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Authors starting with 'Z'

  1. Pino Zac (Book Title: La Verite Toute Nue, ID: GB/7297)
  2. Paul Zelanski (Book Title: Art of Seeing, ID: GB/7306)
  3. Anthea Zeman (Book Title: Hardy Country, ID: GB/494)
  4. Florence Zerffi (Book Title: Ex Libris Collection, ID: GB/30143)
  5. Karolina Ziebinska-Lewandowska (Book Title: David Goldblat. Structures of Dominion and Democracy, ID: GB/30042)
  6. Jean Ziegler (Book Title: Switzerland Exposed, ID: GB/7313)
  7. Umberto Zimelli (Book Title: Decorative Ironwork, ID: GB/7315)
  8. David Zinman (Book Title: Fifty Classic Motion Pictures, ID: GB/7320)
  9. Irving Zucker (Book Title: Source Book of Advertising Art, ID: GB/7326)
  10. Stefan Zweig (Book Title: Marie Antoinette, ID: GB/7331)

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