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Authors starting with 'W'

  1. Hans Waanders (Book Title: Conversation, ID: GB/11973)
  2. Hans Waanders (Book Title: Edinburgh Kingfishers, ID: GB/14052)
  3. Hans Waanders (Book Title: Fishing Perches, ID: GB/13984)
  4. Hans Waanders (Book Title: In Search of Blue, ID: GB/14446)
  5. Hans Waanders (Book Title: Kingfisher Album, ID: GB/14327)
  6. Hans Waanders (Book Title: Kingfishers, ID: GB/11536)
  7. Hans Waanders (Book Title: Perches, ID: GB/11970)
  8. Robin Waart (Book Title: 745, ID: GB/13224)
  9. Robin Waart (Book Title: Thinking in Pictures, ID: GB/12624)
  10. Robin Waart (Book Title: Would you. . .", ID: GB/14400)
  11. Warner Wada (Book Title: Control Zone, ID: GB/30505)
  12. Dieter Wagner (Book Title: Beine Hoch Erika, ID: GB/12090)
  13. Dieter Wagner (Book Title: Ende der Kaleidoskope, ID: GB/12096)
  14. Dieter Wagner (Book Title: Endlose Orgie, ID: GB/12092)
  15. Dieter Wagner (Book Title: Fukujuso, ID: GB/12091)
  16. Dieter Wagner (Book Title: Keine Experimente, ID: GB/12095)
  17. Dieter Wagner (Book Title: Makulatur, ID: GB/12098)
  18. Dieter Wagner (Book Title: Mein vaterland, ID: GB/12094)
  19. Dieter Wagner (Book Title: Motivwagen Nr. 24, ID: GB/12093)
  20. Dieter Wagner (Book Title: Roll over Marilyn, ID: GB/11558)
  21. Dieter Wagner (Book Title: Traum ist aus, ID: GB/12097)
  22. Mark Wagner (Book Title: Alphabet City, ID: GB/13052)
  23. Mark Wagner (Book Title: Dylan Graham's Library in a Book, ID: GB/10370)
  24. Mark Wagner (Book Title: Fortune, ID: GB/10284)
  25. Mark Wagner (Book Title: Fortune's Daughter, ID: GB/10290)
  26. Mark Wagner (Book Title: Fortune's Daughter, ID: GB/12853)
  27. Mark Wagner (Book Title: Honey Broker, ID: GB/10321)
  28. Mark Wagner (Book Title: Indicision, ID: GB/11004)
  29. Mark Wagner (Book Title: Library in a Book: Seven Books in One, ID: GB/6871)
  30. Mark Wagner (Book Title: Man who Married the Sky, ID: GB/10322)
  31. Mark Wagner (Book Title: Mr. Handshake's Last Gasp, ID: GB/13046)
  32. Mark Wagner (Book Title: Organik Book, ID: GB/13101)
  33. Mark Wagner (Book Title: Revisioning of The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America, ID: GB/10357)
  34. Mark Wagner (Book Title: Scream at the Librarian, ID: GB/11456)
  35. Mark Wagner (Book Title: Smoke in My Dreams, ID: GB/6872)
  36. Mark Wagner (Book Title: Souvenir, ID: GB/10359)
  37. Mark Wagner (Book Title: Spent, ID: GB/13309)
  38. Mark Wagner (Book Title: Tag, ID: GB/10179)
  39. Mark Wagner (Book Title: Ten by Fourteen, ID: GB/11566)
  40. Mark Wagner (Book Title: Where is My Body, ID: GB/10371)
  41. Merrill Wagner (Book Title: Painted Sun Trails, ID: GB/6874)
  42. Stephan Wagner (Book Title: Disruption, ID: GB/31040)
  43. Ulrich Wagner (Book Title: Gelber Winkel II, ID: GB/16150)
  44. Ulrich Wagner (Book Title: Linien-Buch, ID: GB/13547)
  45. Marc-Olivier Wahler (Book Title: Hidden World, ID: GB/14594)
  46. Wilhelm Waiblinger (Book Title: Katharsis, ID: GB/15637)
  47. John Wain (Book Title: Thinking About Mr Person, ID: GB/6875)
