Look up:
Book Titles
Authors starting with 'M'
Betty Mac Donald
(Book Title:
Anybody can do Anything
, ID: GB/4051)
(Book Title:
History of England from the accession of James the Second
, ID: GB/4053)
David Macaulay
(Book Title:
Great Monuments in Architecture
, ID: GB/4054)
George MacBeth
(Book Title:
Book of Cats
, ID: GB/4055)
Dwight Macdonald
(Book Title:
Parodies - An Anthology from Chaucer to Beerbohm and after
, ID: GB/7374)
Tom Macdonald
(Book Title:
Ouma Smuts - The First Lady of South Africa
, ID: GB/7376)
David Mach
(Book Title:
Likeness Guaranteed
, ID: GB/4062)
J. W. Mackail
(Book Title:
Authors of Rome
, ID: GB/4063)
Charles Mackay
(Book Title:
Lost Beauties of the English Landscape
, ID: GB/7364)
Fitzroy Maclean
(Book Title:
Eastern Approaches
, ID: GB/4066)
J. Oglethorpe MacNooder
(Book Title:
Common Place Book
, ID: GB/4068)
J. Oglethorpe MacNooder
(Book Title:
Second Spoonapropnaglisms
, ID: GB/13502)
J. Oglethorpe MacNooder
(Book Title:
Second Spoonapropnaglisms
, ID: GB/13502)
Norman MacOwan
(Book Title:
Glorious Morning
, ID: GB/7385)
Josh Macphee
(Book Title:
Celebrate People's History
, ID: GB/15587)
Alison Maddex
(Book Title:
Sex in the City: An Illustrated History
, ID: GB/4069)
Ben Maddow
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/4070)
Shinzo Maeda
(Book Title:
Tree, A Blade of Grass
, ID: GB/4071)
Peter Magubane
(Book Title:
On Common Ground
, ID: GB/30055)
Norman Mailer
(Book Title:
Some Honorable Men
, ID: GB/4084)
Aristide Maillol
(Book Title:
Aristide Maillol
, ID: GB/4085)
Aristide Maillol
(Book Title:
Maillol Vivant
, ID: GB/5531)
Saul Maloff
(Book Title:
All About Women
, ID: GB/4093)
William E. Maloney
(Book Title:
Literary Dog
, ID: GB/4095)
Alberto Manguel
(Book Title:
History of Reading
, ID: GB/4105)
Marcia Manhart
(Book Title:
Elequent Object
, ID: GB/4106)
Margaret Mann
(Book Title:
Introduction to Cataloging and the Classification of Books
, ID: GB/4108)
Windsor Mann
(Book Title:
Quotable Hitchens
, ID: GB/13080)
Ethel Mannin
(Book Title:
Confessions and Impressions
, ID: GB/4112)
Anne Manning
(Book Title:
Mary Powell and Deborah's Diary
, ID: GB/4113)
John Manship
(Book Title:
Paul Manship
, ID: GB/4116)
Guido Mansuelli
(Book Title:
Etruria and Early Rome
, ID: GB/4117)
Roger Manvell
(Book Title:
International Encyclopedia of Film
, ID: GB/4119)
Robert Mapplethorpe
(Book Title:
Ten by Ten
, ID: GB/4120)
Fani Marceau
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/31045)
Joseph Moncure March
(Book Title:
Wild Party
, ID: GB/4124)
Griel Marcus
(Book Title:
Lipstick Traces
, ID: GB/4126)
Herbert Marcuse
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/4128)
Cecil Margo
(Book Title:
Final Postponement
, ID: GB/4134)
Nicolaas Maritz
(Book Title:
Multilingual ABC
, ID: GB/31046)
Arthur Markowitz
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/4147)
Christopher Marlowe
(Book Title:
Plays and Poems
, ID: GB/4148)
Leo Marquard
(Book Title:
Blame it on van Riebeek
, ID: GB/4150)
Alice Goldfarb Marquis
(Book Title:
Art Lessons
, ID: GB/4153)
Malcolm M. Marsden
(Book Title:
If you Really Want To Know: A Catcher Casebook
, ID: GB/4156)
W. Alexanda Marsh
(Book Title:
Plays and Patterns for Glove Puppets
, ID: GB/4157)
John David Marshall
(Book Title:
Books, Libraries, Librarians
, ID: GB/4158)
Richard Martel
