 1936 (Author: M. L. Bolus, ID: GB/658)
  37. Second Spoonapropnaglisms 1980 (Author: J. Oglethorpe MacNooder, ID: GB/13502)
  38. Second Spoonapropnaglisms 1980 (Author: J. Oglethorpe MacNooder, ID: GB/13502)
  39. Secret Life of Queen Victoria 1979 (Author: Jonathan Routh, ID: GB/5521)
  40. Secret of Life and Death 1984 (Author: Allen Ruppersberg, ID: GB/14399)
  41. See: Desparate Faith (Author: James Baldwin, ID: GB/311)
  42. See: Murillo L.A n.d. (Author: Jorge Luis Borges, ID: GB/688)
  43. See: The World of Carl Larsson (Author: Carl Larsson, ID: GB/3652)
  44. Seen and Not Heared 1970 (Author: Nigel Temple, ID: GB/6374)
  45. Selected Essays. 1884-1907 1908? (Author: Augustine Birrell, ID: GB/587)
  46. Selected Letters of John O'Hara 1978 (Author: Matthew J. Bruccoli, ID: GB/860)
  47. Selected Letters of Mark Twain 1982 (Author: Charles Neider, ID: GB/4698)
  48. Selected verse and prose works including letters and extracts from Lord Byron's journals and diaries 1966 (Author: Lord Byron, ID: GB/972)
  49. Selected Writings of an American Skeptic 1983 (Author: Mark Twain, ID: GB/6627)
  50. Selections From the Fraerie Queene n.d. (Author: Edmund Spemser, ID: GB/6092)
  51. Self-Portrait 1984-1997 1997 (Author: John Coplans, ID: GB/1358)
  52. Self-Portrait 1984-1997 1997 (Author: Jean-Francois Chevrier, ID: GB/1358)
  53. Self-Portrait U.S.A 1969 (Author: David Douglas Duncan, ID: GB/1861)
  54. Semaine de Bonté 1976 (Author: Max Ernst, ID: GB/2000)
  55. Semaine de Bonté 1976 (Author: Stanley Appelbaum, ID: GB/2000)
  56. Sequal to An Enquiry into the Nature of Certain x1xth Century Pamphlets 1992 (Author: John Carter, ID: GB/1074)
  57. Sequal to An Enquiry into the Nature of Certain x1xth Century Pamphlets 1992 (Author: Graham Pollard, ID: GB/1074)
  58. Sequal to An Enquiry into the Nature of Certain x1xth Century Pamphlets 1992 (Author: Graham Pollard, ID: GB/5124)
  59. Sergeant Musgrave's Dance 1965 (Author: John Arden, ID: GB/205)
  60. Sesame and Lilies Etc (Author: John Ruskin, ID: GB/5562)
  61. Set of Six 1927 (Author: Joseph Conrad, ID: GB/1332)
  62. Seurat - a Biography 1990 (Author: John Rewald, ID: GB/5314)
  63. Seven Days in May (Author: Fletcher Knebel, ID: GB/3526)
  64. Seven Deadly Sins 1987 (Author: Gerald Scarfe, ID: GB/5660)
  65. Seventy Golden Years n.d. (Author: Felix Stark, ID: GB/6138)
  66. Seventy Years of Cinema 1969 (Author: Peter Cowie, ID: GB/1393)
  67. Sex in the City: An Illustrated History 2002 (Author: Alison Maddex, ID: GB/4069)
  68. Sex, Performance, and the 80's 1982 (Author: Martha Wilson, ID: GB/7168)
  69. Sexual Outlaw 1977 (Author: John Rechy, ID: GB/5272)
  70. Sexual Personae 1991 (Author: Camille Paglia, ID: GB/4907)
  71. Shadow of Tyburn Tree n.d. (Author: Dennis Wheatley, ID: GB/7060)
  72. Shadows of the Evening 1966 (Author: Noel Coward, ID: GB/1390)
  73. Shakespeare and Company 1960 (Author: Sylvia Beach, ID: GB/437)
  74. Shakespeare's Plutarch n.d. (Author: T. J. B. Spencer, ID: GB/6099)
  75. Shakesperean Criticism. Volume 1 & 2 1964 (Author: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, ID: GB/1301)