  48. Laura Wait (Book Title: Abstract Illegible, ID: GB/10921)
  49. Laura Wait (Book Title: Goddess in the Garden, #2, ID: GB/10274)
  50. Laura Wait (Book Title: In the Garden, ID: GB/8794)
  51. Laura Wait (Book Title: Open Road: Vol I - The Mountains and Deserts, Vol II - The Pacific Coast, ID: GB/6876)
  52. Laura Wait (Book Title: Soul Gardens: Number One, ID: GB/6877)
  53. Stella Waitzkin (Book Title: Marriage Vows and Prenuptial Agreements, ID: GB/10663)
  54. Shingo Wakagi (Book Title: Day in the Life, ID: GB/11962)
  55. D. R. Wakefield (Book Title: Brownsville Boys, ID: GB/14259)
  56. D. R. Wakefield (Book Title: Diary and Observations of a Tench Fisher, ID: GB/6879)
  57. D. R. Wakefield (Book Title: Fish in Net, ID: GB/31021)
  58. D. R. Wakefield (Book Title: Tench, ID: GB/31020)
  59. Stacy Wakefield (Book Title: Sundown Saloon Unfolding Archive, ID: GB/14084)
  60. Diane Wakoski (Book Title: 2 broadsides, 3 postcards, ID: GB/16569)
  61. Diane Wakoski (Book Title: Looking for Beethoven in Las Vegas (MX1), ID: GB/6881)
  62. Diane Wakoski (Book Title: Thanking My Mother for Piano Lessons, ID: GB/6883)
  63. Diane Wakoski (Book Title: Wandering Tattler, ID: GB/6884)
  64. Derek Walcott (Book Title: Caribbean Poetry of Derek Walcott, ID: GB/6885)
  65. Derek Walcott (Book Title: Poems / Drawings, ID: GB/16116)
  66. Anne Waldman (Book Title: One Voice in Four Parts, ID: GB/13383)
  67. Keith Waldrop (Book Title: 2 broadsides, 3 postcards, ID: GB/16569)
  68. Keith Waldrop (Book Title: Songs from the Decline of the West, ID: GB/6887)
  69. Rosmarie Waldrop (Book Title: 2 broadsides, 3 postcards, ID: GB/16569)
  70. Rosmarie Waldrop (Book Title: Spring Is A Season & Nothing Else, ID: GB/6888)
  71. Anne Walker (Book Title: Les Heures du Jour, ID: GB/6890)
  72. David Walker (Book Title: Voiceprints, ID: GB/6891)
  73. Emery Walker (Book Title: Eclogues of Vergil, ID: GB/13701)
  74. Kara Elizabeth Walker (Book Title: Five Poems, ID: GB/13373)
  75. Kara Elizabeth Walker (Book Title: Freedom, ID: GB/13044)
  76. Meredith Walker (Book Title: Method, ID: GB/14145)
  77. Angie Waller (Book Title: Flip Book, ID: GB/10117)
  78. Walter Wallich (Book Title: Mother Courage, ID: GB/16836)
  79. Hannes Wallrafen (Book Title: Like a Pearl in my Hand, ID: GB/16653)
  80. Horace Walpole (Book Title: Castle of Otranto, ID: GB/6907)
  81. Horace Walpole (Book Title: Castle of Otranto - A Gothic Story, ID: GB/6908)
  82. Dan Walsh (Book Title: Blue Icon, ID: GB/14619)
  83. Dan Walsh (Book Title: Copper Book, ID: GB/14620)
  84. James Walsh (Book Title: Arctic Plants of New York City, ID: GB/31649)
  85. Jesica Walsh (Book Title: Sagmeister & Walsh: Beauty, ID: GB/16487)
  86. Franz Wamhof (Book Title: 2↑11, ID: GB/31105)
  87. Shu-Ju Wang (Book Title: All on the Same Page, ID: GB/12367)
  88. Artemus Ward (Book Title: Bon Mot Aphorisms, ID: GB/16815)
  89. Colin Ward (Book Title: Chartres, ID: GB/6916)
  90. Colin Ward (Book Title: Childhood, Youth and Exile, ID: GB/2910)
  91. Colin Ward (Book Title: Fathers and Sons, ID: GB/6593)
  92. Colin Ward (Book Title: Huckleberry Finn, ID: GB/6623)