(Book Title:
Art Action 1958-1998
, ID: GB/4166)
Karel Martens
(Book Title:
Tokyo Papers
, ID: GB/30571)
Frank Martin
(Book Title:
Wood Engravings of Frank Martin
, ID: GB/30060)
Frank Martin
(Book Title:
Wood Engravings of Frank Martin
, ID: GB/30060)
J. L. Martin
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/4185)
Jane Martineau
(Book Title:
Genius of Venice 1500-1600
, ID: GB/4186)
Arthur Marwick
(Book Title:
Britain Discovered
, ID: GB/4188)
Kitty Maryatt
(Book Title:
Construction and Deconstruction of a Masterpiece: La Prose du Transsibérien et de la petite Jehanne de France
, ID: GB/30075)
Kitty Maryatt
(Book Title:
Drop Dead Gorgeous
, ID: GB/31666)
Judith Mason
(Book Title:
Openbaringe en Johannes
, ID: GB/15367)
W. Somerset Maugham
(Book Title:
Complete Short Stories of W.Somerset Maugham
, ID: GB/4212)
W. Somerset Maugham
(Book Title:
Writer's Notebook
, ID: GB/4214)
Armistead Maupin
(Book Title:
Back to Barbary Lane
, ID: GB/4217)
Armistead Maupin
(Book Title:
Maybe the Moon
, ID: GB/4218)
Armistead Maupin
(Book Title:
Significant Others
, ID: GB/4219)
Andre Maurois
(Book Title:
Disraeli - A Picture of the Victorian Age
, ID: GB/4222)
Andre Maurois
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/4223)
Elsa Maxwell
(Book Title:
I Married the World
, ID: GB/4227)
William C. Maxwell
(Book Title:
Printmaking - A Beginning Handbook
, ID: GB/4228)
Erich Mayer
(Book Title:
Ex Libris Collection
, ID: GB/30143)
Peter Mayer
(Book Title:
Alphabetical and Letter Poems
, ID: GB/4232)
Peter Mayer
(Book Title:
Pacifist Conscience
, ID: GB/4233)
Peter Mayer
(Book Title:
Pacifist Conscience
, ID: GB/4234)
Charles Mayo
(Book Title:
Processes of Graphic Reproduction in Printing
, ID: GB/1524)
A. Hyatt Mayor
(Book Title:
Popular Prints of the Americas
, ID: GB/4239)
A. Hyatt Mayor
(Book Title:
Prints and People
, ID: GB/4240)
Beatrice Mayor
(Book Title:
Pleasure Garden
, ID: GB/4241)
I. D. Mc Crone
(Book Title:
Race Attitudes in South Africa
, ID: GB/7372)
Tom McArthur
(Book Title:
Oxford Campanion to the English Language
, ID: GB/4245)
Doug McClelland
(Book Title:
Golden Age of B Movies
, ID: GB/4263)
Allan McCollum
(Book Title:
Thanks: Visible Markers
, ID: GB/4266)
Mona McCormick
(Book Title:
Who-What-When-Where-How-Why-Made Easy
, ID: GB/7370)
James McCourt
(Book Title:
Time Remaining
, ID: GB/4268)
Donald McCullin
(Book Title:
Destruction Business
, ID: GB/4270)
Ronald B. McKerrow
(Book Title:
Introduction to Bibliography
, ID: GB/4285)
E. McKnight Kauffer
(Book Title:
Anatomy of Melancholy
, ID: GB/946)
Richard McLanathan
(Book Title:
National Gallery of Art - East Building
, ID: GB/7380)
Ruari McLean
(Book Title:
Book Through 5000 Years
, ID: GB/6815)
Ruari McLean
(Book Title:
Modern Book Design
, ID: GB/4291)
Ruari McLean
(Book Title:
Nicolas Bentley Drew the Pictures
, ID: GB/4292)
Ruari McLean
(Book Title:
Pictorial Alphabets
, ID: GB/31684)
Douglas C. McMurtrie
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/4294)
Larry McMurtry
(Book Title:
Avedon at Work
, ID: GB/10518)
Henry McNulty
(Book Title:
One for the Road
, ID: GB/7381)
Paul McPharlin
(Book Title:
Roman Numerals, Typographic Leaves and Pointing Hands
, ID: GB/7386)
Liz McQuiston
(Book Title:
Suffragettes to She-Devils
, ID: GB/4301)
Kynaston McShine
(Book Title:
Andy Warhol - A Retrospective.
