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Authors starting with 'B'

  1. H. B. (Book Title: Wisconsin Magic, ID: GB/7181)
  2. B/W-CLR (Book Title: Sztuka Fabryka, ID: GB/12824)
  3. Frans Baake (Book Title: Miquelon, ID: GB/14395)
  4. Ruth Babe (Book Title: Reading Teeth, ID: GB/277)
  5. Dmitry Babenko (Book Title: Surf Trash Poem, ID: GB/13929)
  6. Theodore Bachaus (Book Title: Booksellers of San Serriffe, ID: GB/280)
  7. Theodore Bachaus (Book Title: Private Presses of San Serriffe, ID: GB/278)
  8. Theodore Bachaus (Book Title: World's Worst Marbled Papers, ID: GB/279)
  9. Walter Bachinski (Book Title: Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite, ID: GB/8766)
  10. Walter Bachinski (Book Title: Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite, ID: GB/8766)
  11. Ingeborg Bachmann (Book Title: For This Brief Time, ID: GB/31660)
  12. Francis Bacon (Book Title: History of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh, ID: GB/283)
  13. Francis Bacon (Book Title: Of Gardens, ID: GB/284)
  14. Benjamin Badock (Book Title: Weltmalbuch 1, ID: GB/15591)
  15. Thorsten Baensch (Book Title: Bartleby & Co., ID: GB/15134)
  16. Thorsten Baensch (Book Title: Eat / Drink / Fuck / Sleep, ID: GB/11483)
  17. Thorsten Baensch (Book Title: Eat and Die, ID: GB/12432)
  18. Thorsten Baensch (Book Title: From Darfur to Brussels, ID: GB/30082)
  19. Thorsten Baensch (Book Title: In Prime, ID: GB/16183)
  20. Thorsten Baensch (Book Title: My Song of Myself, ID: GB/15238)
  21. Thorsten Baensch (Book Title: Paradise Lost, ID: GB/15241)
  22. Thorsten Baensch (Book Title: Statues de Bruxelles, ID: GB/15239)
  23. Thorsten Baensch (Book Title: Thrice, ID: GB/12735)
  24. Thorsten Baensch (Book Title: Two Views, ID: GB/11474)
  25. Enid Bagnold (Book Title: Early Poems, ID: GB/290)
  26. Enid Bagnold (Book Title: Poems, ID: GB/291)
  27. Durga Bai (Book Title: Night Life of Trees, ID: GB/14098)
  28. Enrico Baj (Book Title: Chambres, ID: GB/11782)
  29. Enrico Baj (Book Title: Cravate ne vaut pas une médaille, ID: GB/15024)
  30. John Baldessari (Book Title: Brown and Green and Other parables, ID: GB/15316)
  31. John Baldessari (Book Title: Choosing: Green Beans, ID: GB/11317)
  32. John Baldessari (Book Title: Four Events and Reactions, ID: GB/12284)
  33. John Baldessari (Book Title: Ingres and Other Parables, ID: GB/12304)
  34. John Baldessari (Book Title: Prima Facie: Marilyn's Dress, ID: GB/11401)
  35. John Baldessari (Book Title: Scenes from the Cutting-Room Floor, ID: GB/15561)
  36. John Baldessari (Book Title: Throwing a Ball Once to Get Three Melodies and Fifteen Chords, ID: GB/307)
  37. John Baldessari (Book Title: Throwing Three Balls in the Air to Get a Straight Line, ID: GB/11152)
  38. John Baldessari (Book Title: Tristram Shandy, ID: GB/12214)
  39. John Baldessari (Book Title: Yours in Food, ID: GB/11600)
  40. John Baldessari (Book Title: Zorro, ID: GB/11334)
  41. Katie Baldwin (Book Title: MisMatch, ID: GB/14180)
  42. Katie Baldwin (Book Title: REF, ID: GB/16486)
  43. Katie Baldwin (Book Title: Shift, ID: GB/14851)
  44. Katie Baldwin (Book Title: Trace, ID: GB/15332)
  45. Alex Balgiu (Book Title: Improbable, ID: GB/31785)
  46. Sara Ball (Book Title: Croc-gu-phant, ID: GB/316)
  47. Robert Ballagh (Book Title: Dubliners, ID: GB/3334)
  48. Claude Ballaré (Book Title: Au fond du couloir la porte à gauche, ID: GB/15115)
  49. Claude Ballaré (Book Title: Effets Divers, ID: GB/13781)
  50. Paddy Balsdon (Book Title: Red Letter, ID: GB/16261)
  51. Julius Baltazar (Book Title: Barbare au Paradis, ID: GB/11766)
  52. Julius Baltazar (Book Title: To Be or Not Too Much, ID: GB/12087)
  53. Honoré de Balzac (Book Title: Cousin Pons, ID: GB/324)
  54. Anna Banana (Book Title: True Confessions of A. Banana, ID: GB/12807)
  55. Francesco Bandarin (Book Title: Colour - Based on Nature, ID: GB/15418)
  56. Mary Jo Bang (Book Title: B is for Beckett, ID: GB/14253)
  57. Russell Banks (Book Title: Scarlet Letter, ID: GB/16837)
  58. Stephen Bann (Book Title: Concrete Poetry, ID: GB/329)
  59. Fiona Banner (Book Title: Nam, ID: GB/11086)
  60. Nick Bantock (Book Title: Golden Mean, ID: GB/334)
  61. Nick Bantock (Book Title: Griffin & Sabine, ID: GB/335)
  62. Nick Bantock (Book Title: Jabberwocky, ID: GB/336)
  63. Nick Bantock (Book Title: Kubla Khan, ID: GB/337)
  64. Nick Bantock (Book Title: Robin Hood, ID: GB/338)
  65. Nick Bantock (Book Title: Sabine's Notebook, ID: GB/339)
  66. Richard Barber (Book Title: Brief Lives, ID: GB/256)
  67. Gillian Barlow (Book Title: Between the Acts, ID: GB/7250)
  68. Dot and Sy Barlowe (Book Title: Dinosaurs, ID: GB/359)
  69. Baxter Jay Barnaby (Book Title: On the Labeling of Paintings: A Guide for the Art School Impaired, ID: GB/31035)
  70. Lesley Barnes (Book Title: Bauhaus Ballet, ID: GB/30424)
  71. Vittore Baroni (Book Title: Don't Rock Me Dada-O, ID: GB/12804)
  72. Vittore Baroni (Book Title: Hey VisPo!, ID: GB/30128)