  93. Colin Ward (Book Title: Walden, ID: GB/6463)
  94. Lynd Ward (Book Title: Gods' Man, ID: GB/6917)
  95. Lynd Ward (Book Title: Mad Man's Drum, ID: GB/6918)
  96. Lynd Ward (Book Title: Six Novels in Woodcuts, ID: GB/12689)
  97. Lynd Ward (Book Title: Song Without Words, ID: GB/6920)
  98. Dawn Nelson Wardrope (Book Title: Fisherwoman, ID: GB/16080)
  99. Andy Warhol (Book Title: a, ID: GB/6923)
  100. Andy Warhol (Book Title: Andy Warhol, ID: GB/14062)
  101. Andy Warhol (Book Title: Andy Warhol: Seven Illustrated Books, ID: GB/15952)
  102. Andy Warhol (Book Title: Andy Warhol's Exposures, ID: GB/12305)
  103. Andy Warhol (Book Title: Andy Warhol's Index (Book), ID: GB/10968)
  104. Andy Warhol (Book Title: Anti-Warhol Museum, ID: GB/4815)
  105. Andy Warhol (Book Title: Autobiography of a Snake, ID: GB/31608)
  106. Andy Warhol (Book Title: Philosophy of Andy Warhol, ID: GB/6925)
  107. Andy Warhol (Book Title: Stockholm Museum, ID: GB/1319)
  108. Andy Warhol (Book Title: Wild Raspberries, ID: GB/11989)
  109. Marina Warner (Book Title: Venetian Brocade, ID: GB/12752)
  110. Uwe Warnke (Book Title: Fall, ID: GB/11552)
  111. Uwe Warnke (Book Title: Liegend / Im Fall, ID: GB/15168)
  112. Chris Warren (Book Title: d!n, ID: GB/30131)
  113. Robert Penn Warren (Book Title: All the King's Men, ID: GB/6932)
  114. Rosanna Warren (Book Title: Poems / Drawings, ID: GB/16116)
  115. Warrior Writers (Book Title: Keep Frozen, ID: GB/14190)
  116. Lewis Warsh (Book Title: Ted Berrigan, ID: GB/10697)
  117. Sande Wascher-James (Book Title: Every Man Needs a Woman, ID: GB/6933)
  118. Sande Wascher-James (Book Title: How Long?, ID: GB/6934)
  119. Sande Wascher-James (Book Title: We All Think So, Dear, ID: GB/6935)
  120. Sande Wascher-James (Book Title: What Every Woman Needs, ID: GB/11776)
  121. Bart Wasserman (Book Title: Selection of Poems, ID: GB/4455)
  122. Jeff Wasserman (Book Title: Papers of River Muds, ID: GB/10316)
  123. Enji Watanabe (Book Title: Diary of a Sparrow, ID: GB/12952)
  124. Kazuko Watanabe (Book Title: Diary of a Sparrow, ID: GB/12952)
  125. John Waters (Book Title: John Waters, ID: GB/11988)
  126. Darren Waterston (Book Title: Swarm, A Flock, A Host, ID: GB/14183)
  127. Eric Watier (Book Title: Inventory of Destruction, ID: GB/13613)
  128. Heather Watkins (Book Title: Hours, ID: GB/14834)
  129. Zachary Watkins (Book Title: Doc / Undoc, ID: GB/14528)
  130. Donald Watson (Book Title: Bald Prima Donna, ID: GB/3185)
  131. Grant Watson (Book Title: Make Everything New, ID: GB/11616)
  132. Ian Watt (Book Title: Secret Sharer, ID: GB/15866)
  133. Arthur Waugh (Book Title: Square Book of Animals, ID: GB/4748)
  134. Auberon Waugh (Book Title: Unlucky Family, ID: GB/1621)
  135. Evelyn Waugh (Book Title: Black Mischief, ID: GB/6954)
  136. Evelyn Waugh (Book Title: Brideshead Revisited, ID: GB/6956)
  137. Evelyn Waugh (Book Title: Loved One, ID: GB/6962)
  138. Evelyn Waugh (Book Title: Scoop, ID: GB/6967)
  139. Evelyn Waugh (Book Title: Sword of Honour, ID: GB/6969)
  140. Wayzgoose (Book Title: Wayzgoose '96 Anthology, ID: GB/6974)