  76. Shaw on Theatre: A Half Century of Advices 1998 (Author: Mary Chenoweth Stratton, ID: GB/6267)
  77. Shaw on Women 1992 (Author: Mary Chenoweth Stratton, ID: GB/6268)
  78. She (Author: H. Rider Haggard, ID: GB/2652)
  79. She Stoops to Conquer; or, The Mistakes of a Night (Author: Oliver Goldsmith, ID: GB/2440)
  80. Sherlock Holmes Short Stories (Author: Arthur Conan Doyle, ID: GB/1807)
  81. Shirley 1935 (Author: Charlotte Bronte, ID: GB/821)
  82. Shoes of the Fisherman n.d. (Author: Morris West, ID: GB/7045)
  83. Shop Talk 2001 (Author: Philip Roth, ID: GB/5497)
  84. Short History of Nearly Everything 2003 (Author: Bill Bryson, ID: GB/871)
  85. Short History of the Printed Word 1972 (Author: Warren Chappell, ID: GB/1141)
  86. Short History of Western Atheism 1971 (Author: James Thrower, ID: GB/6475)
  87. Shrink Lits 1980 (Author: Maurice Sagoff, ID: GB/5607)
  88. Sideworks 1997 (Author: Robert Smithson, ID: GB/6027)
  89. Siege of London (Author: Robert Henrey, ID: GB/2869)
  90. Siembamba 1995 (Author: Conrad Botes, ID: GB/16778)
  91. Sigmund Freud 1979 (Author: Ralph Steadman, ID: GB/6150)
  92. Sign and Design 1961 (Author: Alfred Kallir, ID: GB/3368)
  93. Sign,Image and Symbol 1966 (Author: Gyorgy Kepe, ID: GB/3427)
  94. Significant Others 1987 (Author: Armistead Maupin, ID: GB/4219)
  95. Signs of the Times 1939 - 1961 1961 (Author: Osbert Lancaster, ID: GB/3626)
  96. Silver Book of English Sonnets 1927 (Author: Robert K. Lynd, ID: GB/4039)
  97. Simple Library Cataloguing 1954 (Author: Susan Grey Akers, ID: GB/46)
  98. SimWar 1991 (Author: Brad Freeman, ID: GB/2228)
  99. Singer not the Song (Author: Audry Erskine Lindop, ID: GB/3894)
  100. Sirens 1986 (Author: Nigel Suckling, ID: GB/11)
  101. Sirens 1986 (Author: Chris Achilleos, ID: GB/11)
  102. Sister Carrie 1925 (Author: Theodore Dreiser, ID: GB/1814)
  103. Situation Ethics 1972 (Author: Joseph Fletcher, ID: GB/2146)
  104. Situation Ethics 1966 (Author: Joseph Fletcher, ID: GB/2147)
  105. Six Existentialist Thinkers 1965 (Author: H . J. Blackman, ID: GB/604)
  106. Six Men of Dorset (Author: H. Terry Brooks, ID: GB/827)
  107. Six unabridged books 1976 (Author: George Orwell, ID: GB/4879)
  108. Sixties Going on Seventies 1996 (Author: Nora Sayre, ID: GB/5657)
  109. Sketches by Boz (Author: Charles Dickens, ID: GB/1725)
  110. Slight Rebellion Off Madison (Author: J. D. Salinger, ID: GB/5625)
  111. Smart Money in Hard Times 1975 (Author: Ronald L. Soble, ID: GB/6042)
  112. Smit & Abott's Greatest Hits (1973) (Author: Richard Smith, ID: GB/6020)
  113. Smithsonian Book of Books 1992 (Author: Michael Olmert, ID: GB/4837)
  114. Smoke Signal March 2013 (Author: Gabe Fowler, ID: GB/13983)
  115. Smuts - A Reappraisal 1975 (Author: Bernard Friedman, ID: GB/2240)
  116. Snoopy Festival 1974 (Author: Charles M. Schulz, ID: GB/5706)
  117. So Much Wisdom 1984 (Author: Christina Foyle, ID: GB/2195)
  118. Social Order 1963 (Author: Robert Bierstedt, ID: GB/564)
  119. Soft Vengeance of a Freedom Fighter 1990 (Author: Albie Sachs, ID: GB/5594)
  120. sogs from pretotia (Author: Angela Read Lloyd, ID: gb/16751)