  73. Vittore Baroni (Book Title: VisPo is everywhere, ID: GB/30530)
  74. Xavier Barral (Book Title: Because. . ., ID: GB/31748)
  75. Richard Barrett (Book Title: Emily Dickenson, ID: GB/15404)
  76. Timothy Barrett (Book Title: Travels of Sir John Mandeville, ID: GB/30407)
  77. J. M. Barrie (Book Title: Peter Pan, ID: GB/368)
  78. Robert Barry (Book Title: Two Pieces, ID: GB/14394)
  79. Robert Barry (Book Title: Xerox Book, ID: GB/10320)
  80. Harriet Bart (Book Title: Garment Register, ID: GB/374)
  81. Harriet Bart (Book Title: In the Presence of Absence, ID: GB/11130)
  82. Harriet Bart (Book Title: Plumb Bob, ID: GB/12402)
  83. Harriet Bart (Book Title: Poetry of Chance Encounters, ID: GB/10176)
  84. Bridgitte Bartholomy (Book Title: Chronic Freedom, ID: GB/13149)
  85. John Bartlett (Book Title: In Spite of Everything, the Stars, ID: GB/14143)
  86. Carol June Barton (Book Title: Beyond the Page, ID: GB/381)
  87. Carol June Barton (Book Title: Everyday Road Signs, ID: GB/382)
  88. Carol June Barton (Book Title: Five Luminous Towers, ID: GB/11954)
  89. Carol June Barton (Book Title: Instructions for Assembly, ID: GB/383)
  90. Carol June Barton (Book Title: Loom, ID: GB/384)
  91. Carol June Barton (Book Title: Small Gardens, ID: GB/385)
  92. Carol June Barton (Book Title: Tunnel Map, ID: GB/386)
  93. Carol June Barton (Book Title: Tunnel Vision, ID: GB/387)
  94. Carol June Barton (Book Title: Vision Shifts, ID: GB/388)
  95. Shumon Basar (Book Title: Extreme Self, ID: GB/30455)
  96. Jordan Baseman (Book Title: Shup, ID: GB/396)
  97. Michael Basinski (Book Title: Combinings, ID: GB/15349)
  98. Michael Basinski (Book Title: Welcome to the Alphabet, ID: GB/12800)
  99. Eric Baskauskas (Book Title: Various Blank Pages, ID: GB/12749)
  100. Leonard Baskin (Book Title: Divine Comedy, ID: GB/81)
  101. Leonard Baskin (Book Title: Icones Librorum Artifices, ID: GB/11787)
  102. Leonard Baskin (Book Title: Minature Natural History, ID: GB/398)
  103. Marion Bataille (Book Title: ABC3D, ID: GB/11926)
  104. Marion Bataille (Book Title: AOZ, ID: GB/15194)
  105. Marion Bataille (Book Title: Numéro, ID: GB/15169)
  106. Nicolas Bataille (Book Title: Bald Prima Donna, ID: GB/3185)
  107. Jackie Batey (Book Title: Anxious Homes, ID: GB/10444)
  108. Jackie Batey (Book Title: Confidences, ID: GB/10426)
  109. Jackie Batey (Book Title: Null & Void, ID: GB/10421)
  110. Jackie Batey (Book Title: Running a Secret Society No. 20, ID: GB/10446)
  111. Jackie Batey (Book Title: Which Filter Works?, ID: GB/10445)
  112. Charles Baudelaire (Book Title: Bijoux, ID: GB/413)
  113. Charles Baudelaire (Book Title: Fleurs du Mal, ID: GB/31115)
  114. Charles Baudelaire (Book Title: Fleurs du Mal / The Flowers of Evil, ID: GB/412)
  115. Charles Baudelaire (Book Title: J'ai le mouvement qui deplace le lignes, ID: GB/15466)
  116. Heide Bauerle (Book Title: Worte sind Vogel, ID: GB/10923)
  117. L. Frank Baum (Book Title: Wonderful Wizard of Oz., ID: GB/417)
  118. M. Baum (Book Title: Pink Blank Book, ID: GB/15012)
  119. Nicholas Baume (Book Title: Sol Lewitt, ID: GB/13503)
  120. Christiane Baumgartner (Book Title: How Something Looks, 2, ID: GB/11533)
  121. Edward Bawden (Book Title: Gulliver's Travels, ID: GB/6312)
  122. Edward Bawden (Book Title: History of Rasselas, ID: GB/3297)
  123. Edward Bawden (Book Title: Hound of the Baskervilles, ID: GB/1804)
  124. Edward Bawden (Book Title: Utopia, ID: GB/4544)
  125. Edward Bawden (Book Title: Wallpapers by Edward Bawden printed at the Curwen Press, ID: GB/7379)
  126. Glen Baxter (Book Title: Unthinking, ID: GB/10439)
  127. Allan Bealy (Book Title: Papercut, ID: GB/14996)
  128. Allan Bealy (Book Title: Tokens, ID: GB/31039)
  129. Victoria Bean (Book Title: This is Not a Love Thing, ID: GB/14027)
  130. Mark Beard (Book Title: Cote d'Azur Triangle, ID: GB/10300)
  131. Mark Beard (Book Title: Manhattan Third Year Reader, ID: GB/11786)
  132. Mark Beard (Book Title: Pleasure and Pain, ID: GB/6691)
  133. Mark Beard (Book Title: Seven Deadly Sins of the Lower Middle Class, ID: GB/10673)
  134. Mark Beard (Book Title: Utah Reader, ID: GB/11331)
  135. Peter Beard (Book Title: Fifty years of Portraits, ID: GB/442)
  136. Steve Beard (Book Title: Perfumed Head, ID: GB/444)
  137. Aubrey Beardsley (Book Title: Morte D' Arthur, ID: GB/4097)
  138. Geraldine Beare (Book Title: Adventure Stories from the Strand, ID: GB/451)
  139. Geraldine Beare (Book Title: Crime Stories from the Strand, ID: GB/452)
  140. Geraldine Beare (Book Title: Crime Stories from the Strand, ID: GB/16829)
  141. Gertrude Beasley (Book Title: My First Thirty Years, ID: GB/454)
  142. Maurice Beaufumé (Book Title: Cortège, ID: GB/15837)
  143. Derek Beaukieu (Book Title: Silence, ID: GB/12819)
  144. Derek Beaulieu (Book Title: Ascender / Descender, ID: GB/15117)
  145. Derek Beaulieu (Book Title: Counter/Weight, ID: GB/16084)
  146. Max Becher (Book Title: Brooklyn Abroad, ID: GB/11354)