  141. Nancy Weaver (Book Title: January 20, 1980 - March 15, 1980, ID: GB/11438)
  142. William Weaver (Book Title: Invisible Cities, ID: GB/12015)
  143. Joycelyn S. Webb (Book Title: Winter Light, ID: GB/6977)
  144. Mary Webb (Book Title: Prize, ID: GB/6978)
  145. Richard O. Webber (Book Title: Shakespeare on Politicians, ID: GB/16034)
  146. Marshall Weber (Book Title: Almost Cut my Meds, ID: GB/12390)
  147. Marshall Weber (Book Title: American Corn, ID: GB/12398)
  148. Marshall Weber (Book Title: Bedtime for Bremer: Reloaded, ID: GB/12060)
  149. Marshall Weber (Book Title: Coronation, ID: GB/15708)
  150. Marshall Weber (Book Title: Cycle, ID: GB/12073)
  151. Marshall Weber (Book Title: Enter Sandman, ID: GB/13384)
  152. Marshall Weber (Book Title: Had Gone, ID: GB/12062)
  153. Marshall Weber (Book Title: Hang On, ID: GB/12070)
  154. Marshall Weber (Book Title: House of Ghosts, ID: GB/14142)
  155. Marshall Weber (Book Title: Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted, ID: GB/15032)
  156. Marshall Weber (Book Title: Organik Book, ID: GB/13101)
  157. Marshall Weber (Book Title: Souvenir, ID: GB/10359)
  158. Marshall Weber (Book Title: Sustainable Aesthetics, ID: GB/12717)
  159. Marshall Weber (Book Title: Where is My Body, ID: GB/10371)
  160. Robert Wechsler (Book Title: Sum-of-parts, ID: GB/13353)
  161. Weef (Book Title: Rogue Magazine, ID: GB/30003)
  162. Weef (Book Title: View from the Atrium, ID: GB/12811)
  163. Sophie Weeks (Book Title: This Paper is Intentionally Blank, ID: GB/10335)
  164. William Wegman (Book Title: Magic Magic Book, ID: GB/12449)
  165. Fritz Wegner (Book Title: Mother Courage, ID: GB/16836)
  166. Debra Weier (Book Title: Between the Lines, ID: GB/6994)
  167. Debra Weier (Book Title: Edges, ID: GB/6996)
  168. Debra Weier (Book Title: Graffiti, ID: GB/477)
  169. Debra Weier (Book Title: Lime Milagro, ID: GB/6997)
  170. Debra Weier (Book Title: Merz Sonata, ID: GB/5509)
  171. Debra Weier (Book Title: One Cubic Foot, ID: GB/15094)
  172. Debra Weier (Book Title: Pagoda, ID: GB/10180)
  173. Debra Weier (Book Title: Skyride, ID: GB/11943)
  174. Susan Weil (Book Title: Blind Man's Buff, ID: GB/11305)
  175. Susan Weil (Book Title: Giacomo Joyce, ID: GB/11330)
  176. Susan Weil (Book Title: Meta Mor for the Moon, ID: GB/11309)
  177. Kurt Weill (Book Title: Seven Deadly Sins of the Lower Middle Class, ID: GB/10673)
  178. Steven Weinberg (Book Title: eins und . . . Zwei und . . . Drei, ID: GB/13607)
  179. Eliot Weinberger (Book Title: Stars, ID: GB/11921)
  180. Lawrence Weiner (Book Title: Bremerhaven, ID: GB/11773)
  181. Lawrence Weiner (Book Title: Day in the Life, ID: GB/11962)
  182. Lawrence Weiner (Book Title: Factors in the Scope of Distance, ID: GB/7000)
  183. Lawrence Weiner (Book Title: Green as Well as Blue as Well as Red, ID: GB/14081)
  184. Lawrence Weiner (Book Title: Hard Light, ID: GB/5548)
  185. Lawrence Weiner (Book Title: I Met a Stranger, ID: GB/7001)
  186. Lawrence Weiner (Book Title: Instructions: Moi + Toi, ID: GB/14163)
  187. Lawrence Weiner (Book Title: Kopfbahnhof/Terminal, ID: GB/7002)