  121. Sol LeWitt: A Retrospective 2000 (Author: Gary Garrels, ID: GB/2311)
  122. Some Afrikaners Photographed 2019 (Author: David Goldblatt, ID: GB/30043)
  123. Some Afrikaners Revisited 2007 (Author: David Goldblatt, ID: GB/30056)
  124. Some Afrikaners Revisited 2007 (Author: Ivor Powell, ID: GB/30056)
  125. Some Afrikaners Revisited 2007 (Author: Antjie Krog, ID: GB/30056)
  126. Some Honorable Men 1976 (Author: Norman Mailer, ID: GB/4084)
  127. Some Random Recollections 1949 (Author: Alfred A. Knopf, ID: GB/3531)
  128. Song at Twilight 1966 (Author: Noel Coward, ID: GB/1391)
  129. Song of Bilitis 1904 (Author: Pierre Louys, ID: GB/3990)
  130. Sonnets of Sir Philip Sidney 1898 (Author: John Gray, ID: GB/5932)
  131. Sonnets of Sir Philip Sidney 1898 (Author: Phillip Sidney, ID: GB/5932)
  132. Sonnets of Sir Philip Sidney 1898 (Author: Charles S. Ricketts, ID: GB/5932)
  133. Sophie's Choice 1979 (Author: William Styron, ID: GB/6282)
  134. Soul of Man Under Socialism 1932 (Author: Oscar Wilde, ID: GB/7110)
  135. Sounds of a Cowhide Drum 1972 (Author: Oswald Joseph Mtshali, ID: GB/4611)
  136. Sounds of Spoken English 1925 (Author: Walter Ripman, ID: GB/5372)
  137. Source Book of Advertising Art 1964 (Author: Irving Zucker, ID: GB/7326)
  138. South Africa 1975 (Author: Gerald Cubitt, ID: GB/1500)
  139. South Africa 1952 (Author: Jan H. Hofmeyr, ID: GB/2998)
  140. South Africa 1968 (Author: Alan Paton, ID: GB/4974)
  141. South Africa - Land of Challenge n.d. (Author: Maurice Tyack, ID: GB/6632)
  142. South African Economy (Author: D. Hobart Houghton, ID: GB/3065)
  143. South African Intersections 2005 (Author: David Goldblatt, ID: GB/30033)
  144. South African Tragedy. The Life and times of Jan Hofmeyer. 1965 (Author: Alan Paton, ID: GB/4975)
  145. Space / Die Ruimte / Indawo (Author: Brian Astbury, ID: GB/16236)
  146. Space Wars Worlds and Weapons 1979 (Author: Steven Eisler, ID: GB/1937)
  147. Spanish Gardner (Author: A. J. Cronin, ID: GB/1479)
  148. Speeches of Charles Dickens (Author: Charles Dickens, ID: GB/1720)
  149. Spirit of Colours 1981 (Author: Henri Stierlin, ID: GB/6220)
  150. Spirit of Place 1989 (Author: John Arthur, ID: GB/235)
  151. Spiritual in Art 1986 (Author: Edward Weisberger, ID: GB/7009)
  152. Splendor of Letters 2003 (Author: Nicholas A. Basbanes, ID: GB/8749)
  153. Springbok Record (Author: Harry Klein, ID: GB/3509)
  154. Springtide of Life 1918 (Author: Algernon Charles Swinburne, ID: GB/6315)
  155. Square Book of Animals 1979 (Author: William Nicholson, ID: GB/4747)
  156. Stage and Film Decor 1940 (Author: R. Myerscough-Walker, ID: GB/4656)
  157. Stained Glass 1976 (Author: Lawrence Lee, ID: GB/3733)
  158. Stanley Spencer 1979 (Author: Duncan Robinson, ID: GB/5385)
  159. State of the Language 1980 (Author: Leonard MIchaeks, ID: GB/4394)
  160. State of the Language 1990 (Author: Leonard Michaels, ID: GB/4395)
  161. State of the Language 1990 (Author: Christopher Ricks, ID: GB/5349)
  162. Statements 1968 (Author: Lawrence Weiner, ID: GB/14393)
  163. Statements 1974 (Author: Athol Fugard, ID: GB/2269)
  164. Statues 1954 (Author: George Molnar, ID: GB/4505)