  147. Ian Beck (Book Title: Short Stories, ID: GB/2862)
  148. Kim Beck (Book Title: Field Guide to Weeds, ID: GB/11303)
  149. Angelika Becker-Dobrow (Book Title: Auf der Galerie, ID: GB/12010)
  150. Samuel Beckett (Book Title: As the story was told, ID: GB/459)
  151. Samuel Beckett (Book Title: Fizzles (Foirades), ID: GB/12351)
  152. Samuel Beckett (Book Title: Play Comédie Spiel, ID: GB/14348)
  153. Samuel Beckett (Book Title: Quatre Poemes . Four Songs, ID: GB/10961)
  154. Joshua Saul Beckman (Book Title: There is an Ocean, ID: GB/461)
  155. Susan Bee (Book Title: Bed Hangings, ID: GB/16548)
  156. Susan Bee (Book Title: Fabulas Feminae, ID: GB/16531)
  157. Susan Bee (Book Title: Girl's Life, ID: GB/10695)
  158. Susan Bee (Book Title: Log Rhythms, ID: GB/535)
  159. E. M. Beekman (Book Title: Narcissus, ID: GB/465)
  160. Tea Chai Beer (Book Title: Atomic Sublime, ID: GB/30021)
  161. Guy Begbie (Book Title: Livia's Garden, ID: GB/10580)
  162. Roy R. Behrens (Book Title: Poster, ID: GB/13582)
  163. Nina Beier (Book Title: You Like Me, ID: GB/10411)
  164. Guy R. Beining (Book Title: Dentend, ID: GB/16082)
  165. Guy R. Beining (Book Title: Small Sessions of the Inner Spirit, ID: GB/469)
  166. Marie-Sophie Beinke (Book Title: Things That Cannot Be Put Into Words, ID: GB/31751)
  167. Monika Beisner (Book Title: ABC, ID: GB/470)
  168. Meg Belichick (Book Title: Frosting, ID: GB/475)
  169. Meg Belichick (Book Title: Miss Gowanus, ID: GB/0476)
  170. Ben Belit (Book Title: Graffiti, ID: GB/477)
  171. Anthea Bell (Book Title: Great Menagerie, ID: GB/478)
  172. Quentin Bell (Book Title: Between the Acts, ID: GB/7250)
  173. Roberley Bell (Book Title: Home, ID: GB/479)
  174. Leslie Bellavance (Book Title: Analemmic, ID: GB/480)
  175. Mauro Bellei (Book Title: Cent mille petits points, ID: GB/14140)
  176. Denise Bellemare (Book Title: Six Voies, ID: GB/11768)
  177. David Bellingham (Book Title: Fresh Fruit & Tables, ID: GB/14951)
  178. Hilaire Belloc (Book Title: Bad Child's Pop-up Book of Beasts, ID: GB/482)
  179. Hilaire Belloc (Book Title: Cautionary Tales, ID: GB/16369)
  180. Hilaire Belloc (Book Title: Jim who Ran Away from his Nurse and was eaten by a Lion, ID: GB/484)
  181. Ludwig Bemelmans (Book Title: Madeline, ID: GB/487)
  182. Zadok Ben-David (Book Title: Big Science, ID: GB/488)
  183. Barton Lidicé Benes (Book Title: "Tears", ID: GB/10136)
  184. Barton Lidicé Benes (Book Title: Dance Lesson, ID: GB/10270)
  185. Barton Lidicé Benes (Book Title: How to Kill a Roach, ID: GB/10134)
  186. Barton Lidicé Benes (Book Title: I have found a cockroach in your product!, ID: GB/10112)
  187. Barton Lidicé Benes (Book Title: Six Collages, ID: GB/10116)
  188. Jen Benka (Book Title: Revisioning of The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America, ID: GB/10357)
  189. C. Mehrl Bennett (Book Title: Rumbor, ID: GB/31098)
  190. Harry Bennett (Book Title: Antigone, ID: GB/6066)
  191. John M. Bennett (Book Title: Illegible, ID: GB/31620)
  192. John M. Bennett (Book Title: NNCCOORRNN, ID: GB/14599)
  193. John M. Bennett (Book Title: Nos, ID: GB/12790)
  194. John M. Bennett (Book Title: Rumbor, ID: GB/31098)
  195. John M. Bennett (Book Title: Sacaron Navajas, ID: GB/14111)
  196. John M. Bennett (Book Title: Vispoeologee, ID: GB/14308)
  197. Simone Benoît-Roy (Book Title: Six Voies, ID: GB/11768)
  198. Richard Benson (Book Title: Bridge, ID: GB/1408)
  199. Mirella Bentivoglio (Book Title: 8 situaziona, 1 parola, ID: GB/13363)
  200. Mirella Bentivoglio (Book Title: And End, ID: GB/15717)
  201. Mirella Bentivoglio (Book Title: JET-P68, ID: GB/14353)
  202. Mirella Bentivoglio (Book Title: Love Story, ID: GB/15935)
  203. Nicholas Bentley (Book Title: Dream Street, ID: GB/5543)
  204. William Bentley (Book Title: Scenes from the Cutting-Room Floor, ID: GB/15561)
  205. Lene Berg (Book Title: Gentlemen & Arseholes, ID: GB/11356)
  206. Tatjana Bergelt (Book Title: Pas de Deux, ID: GB/30532)
  207. Thomas G. Bergin (Book Title: Divine Comedy, ID: GB/81)
  208. Hermann P. Bergschneider (Book Title: Literary Hangouts, ID: GB/31603)
  209. Kim Berman (Book Title: Guest Book - The House was Quiet, ID: GB/16361)
  210. Kim Berman (Book Title: RE - A Tale of Two Cities, ID: GB/31604)
  211. Kim Berman (Book Title: Uhanga Dihangara (Coat Hanger Print Portfolio), ID: GB/10174)
  212. Kim Berman (Book Title: Walls of Kakotopia, ID: GB/16516)
  213. Georges Bernanos (Book Title: Diary of a Country Priest, ID: GB/528)
  214. Kenneth Bernard (Book Title: Nullity (with subtitles), ID: GB/530)
  215. Kenneth Bernard (Book Title: Two Stories, ID: GB/531)
  216. William Bernard Vllathorne (Book Title: On Freedom, ID: GB/30577)
  217. Charles Bernstein (Book Title: Log Rhythms, ID: GB/535)
  218. Dennis J. Bernstein (Book Title: Five Oceans in a Tea Spoon, ID: GB/16488)
  219. Steven J. Bernstein (Book Title: Strip Poker, ID: GB/536)
  220. Ted Berrigan (Book Title: In the Nam What Can Happen, ID: GB/537)