  188. Lawrence Weiner (Book Title: Nach Alles / After All, ID: GB/7003)
  189. Lawrence Weiner (Book Title: Remixed Water, ID: GB/11615)
  190. Lawrence Weiner (Book Title: Steel Pennies Don’t Come From or go to Heaven, ID: GB/7005)
  191. Lawrence Weiner (Book Title: To Build A Square in the Rineland, ID: GB/7006)
  192. Lawrence Weiner (Book Title: Xerox Book, ID: GB/10320)
  193. Seth Weinhardt (Book Title: Unreasonable Simulacrum/ Interrogation Point, ID: GB/7007)
  194. Beth Weiss (Book Title: Thoughts on Color, Color of Thoughts, ID: GB/10971)
  195. Corinna Weiss (Book Title: Metamorphoses, ID: GB/15630)
  196. David Weiss (Book Title: Fotografías, ID: GB/12434)
  197. David Weiss (Book Title: Peter Fischli, David Weiss, ID: GB/11144)
  198. David Weiss (Book Title: Will Happiness Find Me?, ID: GB/11089)
  199. Diane Weiss (Book Title: Carousel, ID: GB/7012)
  200. Hellmuth Weissenborn (Book Title: ABC of Names fom Antiquity to the Present, ID: GB/7015)
  201. Hellmuth Weissenborn (Book Title: Country Scenes 1 & 2, ID: GB/7016)
  202. Hellmuth Weissenborn (Book Title: Hellmuth Weissenborn - Engraver, ID: GB/7017)
  203. Hellmuth Weissenborn (Book Title: London Scenes, ID: GB/7018)
  204. Hellmuth Weissenborn (Book Title: Personal Letters, ID: GB/6424)
  205. Hellmuth Weissenborn (Book Title: Signs of the Zodiac, ID: GB/7019)
  206. Neil Welliver (Book Title: Hunting Stories, ID: GB/2045)
  207. Kelly Wellman (Book Title: Cunning Chapters, ID: GB/11606)
  208. H. G. Wells (Book Title: Short Stories, ID: GB/7027)
  209. H. G. Wells (Book Title: Utopia, ID: GB/8751)
  210. John Wells (Book Title: Voyages to the Moon and the Sun, ID: GB/1606)
  211. Michael Wells (Book Title: My First Pop-up Book of Opposites, ID: GB/843)
  212. Michael Wells (Book Title: Ultimate Pop-Up Cocktail Book, ID: GB/7028)
  213. Friedrich Weltzien (Book Title: Runge Revisited, ID: GB/16650)
  214. Yvonne Droge Wendell (Book Title: Wooden Sticks, ID: GB/11968)
  215. John W. Wendler (Book Title: Xerox Book, ID: GB/10320)
  216. Kathe Wenzel (Book Title: Guest Book - The House was Quiet, ID: GB/16361)
  217. Alicja Werbachowska (Book Title: 01.08.2005, ID: GB/11997)
  218. Alicja Werbachowska (Book Title: 08.08.2005, ID: GB/11534)
  219. Alicja Werbachowska (Book Title: 14.01.2013, ID: GB/13825)
  220. Alicja Werbachowska (Book Title: 24.01.2007, ID: GB/11998)
  221. Alicja Werbachowska (Book Title: Abecedarium, ID: GB/12479)
  222. Mariken Wessels (Book Title: Elisabeth - I want to eat, ID: GB/14402)
  223. Mariken Wessels (Book Title: He was there, ID: GB/14401)
  224. Stephanie Westnedge (Book Title: From Arctic Dreams, ID: GB/10793)
  225. Heather Weston (Book Title: Binding Analysis: Double Bind, ID: GB/10127)
  226. Heather Weston (Book Title: Borges and I, ID: GB/10124)
  227. Heather Weston (Book Title: Bound (dependence imposed), ID: GB/10126)
  228. Heather Weston (Book Title: Defeating the Object, ID: GB/10122)
  229. Heather Weston (Book Title: Definitely Not Straight, ID: GB/15358)
  230. Heather Weston (Book Title: Diction, ID: GB/10125)
  231. Heather Weston (Book Title: Paper Cut: relief, ID: GB/16141)
