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Authors starting with 'J'

  1. Alfredo Jaar (Book Title: Two or Three Things I Imagine About Them, ID: GB/3205)
  2. Ze'ev Jabotinsky (Book Title: Raven, ID: GB/13822)
  3. Sandra Jackman (Book Title: Cautionary Tale: The Art of War (Hide and Seek), ID: GB/3208)
  4. Sandra Jackman (Book Title: Muse to Amuse the Muses, ID: GB/11775)
  5. Sandra Jackman (Book Title: Target, ID: GB/10155)
  6. Elizabeth R. Jackson (Book Title: Intimate Cosmogony, ID: GB/11095)
  7. Helen Hunt Jackson (Book Title: Selection of Poems, ID: GB/1726)
  8. Mel Jackson (Book Title: Brazen Oracle, ID: GB/3214)
  9. Amy Jacobs (Book Title: Method, ID: GB/14145)
  10. Marc Alan Jacobs (Book Title: Little Book of Jews, ID: GB/16042)
  11. Benoit Jacques (Book Title: Line Garden, ID: GB/3221)
  12. Robin Jacques (Book Title: Europeans, ID: GB/3229)
  13. Robin Jacques (Book Title: Middlemarch, ID: GB/1950)
  14. Robin Jacques (Book Title: Portrait of a Lady, ID: GB/3230)
  15. Davi Jaffe (Book Title: Umas [Some}, ID: GB/31734)
  16. Edwin Jager (Book Title: Threshold, ID: GB/11976)
  17. Wolf Jahn (Book Title: Naked Shit Pictures, ID: GB/12706)
  18. Maxim Jakubowski (Book Title: Great Movies Live, ID: GB/3226)
  19. Angela James (Book Title: Art of Binding Books, ID: GB/3227)
  20. Edward James (Book Title: In Mexico, ID: GB/15425)
  21. Henry James (Book Title: Europeans, ID: GB/3229)
  22. Henry James (Book Title: Portrait of a Lady, ID: GB/3230)
  23. Henry James (Book Title: Siena, ID: GB/3231)
  24. M. R. James (Book Title: Ghost Stories of M. R. James, ID: GB/3524)
  25. Nöelle Janaczewska (Book Title: Dorothy Lamour's life as a phrase book, ID: GB/10959)
  26. Ernst Jandl (Book Title: Factor über jandl, ID: GB/13352)
  27. Ernst Jandl (Book Title: Sensory Sandwich, ID: GB/31680)
  28. Zuzana Janecková (Book Title: Martin Zet, ID: GB/15228)
  29. Zuzana Janecková (Book Title: Slovník anonymity, ID: GB/15217)
  30. Hyewon Jang (Book Title: 14g, ID: GB/15185)
  31. Hyewon Jang (Book Title: Grow, ID: GB/16152)
  32. Hyewon Jang (Book Title: Kurt Schwitters, ID: GB/16151)
  33. Hyewon Jang (Book Title: Liegend / Im Fall, ID: GB/15168)
  34. Hyewon Jang (Book Title: Urtod, ID: GB/16237)
  35. Rein Jansma (Book Title: Stairs, ID: GB/3237)
  36. Adam Januz (Book Title: Regional Museum, ID: GB/10375)
  37. Raquel Jaramillo (Book Title: Safari, ID: GB/15822)
  38. Jadwiga Jarvis (Book Title: Auld Shop and The New, ID: GB/11785)
  39. Jadwiga Jarvis (Book Title: Book-Person's Idioticon, ID: GB/16848)
  40. Jadwiga Jarvis (Book Title: Bookseller's Diary, ID: GB/12553)
  41. Jadwiga Jarvis (Book Title: Bound for the Goldfields, ID: GB/15352)
  42. Jadwiga Jarvis (Book Title: China Trade, ID: GB/7393)
  43. Jadwiga Jarvis (Book Title: Cure, ID: GB/12554)
  44. Jadwiga Jarvis (Book Title: Dorothy Lamour's life as a phrase book, ID: GB/10959)
  45. Jadwiga Jarvis (Book Title: Gutenberg, ID: GB/7391)
  46. Jadwiga Jarvis (Book Title: Inequality, ID: GB/12243)
  47. Jadwiga Jarvis (Book Title: Leura Village, ID: GB/7394)
  48. Jadwiga Jarvis (Book Title: Lost in Translation, ID: GB/12584)
  49. Jadwiga Jarvis (Book Title: Microtots, ID: GB/7395)
  50. Jadwiga Jarvis (Book Title: Ockers, ID: GB/3088)
  51. Jadwiga Jarvis (Book Title: Printing by Hand Ain't No Picnic", ID: GB/16852)
  52. Jadwiga Jarvis (Book Title: Sanctions, ID: GB/7392)