  221. Ted Berrigan (Book Title: Ted Berrigan, ID: GB/10697)
  222. Frank Berry (Book Title: Bench, Saw & Plane, ID: GB/538)
  223. Mei-Mei Berssenbrugge (Book Title: Hiddenness, ID: GB/13054)
  224. Carla Bertola (Book Title: 6 x 6, ID: GB/12822)
  225. Carla Bertola (Book Title: Arrivederci & Grazie, ID: GB/30124)
  226. Carla Bertola (Book Title: One & Two, ID: GB/13291)
  227. Jen Bervin (Book Title: Desert, ID: GB/12012)
  228. Jen Bervin (Book Title: Nets, ID: GB/11907)
  229. Fritz Best (Book Title: Bi, ID: GB/8752)
  230. Fritz Best (Book Title: Last Judgements, ID: GB/13084)
  231. Thomas Best (Book Title: Art of Angling, ID: GB/545)
  232. Kathi Bester (Book Title: Little Book of Boekie Woekie, ID: GB/13068)
  233. Michael Betancourt (Book Title: Type Faces, ID: GB/31038)
  234. Gregory Betts (Book Title: Foundry, ID: GB/30125)
  235. Douglas Beube (Book Title: Feed Me, Fuck Me, Forget Me, ID: GB/12669)
  236. Douglas Beube (Book Title: Hollow Words, ID: GB/548)
  237. Douglas Beube (Book Title: Manhattan Street Romance, ID: GB/549)
  238. Joseph Beuys (Book Title: Filzpostkarte und Holzpostkarte, ID: GB/14833)
  239. John Bevis (Book Title: A-Z of Bird Song, ID: GB/553)
  240. Elizabeth Bewick (Book Title: Comfort Me with Apples, ID: GB/554)
  241. Thomas Bewick (Book Title: My Life, ID: GB/555)
  242. Marcel Beyer (Book Title: Funky Sabbath, ID: GB/11010)
  243. Marcel Beyer (Book Title: Funky Sabbath, ID: GB/11014)
  244. John Bidwell (Book Title: Fine Papers at the Oxford University Press, ID: GB/562)
  245. Joe Biel (Book Title: Diary: How to Improve the World (You Will Only Make Matters Worse), ID: GB/14999)
  246. Jonathan Biggs (Book Title: Pop-Up Karma Sutra, ID: GB/571)
  247. Nicole Billard (Book Title: Six Voies, ID: GB/11768)
  248. Volodymyr Bilyk (Book Title: Detournement Crusade, ID: GB/30130)
  249. Volodymyr Bilyk (Book Title: Dulcet Épée, ID: GB/31050)
  250. J. Biniou (Book Title: antipodiste, ID: GB/577)
  251. Bird and Bull (Book Title: Japanese Paper Balloon Bombs: The First ICBM, ID: GB/580)
  252. Linda Birkinshaw (Book Title: It Was a Dark & Stormy Night, ID: GB/4596)
  253. Jim Birnie (Book Title: AbaB, ID: GB/14364)
  254. Val Biro (Book Title: Hole in the Wall, ID: GB/4572)
  255. Jósef Bíró (Book Title: Quabel, ID: GB/14758)
  256. Thomas Bish (Book Title: Newark Hidden City Project, ID: GB/3608)
  257. Elizabeth Bishop (Book Title: 12 O'Clock News, ID: GB/11363)
  258. Hal Bishop (Book Title: Some who do... and One who doesn't, ID: GB/590)
  259. Pierre Bismuth (Book Title: Various Colors in Black and White, ID: GB/10150)
  260. Leda Black (Book Title: Twenty-six Leaves of one Tree, ID: GB/595)
  261. Joan Blackburn (Book Title: Selection of Heaven, ID: GB/597)
  262. Paul Blackburn (Book Title: Assassination of President McKinley, ID: GB/598)
  263. Paul Blackburn (Book Title: Blue Mounds Entries: The Journals, ID: GB/599)
  264. Paul Blackburn (Book Title: Gin: Four Journal Pieces, ID: GB/600)
  265. Paul Blackburn (Book Title: Guillem de Poitou, ID: GB/601)
  266. Paul Blackburn (Book Title: Omitted Journals, ID: GB/602)
  267. Paul Blackburn (Book Title: Reardon Poems, ID: GB/603)
  268. D. K. Blackmore (Book Title: Some Observations on the Diseases of Brunus edwardii (Species nova), ID: GB/30578)
  269. Nicole Blaffert (Book Title: 2↑11, ID: GB/31105)
  270. Iveta Blahova (Book Title: Ende von etwas, ID: GB/15211)
  271. Julien Blaine (Book Title: 3 Singes & 3 Elephants, ID: GB/12829)
  272. Julien Blaine (Book Title: Brouillons & Ebauches, ID: GB/16367)
  273. Julien Blaine (Book Title: Dans Les Décombres, ID: GB/30091)
  274. Julien Blaine (Book Title: J & 7, ID: GB/31047)
  275. Julien Blaine (Book Title: Pli âge, ID: GB/15665)
  276. Julien Blaine (Book Title: Poëmes des Années 50, ID: GB/12802)
  277. Julien Blaine (Book Title: Quelques Images de Retour en 2013, ID: GB/14761)
  278. Emily Blair (Book Title: Idaville, ID: GB/12721)
  279. Quentin Blake (Book Title: Black Mischief, ID: GB/6954)
  280. Quentin Blake (Book Title: Scoop, ID: GB/6967)
  281. Quentin Blake (Book Title: Voyages to the Moon and the Sun, ID: GB/1606)
  282. Scott Blake (Book Title: Bar Code Jesus, ID: GB/11085)
  283. Scott Blake (Book Title: Barcode Elvis, ID: GB/14827)
  284. William Blake (Book Title: America: a Prophecy, ID: GB/13162)
  285. William Blake (Book Title: Auguries of Innocence, ID: GB/606)
  286. William Blake (Book Title: Printing House in Hell, ID: GB/607)
  287. Zelma Blakely (Book Title: Charterhouse of Parma, ID: GB/6187)
  288. J. P. Blanchard (Book Title: Closed Book, ID: GB/12447)
  289. François Blanciak (Book Title: Siteless, ID: GB/11909)
  290. Karen Bleitz (Book Title: Appeal of Pornography, ID: GB/11225)
  291. Karen Bleitz (Book Title: Dolly: edition unlimited, ID: GB/11226)
  292. Karen Bleitz (Book Title: Mechanical World, ID: GB/11145)
  293. Jason J. Blickstein (Book Title: Signs, ID: GB/11548)
  294. William Bligh (Book Title: Voyage to the South Seas, ID: GB/619)