, ID: GB/4302)
Bernard McTigue
(Book Title:
Medici Aesop
, ID: GB/2030)
Arthur Mee
(Book Title:
Arthur Mee's Letters to Boys
, ID: GB/4314)
Walter Mee
(Book Title:
Contributions to the Clerihew Dictionary of National Biography
, ID: GB/4315)
Johannes Meintjes
(Book Title:
Ex Libris Collection
, ID: GB/30143)
Johannes Meintjes
(Book Title:
Frontier Family
, ID: GB/4324)
Johannes Meintjes
(Book Title:
Interior, Grootzeekoegat
, ID: GB/31633)
Golda Meir
(Book Title:
My Life
, ID: GB/4325)
Louis K. Meisel
(Book Title:
Richard Estes
, ID: GB/4327)
Paul Mellon
(Book Title:
Reflections in a Silver Spoon
, ID: GB/4330)
Michael Melot
(Book Title:
Prints. History of an Art
, ID: GB/4335)
Herman Melville
(Book Title:
Moby Dick
, ID: GB/4331)
Herman Melville
(Book Title:
Rock Rodondo
, ID: GB/4332)
Susan E. Menconi
(Book Title:
Uncommon Spirit
, ID: GB/4353)
Aubrey Menen
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/4355)
Boye de. Mente
(Book Title:
Tourist and the Real Japan
, ID: GB/4357)
Prosper Merimee
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/4361)
Linda Merrill
(Book Title:
Pot of Paint
, ID: GB/4363)
Susan E. Meyer
(Book Title:
20 Figure Painters and How They Work
, ID: GB/4381)
Robert A. Meyers
(Book Title:
Excuses, Excuses
, ID: GB/4384)
Francis Meynell
(Book Title:
Anatomy of Melancholy
, ID: GB/946)
Leonard MIchaeks
(Book Title:
State of the Language
, ID: GB/4394)
Leonard Michaels
(Book Title:
State of the Language
, ID: GB/4395)
James A. Michener
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/4397)
James A. Michener
(Book Title:
Modern Japanese Print
, ID: GB/4399)
Silvestre Midolle
(Book Title:
Florid and Unusual Alphabets
, ID: GB/4403)
Jo Mielziner
(Book Title:
Designing for the Theatre
, ID: GB/4404)
Herbert Migdoll
(Book Title:
Dancers Dancing
, ID: GB/4405)
George Mikes
(Book Title:
Humour in Memoriam
, ID: GB/4406)
Mike Milks
(Book Title:
Ultimate Noah's Ark
, ID: GB/4412)
John Stuart Mill
(Book Title:
On Liberty, Representative Goverment, The Subjection of Women
, ID: GB/4413)
John Stuart Mill
(Book Title:
Utilitarianism, Liberty and Representative Goverment
, ID: GB/4414)
John Millard
(Book Title:
Grammar of Elocution
, ID: GB/4415)
Alice Duer Miller
(Book Title:
White Cliffs
, ID: GB/4418)
Arthur Miller
(Book Title:
After the Fall
, ID: GB/4419)
Chris Miller
(Book Title:
National Lampoon's Animal House
, ID: GB/4423)
Edward Miller
(Book Title:
Prince of Librarians
, ID: GB/4425)
Edward Miller
(Book Title:
That Noble Cabinet
, ID: GB/4426)
James E. Jnr Miller
(Book Title:
Salinger J.D
, ID: GB/4432)
Jonathan Miller
(Book Title:
Paradox Box
, ID: GB/4435)
Ronald Miller
(Book Title:
Robert and Elizabeth
, ID: GB/4436)
Russell Miller
(Book Title:
Click - A Pictorial History of the Photograph
, ID: GB/4437)
Spike Milligan
(Book Title:
Floored Masterpieces with Worse Verse
, ID: GB/4439)
Sarah Gertrude Millin
(Book Title:
Burning man
, ID: GB/4440)
Sarah Gertrude Millin
(Book Title:
King of the Bastards
, ID: GB/4441)
Sarah Gertrude Millin
(Book Title:
Measure of My Days
, ID: GB/4442)
Sarah Gertrude Millin
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/4443)
J. Mills
(Book Title:
Modern Outline of Library Classification
, ID: GB/4444)
Miriam Milman
(Book Title:
Trompe-L'oeil Painting
, ID: GB/4446)
A. A. Milne
(Book Title:
Now we are Six
, ID: GB/4449)
John Milton
(Book Title:
Paradise lost
, ID: GB/4456)
John Milton
(Book Title:
Prose Writings
, ID: GB/4457)
Khatchik Minasian
(Book Title:
Five Poems
, ID: GB/4459)
Wendell Minor
(Book Title:
Art for the Written Word
, ID: GB/4460)
Edward Minshall
(Book Title:
Handbook of Elocution
, ID: GB/4461)
Betty Misheiker
(Book Title:
Days of October
, ID: GB/4462)
Hal Missingham
(Book Title:
Design Focus
, ID: GB/4463)
W. J. T. Mitchell
(Book Title:
Art and the Public Sphere
, ID: GB/4469)
Ivan Mitford-Barberton