  232. Heather Weston (Book Title: Read (past, tense), ID: GB/16142)
  233. Heather Weston (Book Title: Shedding Light, ID: GB/16139)
  234. Dirk Westphal (Book Title: Canal Street Boogie Woogie, ID: GB/14117)
  235. Dirk Westphal (Book Title: Dirk Westphal, ID: GB/14116)
  236. Lale Westvind (Book Title: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dude, ID: GB/14208)
  237. Margaret Wetherbee (Book Title: Vicar of Wakefield, ID: GB/2441)
  238. Laura Wetherington (Book Title: no one wants to play the victim no one when there is a gun involved and blue, ID: GB/15187)
  239. J. L. Weygand (Book Title: Devices and Vices, ID: GB/7049)
  240. Edith Wharton (Book Title: House of Mirth, ID: GB/7056)
  241. Edith Wharton (Book Title: House of Mirth, ID: GB/7057)
  242. Charmaine Wheatley (Book Title: 30% of Buffalo, ID: GB/12720)
  243. Lawrence Whistler (Book Title: Gulliver's Travels, ID: GB/6313)
  244. Rex Whistler (Book Title: Gulliver's Travels, ID: GB/6313)
  245. Kenneth White (Book Title: Black Sea Letter, ID: GB/7071)
  246. Kenneth White (Book Title: Late August on the Coast, ID: GB/13064)
  247. Kit White (Book Title: 101 Things to Learn in Art School, ID: GB/13083)
  248. Neal White (Book Title: Ott's Sneeze, ID: GB/10638)
  249. Pae White (Book Title: Oblique Strategies, ID: GB/13287)
  250. Patrick E. White (Book Title: Eurydice Unbound, ID: GB/7072)
  251. Sara White (Book Title: Arranging Chaos, ID: GB/15216)
  252. T. H. White (Book Title: Mistress Masham's Repose, ID: GB/7073)
  253. Teresa Whitehill (Book Title: Heavy Lifting, ID: GB/31071)
  254. Bruce Whiteman (Book Title: XXIV Short Love Poems, ID: GB/10189)
  255. Walt Whitman (Book Title: Leaves of Grass, ID: GB/7080)
  256. Walt Whitman (Book Title: My Song of Myself, ID: GB/15238)
  257. Walt Whitman (Book Title: On the Beach at Night, ID: GB/7082)
  258. Walt Whitman (Book Title: River, ID: GB/13066)
  259. Walt Whitman (Book Title: Specimen Days in America, ID: GB/7083)
  260. Walt Whitman (Book Title: Wrenching Times, ID: GB/7084)
  261. Ada Whitney (Book Title: Towards an Ofay Aesthetic, ID: GB/10753)
  262. J. D. Whitney (Book Title: Six Poems, ID: GB/7086)
  263. Peter Whitney (Book Title: Natural Philosophy of Love, ID: GB/7087)
  264. Jean Widmer (Book Title: Aller - Retour, ID: GB/15202)
  265. George and Catherine Wieck (Book Title: Hiddenness, ID: GB/13054)
  266. John Wieners (Book Title: Unhired, ID: GB/7090)
  267. Elie Wiesel (Book Title: Jour, ID: GB/10289)
  268. Lisa Wigham (Book Title: Quarter Past Four Publication, ID: GB/10474)
  269. Richard Wilbur (Book Title: Writer, ID: GB/10143)
  270. Christopher K. Wilde (Book Title: Adders of Memory, ID: GB/10360)
  271. Christopher K. Wilde (Book Title: American Corn, ID: GB/12398)
  272. Christopher K. Wilde (Book Title: Dylan Graham's Library in a Book, ID: GB/10370)
  273. Christopher K. Wilde (Book Title: Figure, ID: GB/10372)
  274. Christopher K. Wilde (Book Title: Hang On, ID: GB/12070)
  275. Christopher K. Wilde (Book Title: Ker-Bloom, ID: GB/11455)
  276. Christopher K. Wilde (Book Title: Organik Book, ID: GB/13101)