  295. Carol J. Blinn (Book Title: Fowl Letter Book, ID: GB/623)
  296. Carol J. Blinn (Book Title: Once Upon a Time. Book Six, ID: GB/2126)
  297. Carol J. Blinn (Book Title: Poultry Piece, ID: GB/624)
  298. Carey S. Bliss (Book Title: Pair on Printing, ID: GB/625)
  299. Mare Blocker (Book Title: Mystery Girls' Circus, ID: GB/12647)
  300. Jaap Blonk (Book Title: Garbage Collection, ID: GB/30129)
  301. Jaap Blonk (Book Title: Somnambulisms, ID: GB/31048)
  302. Amy Bloom (Book Title: By-and-by, ID: GB/13129)
  303. Amy Bloom (Book Title: Language of her Body, ID: GB/13130)
  304. Brett Bloom (Book Title: Prisoners' Inventions, ID: GB/30452)
  305. Doris Bloom (Book Title: One thousand years of beauty, ID: GB/15365)
  306. Roy Blount Jr (Book Title: Alphabet Juice, ID: GB/12278)
  307. Robert Bly (Book Title: Whole Moisty Night, ID: GB/640)
  308. Roland Blythe (Book Title: Our Village, ID: GB/4470)
  309. Johannes Bobrowski (Book Title: Blühender Kirschbaum, ID: GB/11391)
  310. Johannes Bobrowski (Book Title: Trakl [II], ID: GB/12726)
  311. Giovanni Boccaccio (Book Title: Boccaccio's Decameron, ID: GB/30476)
  312. Giovanni Boccaccio (Book Title: Nymphs of Fiesole, ID: GB/644)
  313. Mel Bochner (Book Title: Misunderstandings, ID: GB/16260)
  314. Mel Bochner (Book Title: On Certainty, ID: GB/12014)
  315. Mel Bochner (Book Title: Working Drawings and Other Visible Things on Paper not Necessarily Meanto to be Viewed as Art, ID: GB/11080)
  316. Marie Bocquet (Book Title: Cut, ID: GB/14406)
  317. Sarah Bodman (Book Title: Beyond the Forest, ID: GB/10579)
  318. Sarah Bodman (Book Title: Bookishness, ID: GB/16889)
  319. Sarah Bodman (Book Title: Closure, ID: GB/15222)
  320. Sarah Bodman (Book Title: Dinner & A Rose, ID: GB/31781)
  321. Sarah Bodman (Book Title: Gift, ID: GB/15224)
  322. Sarah Bodman (Book Title: Glass House, ID: GB/11151)
  323. Sarah Bodman (Book Title: GM Future, ID: GB/10581)
  324. Sarah Bodman (Book Title: Inventory, ID: GB/15223)
  325. Sarah Bodman (Book Title: Livia's Garden, ID: GB/10580)
  326. AnneDorothee (Doro) Boehme (Book Title: Various Blank Pages, ID: GB/12749)
  327. Anouck Boisrobert (Book Title: Dans le Forêt du Paresseux, ID: GB/15264)
  328. Anouck Boisrobert (Book Title: Deux Crevettes, ID: GB/15232)
  329. Anouck Boisrobert (Book Title: Trois Fourmis, ID: GB/15233)
  330. Anouck Boisrobert (Book Title: Une Hirondelle, ID: GB/15179)
  331. Christian Boltanski (Book Title: Ensembles, ID: GB/10336)
  332. Christian Boltanski (Book Title: Kaddish, ID: GB/14359)
  333. Christian Boltanski (Book Title: Livres, ID: GB/12441)
  334. Christian Boltanski (Book Title: Vie Impossible, ID: GB/652)
  335. Claire Bolton (Book Title: Ally, ID: GB/655)
  336. Ken Bolton (Book Title: Terrific Days of Summer, ID: GB/654)
  337. Rebecca Bolton (Book Title: Ally, ID: GB/655)
  338. Tristan Bolton (Book Title: Ally, ID: GB/655)
  339. Francesco Bonami (Book Title: Three Qattelan, ID: GB/13606)
  340. Franz Bonn (Book Title: Children's Theatre, ID: GB/664)
  341. Bono (Book Title: Peter & The Wolf, ID: GB/30795)
  342. Denise Bookwalter (Book Title: Arranging Chaos, ID: GB/15216)
  343. Denise Bookwalter (Book Title: End, ID: GB/30534)
  344. Denise Bookwalter (Book Title: Envelope, ID: GB/15166)
  345. Denise Bookwalter (Book Title: Fashioning, ID: GB/30536)
  346. Denise Bookwalter (Book Title: Lining, ID: GB/14856)
  347. Denise Bookwalter (Book Title: Memory Life Manual Index, ID: GB/30405)
  348. Denise Bookwalter (Book Title: Oyster Boat, ID: GB/30150)
  349. Denise Bookwalter (Book Title: REF, ID: GB/16486)
  350. Denise Bookwalter (Book Title: Shift, ID: GB/14851)
  351. Denise Bookwalter (Book Title: Spandrel, ID: GB/13846)
  352. Denise Bookwalter (Book Title: Trace, ID: GB/15332)
  353. Irma Boom (Book Title: Claudy Jongstra, ID: GB/16167)
  354. Irma Boom (Book Title: Colour - Based on Nature, ID: GB/15418)
  355. Irma Boom (Book Title: Irma Boom, ID: GB/13663)
  356. Irma Boom (Book Title: James Jennifer Georgina, ID: GB/14242)
  357. Irma Boom (Book Title: Memory Traces, ID: GB/12623)
  358. Irma Boom (Book Title: Rijksmuseum Cook Book, ID: GB/15246)
  359. Irma Boom (Book Title: Road Not Taken, ID: GB/14272)
  360. Irma Boom (Book Title: Thinkbook / Denkeboek, ID: GB/14604)
  361. Irma Boom (Book Title: Twintig jaar, ID: GB/16645)
  362. Irma Boom (Book Title: Weavings as Metaphor, ID: GB/12341)
  363. Brian Borchardt (Book Title: Bendicion, ID: GB/12478)
  364. Brian Borchardt (Book Title: Beyond the Great Stone, ID: GB/10958)
  365. Brian Borchardt (Book Title: Bold Strokes, ID: GB/12550)
  366. Brian Borchardt (Book Title: Book, ID: GB/9974)
  367. Brian Borchardt (Book Title: Crossing the Tigris, ID: GB/13090)
  368. Brian Borchardt (Book Title: Intrepid Ones, ID: GB/11342)
  369. Brian Borchardt (Book Title: Seven Deadly Sins, ID: GB/9972)
  370. Brian Borchardt (Book Title: Two Saints, ID: GB/9971)
  371. Brian Borchardt (Book Title: Types of Beauty, ID: GB/14256)