(Book Title:
Ex Libris Collection
, ID: GB/30143)
Phil Mitton
(Book Title:
Painting and Drawing Course
, ID: GB/4474)
Rick Mitz
(Book Title:
Apartment Book
, ID: GB/4475)
Samson Mnisi
(Book Title:
Twenty-three abstract Miniature Paintings
, ID: GB/31044)
(Jean Giraud) Moebius
(Book Title:
Poemes de Moebius
, ID: GB/4484)
Charles S. Moffett
(Book Title:
New Painting
, ID: GB/4498)
Sibyl Moholy-Nagy
(Book Title:
Matrix of Man
, ID: GB/4499)
Cesare Molinari
(Book Title:
Theatre through the Ages
, ID: GB/4503)
George Molnar
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/4506)
George Molnar
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/4505)
C.K. Scott Moncrieff
(Book Title:
Remembrance of Things Passt
, ID: GB/5751)
Paul Monette
(Book Title:
Last Watch of the Night
, ID: GB/4507)
Nicholas Monsarrat
(Book Title:
Cruel Sea
, ID: GB/4510)
Patrick Montague-Smith
(Book Title:
Debrett's Correct Form
, ID: GB/4511)
Harr T. Moore
(Book Title:
D.H. Lawrence and his World
, ID: GB/4515)
Henry Moore
(Book Title:
Henry Moore (words by)
, ID: GB/2831)
Henry Moore
(Book Title:
John Hedgecoe (Photographed & Edited)
, ID: GB/4524)
Alberto Moravia
(Book Title:
Two Women
, ID: GB/4535)
Charles Morgan
(Book Title:
Burning Glass
, ID: GB/4546)
Charles Morgan
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/4547)
Stanley Morison
(Book Title:
Four Centuries of Fine Printing
, ID: GB/4557)
Stanley Morison
(Book Title:
Printing and the Mind of Man
, ID: GB/31672)
Stanley Morison
(Book Title:
Typographic Book. 1450-1935
, ID: GB/4561)
Desmond Morris
(Book Title:
Bailey's Democracy
, ID: GB/11088)
Jan Morris
(Book Title:
, ID: GB/4568)
William Morris
(Book Title:
Ray Watkins
, ID: GB/4569)
John Mortimer
(Book Title:
Lunch Hour and Other Plays
, ID: GB/4586)
Ruth Mortimer
(Book Title:
Landscape Alphabet
, ID: GB/4588)
H. V. Morton
(Book Title:
In Search of England
, ID: GB/4590)
H. V. Morton
(Book Title:
In Search of South Africa
, ID: GB/4591)
William Morum
(Book Title:
Little Boy Who?
, ID: GB/4592)
Tumelo Mosaka
(Book Title:
Open House
, ID: GB/9363)
Sydney Moseley
(Book Title:
Private Diaries of Sydney Moseley
, ID: GB/4599)
Barry Moser
(Book Title:
Wonderful Wizard of Oz
, ID: GB/416)
Carolyn Mott
(Book Title:
Children's Book on How to Use Books and Libraries
, ID: GB/4603)
Francoise Mouly
(Book Title:
Covering the New Yorker
, ID: GB/4605)
Stanley Mouse
(Book Title:
Mouse and Kelly
, ID: GB/4606)
Joseph Moxon
(Book Title:
Mechanick Exercises on the Whole Art of Printing
, ID: GB/4608)
Damianus Moyllus
(Book Title:
Newly Discovered Treatise on Classic Letter Design Printed at Parma
, ID: GB/4609)
Oswald Joseph Mtshali
(Book Title:
Sounds of a Cowhide Drum
, ID: GB/4611)
Malcolm Muggeridge
(Book Title:
Three Flats
, ID: GB/4616)
Augustus Muir
(Book Title:
Intimate Thoughts of John Baxter, Bookseller
, ID: GB/4617)
Percy H. Muir
(Book Title:
Book-collecting. More letters to Everyman.
, ID: GB/4624)
Joseph-Emile Muller
(Book Title:
Century of Modern Painting
, ID: GB/4626)
F. A. Mumby
(Book Title:
Publishing and Bookselling
, ID: GB/4627)
A. N. L. Munby
(Book Title:
Portrait of an Obsession
, ID: GB/4637)
Bruce K. Murray
(Book Title:
Wits the Early Years
, ID: GB/4645)
Bruce K. Murray
(Book Title:
Wits. The Open Years
, ID: GB/4646)
Gilbert Murray
(Book Title:
Trojan Women of Euripides
, ID: GB/4647)
Graeme Murray
(Book Title:
Art in the Garden - Installations
, ID: GB/4648)
Reuben Musiker
(Book Title:
Bibliophilia Africana III.
, ID: GB/4651)
Eadweard Muybridge
(Book Title:
Human Figure in Motion
, ID: GB/4652)
Robin Myers
(Book Title:
Fakes and Frauds
, ID: GB/4655)
Robin Myers
(Book Title:
Millennium of the Book
, ID: GB/2757)
R. Myerscough-Walker
(Book Title:
Stage and Film Decor
, ID: GB/4656)
Robin Myres
(Book Title:
Millennium of the Book
, ID: GB/4657)
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