  53. Jadwiga Jarvis (Book Title: Slaves, ID: GB/30094)
  54. Jadwiga Jarvis (Book Title: Water, ID: GB/9452)
  55. Jadwiga Jarvis (Book Title: Wayzgoose Affair, ID: 3257)
  56. Jadwiga Jarvis (Book Title: Wayzgoose Affair, ID: 3257)
  57. Jadwiga Jarvis (Book Title: Wayzgoose Press Ephemera, ID: GB/12279)
  58. Ricky Jay (Book Title: Magic Magic Book, ID: GB/12449)
  59. Jcmenu (Book Title: French Zines, ID: GB/14238)
  60. Richard Jefferies (Book Title: Birth of a Naturalist, ID: GB/30106)
  61. Richard Jefferies (Book Title: Birth of a Naturalist, ID: GB/3245)
  62. Richard Jefferies (Book Title: Sea, Sky, and Down, ID: GB/3246)
  63. Oliver Jeffers (Book Title: Child of Books, ID: GB/15154)
  64. Robinson Jeffers (Book Title: Granite and Cypress, ID: GB/3247)
  65. Martin Jenkins (Book Title: Titanic, ID: GB/11638)
  66. Elizabeth Jennings (Book Title: Winter Wind, ID: GB/3254)
  67. Craig Jensen (Book Title: Heavy Lifting, ID: GB/31071)
  68. Craig Jensen (Book Title: Specimens of Diverse Characters, ID: GB/13053)
  69. Virginia Allen Jensen (Book Title: What's That?, ID: GB/3257)
  70. Cha Jeong-In (Book Title: Changing Frame, ID: GB/11371)
  71. Cha Jeong-In (Book Title: I'm a Piece of String, ID: GB/11370)
  72. Cha Jeong-In (Book Title: Indoor Woman, ID: GB/11369)
  73. Cha Jeong-In (Book Title: Super Woman's Sandwich, ID: GB/11367)
  74. Jerome K. Jerome (Book Title: Three Men in a Boat, ID: GB/3260)
  75. Frances Jetter (Book Title: Cry Uncle, ID: GB/13398)
  76. Albin Michel Jeunesse (Book Title: ABC3D, ID: GB/11926)
  77. Jill Jevne (Book Title: Mettle, ID: GB/4045)
  78. Jill Jevne (Book Title: PASSAGE, ID: GB/6087)
  79. Jill Jevne (Book Title: Plumb Bob, ID: GB/12402)
  80. Rambharos Jha (Book Title: Waterlife, ID: GB/14096)
  81. Shen Jiji (Book Title: Geschichte des Fräulein Ren, ID: GB/11423)
  82. Miguel Jimenez (Book Title: Our daily bread, ID: GB/12813)
  83. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Baring Antebellum, ID: GB/12701)
  84. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Birthcords, ID: GB/3262)
  85. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Bishopsgate Within, ID: GB/13010)
  86. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: creep) of the structure concerned, ID: GB/3263)
  87. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Crevice/Map, ID: GB/3264)
  88. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Cunning Chapters, ID: GB/11606)
  89. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Emissions, ID: GB/4392)
  90. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Eve, ID: GB/4298)
  91. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Five Elements, ID: GB/3265)
  92. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Here Are My Instructions, ID: GB/8725)
  93. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Hermetic Waste, ID: GB/6851)
  94. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Interim Corrode, ID: GB/12702)
  95. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Mass of Thanksgiving, ID: GB/11589)
  96. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Measuring and Sharpening, ID: GB/3266)
  97. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Modern (Laundry) Production, ID: GB/3267)
  98. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Moments of Forces, ID: GB/3268)
  99. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Notes to K, ID: GB/3269)