  372. Brian Borchardt (Book Title: Word Play, ID: GB/10283)
  373. Achim Borchardt-Hume (Book Title: Journey into Fear, ID: GB/30027)
  374. Jorge Luis Borges (Book Title: Ficciones, ID: GB/687)
  375. András Böröcz (Book Title: Budi, ID: GB/12835)
  376. András Böröcz (Book Title: Missing Pair, ID: GB/30585)
  377. András Böröcz (Book Title: Panis Abecedarium, ID: GB/14968)
  378. András Böröcz (Book Title: PSST, ID: GB/30400)
  379. András Böröcz (Book Title: They Stand Separated, ID: GB/31720)
  380. András Böröcz (Book Title: Uhanga Dihangara (Coat Hanger Print Portfolio), ID: GB/10174)
  381. András Böröcz (Book Title: We [heart=love] Our Customers, ID: GB/12016)
  382. András Böröcz (Book Title: Year of Love Letters, ID: GB/31718)
  383. Alexander D. Borovsky (Book Title: Word, ID: GB/10729)
  384. Amaranth Borsuk (Book Title: Between Page and Screen, ID: GB/13458)
  385. Jean-Francois Bory (Book Title: Looping, ID: GB/13027)
  386. Jean-Francois Bory (Book Title: Ressac & Ressorts, ID: GB/15111)
  387. Anna Boschi (Book Title: Correspondences, ID: GB/12902)
  388. Anna Boschi (Book Title: Words Enigma, ID: GB/31668)
  389. Laurence Bossé (Book Title: Peter Fischli, David Weiss, ID: GB/11144)
  390. John Boswell (Book Title: Pop-up White House, ID: GB/699)
  391. Ken Botnick (Book Title: B is for Beckett, ID: GB/14253)
  392. Ken Botnick (Book Title: Diderot Project, ID: GB/14887)
  393. Ken Botnick (Book Title: Table of Contents, ID: GB/30419)
  394. Karsten Bott (Book Title: One of Each, ID: GB/12281)
  395. Frederic Bruly Bouabré (Book Title: Knowledge of the World, ID: GB/702)
  396. Charles Boudelair (Book Title: Les Fleurs du Mal / The Flowers of Evil, ID: GB/705)
  397. Jacques Boullaire (Book Title: Typee, ID: GB/4333)
  398. Louise Bourgeois (Book Title: Ode a la Bièvre, ID: GB/12020)
  399. Sheila Bourne (Book Title: Lickety-split, Splickety-lick, clickety-click, ID: GB/15930)
  400. Brad Bouse (Book Title: Between Page and Screen, ID: GB/13458)
  401. Christophe Boutin (Book Title: Three Qattelan, ID: GB/13606)
  402. Joan Bowden (Book Title: Planes of the Aces, ID: GB/4598)
  403. John Bowe (Book Title: Write-in Jerry Brown President, ID: GB/11948)
  404. Detine L. Bowers (Book Title: Core of James Farmer, ID: GB/8744)
  405. David Bowie (Book Title: Nat Tate: An American Artist: 1928-1960, ID: GB/718)
  406. Alan Bowness (Book Title: Prints 1970-86, ID: GB/3857)
  407. Eileen Boxer (Book Title: Report US, ID: GB/9420)
  408. Brian Boyd (Book Title: Alphabet in Color, ID: GB/11634)
  409. William Boyd (Book Title: Nat Tate: An American Artist: 1928-1960, ID: GB/718)
  410. Leonard E. Boyle (Book Title: Modi Orandi Sancti Dominici, ID: GB/30566)
  411. Mark Boyle (Book Title: Journey to the Surface of the Earth, ID: GB/721)
  412. Ray Bradbury (Book Title: Christus Apollo, ID: GB/13082)
  413. Ray Bradbury (Book Title: Fahrenheit 451, ID: GB/727)
  414. Ray Bradbury (Book Title: Martian Chronicles, ID: GB/728)
  415. Sue Bradbury (Book Title: Dream Street, ID: GB/5543)
  416. Sue Bradbury (Book Title: Short Stories, ID: GB/4213)
  417. Sue Bradbury (Book Title: Three Tragedies, ID: GB/3967)
  418. John Bradley (Book Title: Plane - Watch it Work!, ID: GB/4162)
  419. John Bradley (Book Title: The Car - Watch it Work!, ID: GB/4163)
  420. Domenico Brancale (Book Title: Come se avessimo promesso, ID: GB/30521)
  421. Brandstifter (Book Title: Black Shores, ID: GB/16081)
  422. Brandstifter (Book Title: Impossible Exile, ID: GB/30587)
  423. Brandstifter (Book Title: Rumbor, ID: GB/31098)
  424. Brassaï (Book Title: Paris de Nuit, ID: GB/15081)
  425. Pieter Brattinga (Book Title: Kwadraat-Bladen, ID: GB/14063)
  426. Eric Braun (Book Title: 106U#5, ID: GB/742)
  427. Stephen Braun (Book Title: Defictions of Diogenes, ID: GB/11322)
  428. Stephen Braund (Book Title: Speckled Egg, ID: GB/10410)
  429. H. Terry Braunstein (Book Title: Tale from the Fire, ID: GB/744)
  430. H. Terry Braunstein (Book Title: Windows, ID: GB/745)
  431. Barbara Bray (Book Title: La Dame aux Camelias, ID: GB/1857)
  432. Bertolt Brecht (Book Title: Lied von der Belebenden Wirkung des Geldes, ID: GB/14653)
  433. Bertolt Brecht (Book Title: Life of Galileo, ID: GB/761)
  434. Bertolt Brecht (Book Title: Seven Deadly Sins of the Lower Middle Class, ID: GB/10673)
  435. Bertolt Brecht (Book Title: Threepenny Opera, ID: GB/759)
  436. George Brecht (Book Title: C for Brecht, ID: GB/12808)
  437. George Brecht (Book Title: green, the red, the yellow, the black, and the white, ID: GB/14448)
  438. Hans Breder (Book Title: Portrait of Rosa, ID: GB/764)
  439. Mark Breen (Book Title: Aratus / Phaenomena / Sky Signs, ID: GB/31630)
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  441. Clemens Brentano (Book Title: Wenn der lahme Weber Träumt er Webe, ID: GB/15215)
  442. Andrew Brenza (Book Title: Alphabeticon & Other Poems, ID: GB/16896)
  443. Andrew Brenza (Book Title: Compass, ID: GB/30524)