  277. Christopher K. Wilde (Book Title: Regional Museum, ID: GB/10375)
  278. Christopher K. Wilde (Book Title: Tragic Book No. 9, ID: GB/10373)
  279. Christopher K. Wilde (Book Title: Where is My Body, ID: GB/10371)
  280. Christopher K. Wilde (Book Title: Y Book, ID: GB/10374)
  281. John Wilde (Book Title: 1985, ID: GB/7092)
  282. John Wilde (Book Title: 44 Wilde 1944, ID: GB/7093)
  283. John Wilde (Book Title: Story of Jane & Joan, ID: GB/7094)
  284. Oscar Wilde (Book Title: Nightingale and the Rose, ID: GB/7101)
  285. Oscar Wilde (Book Title: Selfish Giant, ID: GB/7109)
  286. Thornton Wilder (Book Title: Our Town, ID: GB/7113)
  287. Alexander Wilensky (Book Title: One to Ten and back again, ID: GB/12323)
  288. Richard Wiley (Book Title: Whitman Sampler, ID: GB/7115)
  289. Paul Wilgress (Book Title: My First Pop-up Book of Opposites, ID: GB/843)
  290. Theodore M. Wilke (Book Title: Murder by Book, ID: GB/15685)
  291. Tom Wilkins (Book Title: Diary of Tom Wilkins, ID: GB/16099)
  292. Tim Wilkinson (Book Title: My Life and Hard Time and Other Observances., ID: GB/6480)
  293. Nancy Willard (Book Title: Gutenberg's Gift, ID: GB/7352)
  294. Hans Peter Willberg (Book Title: Trial, ID: GB/12450)
  295. Carola Willbrand (Book Title: Guest Book - The House was Quiet, ID: GB/16361)
  296. Brian Williams (Book Title: Pop-Up Battle Book, ID: GB/7124)
  297. Emmett Williams (Book Title: A Valentine for Noël, ID: GB/7125)
  298. Emmett Williams (Book Title: Anecdoted Topography of Chance, ID: GB/10754)
  299. Emmett Williams (Book Title: Anecdoted Topography of Chance, ID: GB/10758)
  300. Emmett Williams (Book Title: Anthology of Concrete Poetry, ID: GB/7127)
  301. Emmett Williams (Book Title: Little Night Book, ID: GB/14768)
  302. Emmett Williams (Book Title: Mythological Travels. . ., ID: GB/10755)
  303. Emmett Williams (Book Title: Noch mehr Scheisse. Eine Nachlese, ID: GB/13400)
  304. Eugene Williams (Book Title: Modular Poems, ID: GB/12697)
  305. Graham Williams (Book Title: Super Castings, ID: GB/7129)
  306. Jonathan Williams (Book Title: Kinnikinnick Brand Kickapoo Joy-Juice, ID: GB/31634)
  307. Jonathan Williams (Book Title: Lexington Nocturne (April 19), ID: GB/7133)
  308. Jonathan Williams (Book Title: No-No Nse-Nse, ID: GB/7134)
  309. Scott Williams (Book Title: Watch Your Step, ID: GB/11458)
  310. Tennessee Williams (Book Title: Streetcar Named Desire, ID: GB/7143)
  311. Thomas Parker Williams (Book Title: Jasper's 72 Triangles, ID: GB/13801)
  312. William Carlos Williams (Book Title: Autumn, ID: GB/7145)
  313. Aaron Williamson (Book Title: Hearing things, ID: GB/7146)
  314. Harry Willock (Book Title: Sam's Sandwich, ID: GB/30007)
  315. Harry Willock (Book Title: Sam's Snack, ID: GB/5006)
  316. John Wills (Book Title: Tickletoes, ID: GB/8788)
  317. Thomasz Wilmanski (Book Title: Genealogy, ID: GB/30120)
  318. Luuk Wilmering (Book Title: Interview, ID: GB/11522)
  319. Luuk Wilmering (Book Title: Personal Geographic, ID: GB/11537)
  320. Ulrich Wilmes (Book Title: Atlas, ID: GB/11938)
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