  100. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Of Science & Desire, ID: GB/3270)
  101. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Spring Clay, ID: GB/3271)
  102. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Sub text localities, ID: GB/11608)
  103. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Subsequent Drainage on Folding Rocks, ID: GB/8726)
  104. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Transgenic Tale of Lily Goat Gruff, ID: GB/3272)
  105. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Visions in the Monitor, ID: GB/3273)
  106. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Volumes (of Vulnerability), ID: GB/3274)
  107. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Waste Incant, ID: GB/11250)
  108. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Well-Heeled, ID: GB/3275)
  109. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Well-Heeled, ID: GB/4811)
  110. Susan Johanknecht (Book Title: Who Will Be It?, ID: GB/3276)
  111. Kurt Johannessen (Book Title: All, ID: GB/3277)
  112. Kurt Johannessen (Book Title: Anatomy of Communication, ID: GB/30459)
  113. Kurt Johannessen (Book Title: Det Gjennomskinlege, ID: GB/16220)
  114. Kurt Johannessen (Book Title: ETE, ID: GB/13448)
  115. Kurt Johannessen (Book Title: Exercises, ID: GB/10423)
  116. Kurt Johannessen (Book Title: First Night on the Moon, ID: GB/10980)
  117. Kurt Johannessen (Book Title: Imaginaere Elefantar, ID: GB/12758)
  118. Kurt Johannessen (Book Title: Looking for the Moon, ID: GB/13445)
  119. Kurt Johannessen (Book Title: Lux, ID: GB/10442)
  120. Kurt Johannessen (Book Title: Movements, ID: GB/13651)
  121. Kurt Johannessen (Book Title: Other Exercises, ID: GB/10424)
  122. Kurt Johannessen (Book Title: Samtalar, ID: GB/10417)
  123. Kurt Johannessen (Book Title: Såpeboblesamlinga, ID: GB/12759)
  124. Kurt Johannessen (Book Title: Second Shine, ID: GB/15180)
  125. Kurt Johannessen (Book Title: Shine, ID: GB/10981)
  126. Kurt Johannessen (Book Title: Speech, ID: GB/13649)
  127. Kurt Johannessen (Book Title: Story of a Tale, ID: GB/10982)
  128. Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson (Book Title: Some Los Angeles Apartments, ID: GB/14846)
  129. Sheller John (Book Title: Cetus The Whale, ID: GB/3279)
  130. Tony John A. (Book Title: No Place to Go, ID: GB/3280)
  131. John Lord of Joinville Seneschal of Champagne (Book Title: History of Saint Louis, ID: GB/3281)
  132. Jasper Johns (Book Title: Fizzles (Foirades), ID: GB/12351)
  133. Aaron Johnson (Book Title: Direction of the Road, ID: GB/12076)
  134. Brooke Johnson (Book Title: Card Catalogue, ID: GB/12654)
  135. Hugh Johnson (Book Title: Pop-up Wine Book, ID: GB/3291)
  136. Linda K. Johnson (Book Title: WorldWise, ID: GB/10973)
  137. Paul Johnson (Book Title: Into the Secret Garden of the Spirit, ID: GB/11945)
  138. Paul Johnson (Book Title: Place in the Country, ID: GB/3295)
  139. Paul Johnson (Book Title: Sanctuary, ID: GB/3296)
  140. Paul Johnson (Book Title: Silver beams of moonlight change the colour of music. . ., ID: GB/16043)
  141. Paul Johnson (Book Title: So the Colours of the Day Match the Thoughts of the Mind, ID: GB/8779)
  142. Robert Johnson (Book Title: Tickletoes, ID: GB/8788)
  143. Sally Johnson (Book Title: Fungus and Curmudgeonly, ID: GB/1562)
  144. Samuel Johnson (Book Title: History of Rasselas, ID: GB/3297)