  444. Simon Brett (Book Title: Sonnets & A Lover's Complaint, ID: GB/5861)
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  446. Theo Breuer (Book Title: Word Theatre, ID: GB/11503)
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  448. Breyten Breytenbach (Book Title: Intimate Stranger, ID: GB/10983)
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  452. Raymond Briggs (Book Title: Fungus the Bogeyman Plop-up Book, ID: GB/793)
  453. Raymond Briggs (Book Title: Snowman, ID: GB/796)
  454. Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (Book Title: Physiology of Taste, ID: GB/14044)
  455. Robert Bringhurst (Book Title: Defictions of Diogenes, ID: GB/11322)
  456. Robert Bringhurst (Book Title: New World Suite, ID: GB/11396)
  457. Stuart Brisley (Book Title: Beyond Reason: Ordure, ID: GB/10629)
  458. Howard Britton (Book Title: Royal Road to the Unconscious, ID: GB/11971)
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  460. John Eric Broaddus (Book Title: Handbook, ID: GB/807)
  461. John Eric Broaddus (Book Title: Magazine: Alive, ID: GB/808)
  462. John Eric Broaddus (Book Title: Magazine: Sun, ID: GB/809)
  463. John Eric Broaddus (Book Title: Pond, ID: GB/8798)
  464. John Eric Broaddus (Book Title: Sphinx and the bird of paradise, ID: GB/811)
  465. John Eric Broaddus (Book Title: Untitled (Horse), ID: GB/13074)
  466. David Brock (Book Title: Burn Down the Zendo, ID: GB/10193)
  467. Harry Brockway (Book Title: Huckleberry Finn, ID: GB/6623)
  468. Harry Brockway (Book Title: Sonnets & A Lover's Complaint, ID: GB/5861)
  469. Joseph Brodsky (Book Title: Poems / Drawings, ID: GB/16116)
  470. Squire Broel (Book Title: Led Almost By My Tie, ID: GB/15434)
  471. A. A. Bronson (Book Title: Life and Works, ID: GB/12625)
  472. Earl Bronsteen (Book Title: Contemporary Art Appreciation 101, ID: GB/11691)
  473. Marcel Broodthaers (Book Title: Coup de Dés Jamais N'abolira le Hasard, ID: GB/14563)
  474. Marcel Broodthaers (Book Title: J'ai le mouvement qui deplace le lignes, ID: GB/15466)
  475. Marcel Broodthaers (Book Title: Marcel Broodthaers, ID: GB/12007)
  476. Marcel Broodthaers (Book Title: Statues de Bruxelles, ID: GB/15239)
  477. Marcel Broodthaers (Book Title: Tinaia 9 Box, ID: GB/12442)
  478. Marcel Broodthaers (Book Title: Une Seconde, ID: GB/30547)
  479. Marcel Broodthaers (Book Title: Voyage on the North Sea, ID: GB/823)
  480. Rupert Brooke (Book Title: 1914: Five Sonnets, ID: GB/825)
  481. Peter Brookes (Book Title: Around the World in Eighty Days, ID: GB/6809)
  482. Cleanth Brooks (Book Title: Hunting Stories, ID: GB/2045)
  483. Peter Brooks (Book Title: England Their England, ID: GB/4057)
  484. Adam Broomberg (Book Title: Holy Bible, ID: GB/14126)
  485. Hart Broudy (Book Title: Deconstructions, ID: GB/30531)
  486. Robert Brough (Book Title: Vacant Frame, ID: GB/836)
  487. Barbara Broughel (Book Title: Animal, ID: GB/10111)
  488. Jeffrey Brouws (Book Title: Twentysix Abandoned Gasoline Stations, ID: GB/12392)
  489. Andrew Brown (Book Title: Typografische Notizen I, ID: GB/13766)
  490. Arthur Brown (Book Title: Song of the Sly Mongoose, ID: GB/838)
  491. Christopher Brown (Book Title: Short Stories, ID: GB/4213)
  492. Eleanor Vonne Brown (Book Title: Catalog / Exhibition, ID: GB/15462)
  493. Graham Brown (Book Title: My First Pop-up Book of Opposites, ID: GB/843)
  494. Karen O. Brown (Book Title: Untitled, ID: GB/15482)
  495. Margaret Wise Brown (Book Title: Little River, ID: GB/14302)
  496. Paul Cameron Browne (Book Title: Long Necked Bottle, ID: GB/855)
  497. Thomas Browne (Book Title: Of Unicornes Hornes, ID: GB/856)
  498. Inge Bruggeman (Book Title: Heavy Lifting, ID: GB/31071)
  499. Inge Bruggeman (Book Title: Infinite Between Us, ID: GB/13832)
  500. Inge Bruggeman (Book Title: no one wants to play the victim no one when there is a gun involved and blue, ID: GB/15187)
  501. Inge Bruggeman (Book Title: Quickest Forever, ID: GB/15136)
  502. Giordano Bruno (Book Title: Caro Giordano, ID: GB/30417)
  503. Jyoti Brunsdon (Book Title: Cure, ID: GB/12554)
  504. J. Bryan (Book Title: Hodge Podge Two, ID: GB/862)
  505. Tara Bryan (Book Title: Down the Rabbit Hole, ID: GB/10658)
  506. Tara Bryan (Book Title: Jack!, ID: GB/863)
  507. Tara Bryan (Book Title: Pancho & the (non-existent) Bears, ID: GB/864)
  508. Tara Bryan (Book Title: Tablelands, ID: GB/865)
  509. Tara Bryan (Book Title: Two Metaphysical Threes, ID: GB/15437)
  510. Tara Bryan (Book Title: World Without End, ID: GB/866)
  511. Tara Tidwell Bryan (Book Title: Great Wall of Ten Thousand Li, ID: GB/867)
  512. Sarah Bryant (Book Title: Address, ID: GB/15348)
  513. Sarah Bryant (Book Title: Biography, ID: GB/15075)
  514. Sarah Bryant (Book Title: Cutaway, ID: GB/12041)
  515. Sarah Bryant (Book Title: Fairmont Color Card, ID: GB/30426)
  516. Sarah Bryant (Book Title: Figure Study, ID: GB/15076)
  517. Sarah Bryant (Book Title: fond, ID: GB/13765)
  518. Sarah Bryant (Book Title: Index, ID: GB/12042)