  165. Statues n.d. (Author: George Molnar, ID: GB/4506)
  166. Stealingworth, Slim 1980 (Author: Tom Wesselmann, ID: GB/7043)
  167. Steven Appleby's Miserable Families 1995 (Author: Steven Appleby, ID: GB/199)
  168. Still Glides the Stream 1984 (Author: Flora Thompson, ID: GB/6452)
  169. Still Life - A Hsitory 1999 (Author: Sybille Ebert-Schifferer, ID: GB/1890)
  170. Still More Frustration 1986 (Author: Claire Bretecher, ID: GB/776)
  171. Still More Frustration 1986 (Author: Claire Bretecher, ID: GB/777)
  172. Still-Life: A History 1989 (Author: Pierre Skira, ID: GB/5976)
  173. Story of American Painting 1974 (Author: Abraham A. Davidson, ID: GB/1579)
  174. Story of Education 1957 (Author: I. N. Thut, ID: GB/6483)
  175. Story of Music in Cartoon 1983 (Author: Bernard Deyries, ID: GB/1684)
  176. Story of my Experiments with Truth 1966 (Author: M. K. Gandhi, ID: GB/2301)
  177. Story of Writing 1995 (Author: Andrew Robinson, ID: GB/5384)
  178. Straight and Crooked Thinking n.d. (Author: Robert H. Thouless, ID: GB/6474)
  179. Strictly Speaking 1975 (Author: Edwin Newman, ID: GB/4720)
  180. String Things you Can Create 1974 (Author: Glen Saeger, ID: GB/5602)
  181. Structure in Art and Science 1965 (Author: Gyorgy Kepe, ID: GB/3429)
  182. Structures of the Modern World 1850-1900 1965 (Author: Nello Ponente, ID: GB/5129)
  183. Struggle for Africa (Author: Vernon Bartlett, ID: GB/380)
  184. Struggle for Racial Equality 1967 (Author: Julius Lewin, ID: GB/3824)
  185. Studies in J. D. Salinger 1963 (Author: Marvin Laser, ID: GB/3654)
  186. Studies in the Social and Economic History of the Witwatersrand 1886-1914 1982 (Author: Charles van Onselen, ID: GB/6766)
  187. Studies in the Social and Economic History of the Witwatersrand 1886-1914. 1982 (Author: Charles van Onselen, ID: GB/6767)
  188. Studies in Word-Association 1918 (Author: C. G. Jung, ID: GB/3356)
  189. Study and Criticism of Italian Sculpture 1980 (Author: John Pope-Hennessy, ID: GB/5137)
  190. Study of History 1972 (Author: Arnold Toynbee, ID: GB/6528)
  191. Styles of Ornament 1959 (Author: Alexander Speltz, ID: GB/6091)
  192. Styles Radical Will 1969 (Author: Susan Sontag, ID: GB/6065)
  193. Subway City 1997 (Author: Michael W. Brooks, ID: GB/828)
  194. Suffragettes to She-Devils 1997 (Author: Liz McQuiston, ID: GB/4301)
  195. Summer and Smoke 1952 (Author: Tennessee Williams, ID: GB/7144)
  196. Sunday Under Three Heads (Author: Charles Dickens, ID: GB/1721)
  197. Sundry 1987 (Author: Graham Ovenden, ID: GB/4896)
  198. Sunrise to Evening Star (Author: Marina King, ID: GB/3467)
  199. Superpen 1978 (Author: Edward Sorel, ID: GB/6072)
  200. Surrealism an Dadaism 1979 (Author: Marrianne Oesterreicher-Mollwo, ID: GB/4824)
  201. Swan Whisperer 2015 (Author: Marius Swart, ID: GB/30086)
  202. Swan Whisperer 2015 (Author: Marlene van Niekerk, ID: GB/30086)
  203. Swan Whisperer 2015 (Author: William Kentridge, ID: GB/30086)
  204. Switzerland Exposed 1978 (Author: Jean Ziegler, ID: GB/7313)
  205. Systemantics 1977 (Author: John Gall, ID: GB/2286)

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