  145. Samuel Johnson (Book Title: Vanity of Human Wishes, ID: GB/3300)
  146. W. R. Johnson (Book Title: Anno Domini, ID: GB/3303)
  147. W. R. Johnson (Book Title: Color of Night, ID: GB/10796)
  148. W. R. Johnson (Book Title: Easter, ID: GB/3304)
  149. W. R. Johnson (Book Title: Flowering Time, ID: GB/3305)
  150. W. R. Johnson (Book Title: From Actium, ID: GB/3306)
  151. W. R. Johnson (Book Title: Lilac Wind, ID: GB/3307)
  152. W. R. Johnson (Book Title: Lucretius and Other Sonnets, ID: GB/15728)
  153. W. R. Johnson (Book Title: Narcissus, ID: GB/3308)
  154. W. R. Johnson (Book Title: Scribe of Kloster Eibingen, ID: GB/11131)
  155. W. R. Johnson (Book Title: Snow, ID: GB/3309)
  156. W. R. Johnson (Book Title: Town at Dusk, ID: GB/3310)
  157. Charles Johnstone (Book Title: Few Empty Pools, ID: GB/13386)
  158. Charles Johnstone (Book Title: Some New York Handball Courts, ID: GB/13387)
  159. Charles Johnstone (Book Title: Thirtyfour Basketball Courts, ID: GB/12663)
  160. Brendan Isaac Jones (Book Title: Trudge of Insects, ID: GB/12713)
  161. Dick Jones (Book Title: Trans Siberian Prosody and Little Jeanne from France, ID: GB/14691)
  162. Gregory Eddi Jones (Book Title: Another Twenty-Six Gas Stations, ID: GB/15317)
  163. John Chris Jones (Book Title: Internet and Everyone, ID: GB/10437)
  164. Lewis Rouse Jones (Book Title: Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyan, ID: GB/2128)
  165. Otabenga Jones (Book Title: People's Plate Pamphlet #1, ID: GB/15545)
  166. P. R. Jones (Book Title: Saint-Jean-De-Luz Ciboune. Cité corsaire., ID: GB/5067)
  167. Peter R. Jones (Book Title: Ode to the West Wind, ID: GB/5906)
  168. Peter R. Jones (Book Title: Tokyo Umbrella, ID: GB/12672)
  169. Shirley Jones (Book Title: Backgrounds, ID: GB/15742)
  170. Shirley Jones (Book Title: Five Flowers for My Father, ID: GB/3320)
  171. Shirley Jones (Book Title: Impressions, ID: GB/15731)
  172. Shirley Jones (Book Title: Rhymes for our Times, ID: GB/15741)
  173. Shirley Jones (Book Title: Scop Hwilum Sang (Sometimes a Poet Sang), ID: GB/3321)
  174. Shirley Jones (Book Title: Words and Prints, ID: GB/3322)
  175. Claudy Jongstra (Book Title: Claudy Jongstra, ID: GB/16167)
  176. Lloyd Jonnes (Book Title: Birds of Manhattan, ID: GB/10917)
  177. Francois Jonquet (Book Title: Gilbert & George, ID: GB/10219)
  178. Francois Jonquet (Book Title: Message From the Sculptors, ID: GB/2371)
  179. Nick Jordan (Book Title: Alien Invaders, ID: GB/11614)
  180. Susanne Jorn (Book Title: Ny Dansk Poesi - NDP, ID: GB/30535)
  181. James Joyce (Book Title: Anna Livia Plurabelle, ID: GB/8799)
  182. James Joyce (Book Title: Dubliners, ID: GB/3334)
  183. James Joyce (Book Title: Finnegans Wake, ID: GB/3339)
  184. James Joyce (Book Title: Giacomo Joyce, ID: GB/3340)
  185. James Joyce (Book Title: Giacomo Joyce, ID: GB/11330)
  186. James Joyce (Book Title: Transition, ID: GB/13039)
  187. James Joyce (Book Title: Ulysses, ID: GB/10310)
  188. James Joyce (Book Title: Unreadable Usylessly Blue Book, ID: GB/15324)
  189. James Joyce (Book Title: Yes, Ja, ID: GB/15356)
  190. James Joyce (Book Title: Zehn Worte aus Finnegans Wake, ID: GB/30078)
  191. André Juillard (Book Title: Nation-Etoile, ID: GB/3354)
  192. Birgit Jürgenssen (Book Title: I Met a Stranger, ID: GB/7001)

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