  519. Sarah Bryant (Book Title: Point of View, ID: GB/15357)
  520. Sarah Bryant (Book Title: Radiant Republic, ID: GB/16211)
  521. Sarah Bryant (Book Title: REF, ID: GB/16486)
  522. Sarah Bryant (Book Title: Shift, ID: GB/14851)
  523. Sarah Bryant (Book Title: Trace, ID: GB/15332)
  524. Keith Buchholz (Book Title: Spirals, cages, boxes & tapes, ID: GB/12814)
  525. Pavel Büchler (Book Title: 3'34", ID: GB/10978)
  526. Pavel Büchler (Book Title: Marx Angels, ID: GB/879)
  527. Pavel Büchler (Book Title: Notable Days, ID: GB/880)
  528. Pavel Büchler (Book Title: WAX 366, ID: GB/10977)
  529. Georg Buchner (Book Title: Leonce und Lena, ID: GB/31097)
  530. Georg Buchner (Book Title: Mienenspiel, ID: GB/30434)
  531. Georg Buchner (Book Title: Woyzeck, ID: GB/14324)
  532. Wolfgang Buchta (Book Title: Bartleby, ID: GB/16222)
  533. Wolfgang Buchta (Book Title: Beyond the Wall of Sleep, ID: GB/11427)
  534. Wolfgang Buchta (Book Title: Lock Down, ID: GB/30548)
  535. Wolfgang Buchta (Book Title: Tell-Tale Heart, ID: GB/15258)
  536. Wolfgang Buchta (Book Title: Unwegsame Gebiete V, ID: GB/11013)
  537. Christopher Buckland Wright (Book Title: Surreal Times, ID: GB/883)
  538. Laura Buckles (Book Title: Your Future in Waitressing, ID: GB/886)
  539. George Buday (Book Title: Darkness at Noon, ID: GB/3542)
  540. Vladimir Bukovsky (Book Title: Darkness at Noon, ID: GB/3542)
  541. Lisa Bulawsky (Book Title: Oyster Boat, ID: GB/30150)
  542. Karel Bulie (Book Title: Some Los Angeles Apartments, ID: GB/14846)
  543. George Bull (Book Title: Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti, ID: GB/6798)
  544. George Bull (Book Title: Lives of the Artists, ID: GB/6794)
  545. George Bull (Book Title: Venice, The Most Triumphant City, ID: GB/891)
  546. Angela Bulloch (Book Title: Rule Book, ID: GB/893)
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  548. David Bunn (Book Title: Subliminal Messages, ID: GB/8764)
  549. John Bunyan (Book Title: Bunyan's Choice Works, ID: GB/896)
  550. John Bunyan (Book Title: Pilgrim's Progress, ID: GB/898)
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  552. Daniel Buren (Book Title: Rigidity / Flexibility on the Grid, ID: GB/11082)
  553. Christan Burgaud (Book Title: Lettre O, ID: GB/15119)
  554. Samuel Buri (Book Title: Chüe vom Eggimaärnscht für e Burisämi, ID: GB/921)
  555. Richard Burkart (Book Title: Berlin - Ulysses - Babylon, ID: GB/13289)
  556. Bill Burke (Book Title: I Want to Take Picture, ID: GB/922)
  557. Bill Burke (Book Title: Mine Fields, ID: GB/923)
  558. Bill Burke (Book Title: They Shall Cast Out Demons, ID: GB/924)
  559. Clifford Burke (Book Title: Bone Songs, ID: GB/926)
  560. Clifford Burke (Book Title: Landscape With Cows In It, ID: GB/925)
  561. Edmund Burke (Book Title: On Conciliation with the Colonies, ID: GB/927)
  562. Edward Burne-Jones (Book Title: Eros and Psyche, ID: GB/785)
  563. Edward Burne-Jones (Book Title: Kelmscott Chaucer, ID: GB/9876)
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  565. Frances Hodgson Burnett (Book Title: Secret Garden, ID: GB/931)
  566. Ross Burnett (Book Title: Bookseller's Diary, ID: GB/12553)
  567. Charles Burns (Book Title: Facetasm, ID: GB/934)
  568. Edgar Rice Burroughs (Book Title: Tarzan, ID: GB/938)
  569. Caryl Burtner (Book Title: Exorcism of Page Thirteen, ID: GB/941)
  570. Sir Richard Burton (Book Title: Meanwhile Don't Push and Squeeze, ID: GB/15243)
  571. Tony Burzan (Book Title: Speed Reading Book, ID: GB/13610)
  572. George Bush (Book Title: It's just a goddamned piece of paper!, ID: GB/15031)
  573. Tracey Bush (Book Title: British Butterflies, ID: GB/11373)
  574. David Butcher (Book Title: Bibliography 1982-1993, ID: GB/952)
  575. David Butcher (Book Title: British Private Press Prospectuses, ID: GB/953)
  576. David Butcher (Book Title: Chinese Papercuts, ID: GB/954)
  577. David Butcher (Book Title: Stanbrook Abbey Press 1956-1990, ID: GB/955)
  578. David Butcher (Book Title: Whittington Press, A Bibliography. 1971-1981, ID: GB/956)
  579. David Butcher (Book Title: Whittington Press, A Bibliography. 1982-93, ID: GB/15767)
  580. Alan Butella (Book Title: Lost & Found Characters, ID: GB/957)
  581. Frances Butler (Book Title: Career Options, ID: GB/959)
  582. Frances Butler (Book Title: Wry Sense of Humor, ID: GB/960)
  583. Georgina Butler (Book Title: James Jennifer Georgina, ID: GB/14242)
  584. James Butler (Book Title: James Jennifer Georgina, ID: GB/14242)
  585. Jennifer Butler (Book Title: James Jennifer Georgina, ID: GB/14242)
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  592. James Lee Byars (Book Title: Golden Tower, ID: GB/14807)
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  595. Judy Byron (Book Title: Helga, Jennifer, Willa, Julee, ID: GB/10922)
  596. Marylee Bytheriver (Book Title: Beans, ID: GB/973)
  597. Marylee Bytheriver (Book Title: Grid, ID: GB/974)

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