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Authors starting with 'A'

  1. Pepe Abela (Book Title: Emandulo Re-Creation, ID: GB/00525)
  2. Pepe Abela (Book Title: Volatile Alliances, ID: GB/30005)
  3. Alistair Ackermann (Book Title: Agent Snoet en die Hondelewe, ID: GB/16493)
  4. Alistair Ackermann (Book Title: Agent Snoet en die Kattekwaad, ID: GB/16494)
  5. Robert Adams (Book Title: Citygroup Photography Prize 2004, ID: GB/30519)
  6. Michael Adashie (Book Title: District Six 50th Commemoration Print Exchange 1966-2016 "Remembering 60 000 Forced Goodbyes', ID: GB/16122)
  7. Guen Alice Adcock (Book Title: Blue Mary, ID: GB/09967)
  8. Paul Aitchison (Book Title: Izwi 11, ID: GB/16090)
  9. Joshua Alexander (Book Title: Untitled, ID: GB/31063)
  10. Ray Allard (Book Title: Printexchange '98, ID: GB/16118)
  11. Margot Amoils (Book Title: Volatile Alliances, ID: GB/30005)
  12. John Henry Amschewitz (Book Title: Everyman, a Morality Play, ID: GB/11498)
  13. Peter Anders (Book Title: Soweto, ID: GB/16881)
  14. David Andrew (Book Title: Sketchbook, ID: GB/12203)
  15. Phil Andros (Book Title: Grosslys / Gross List, ID: GB/10128)
  16. Niven Anghar (Book Title: Printexchange '98, ID: GB/16118)
  17. Anonymous (Book Title: Project H, ID: GB/16492)
  18. Ryan Arenson (Book Title: Baby Yellow, ID: GB/13912)
  19. Ryan Arenson (Book Title: Fine Line, ID: GB/12464)
  20. Marion Arnold (Book Title: 3 Statements, ID: GB/30707)
  21. Marion Arnold (Book Title: Lake, ID: GB/30704)
  22. H. Askham (Book Title: From Bamako to the Dogon Country, ID: GB/15681)
  23. Bruce Attwood (Book Title: Dante Bestiary, ID: GB/16756)
  24. Bruce Attwood (Book Title: Dante Bestiary, ID: GB/11746)
  25. Bruce Attwood (Book Title: Selected Poems 1961-1991, ID: GB/10002)
  26. Mark Attwood (Book Title: Another Day in Paradise, ID: GB/11489)
  27. Mark Attwood (Book Title: Breathe, ID: GB/12266)
  28. Mark Attwood (Book Title: GIF 1, ID: GB/11490)
  29. Mark Attwood (Book Title: GIF 2, ID: GB/09846)
  30. Mark Attwood (Book Title: GIF 3, ID: GB/14983)
  31. Mark Attwood (Book Title: GIF 3, ID: GB/14983)
  32. Mark Attwood (Book Title: GIF 4, ID: GB/15729)
  33. Mark Attwood (Book Title: Learning the Flute, ID: GB/16349)
  34. Mark Attwood (Book Title: Pocket Drawings 187 - 241, ID: GB/30563)
  35. Mark Attwood (Book Title: Portage, ID: GB/09832)
  36. Mark Attwood (Book Title: Qauqaua, ID: GB/05208)
  37. Mark Attwood (Book Title: Remembering the Treason Trial, ID: GB/15071)
  38. Mark Attwood (Book Title: Ultimate Safari, ID: GB/2475)
  39. Casey Aub (Book Title: Evidence for Trees, ID: GB/30602)
  40. Hennie Aucamp (Book Title: Benefiet Voorstelling, ID: GB/16335)
  41. Eric Avery (Book Title: Hurry Up Help Me, ID: GB/08887)

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