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Authors starting with 'H'

  1. Dejan Habicht (Book Title: One Gasoline Station, ID: GB/12694)
  2. Dejan Habicht (Book Title: Please, ID: GB/12693)
  3. Renate Habinger (Book Title: Der Raupe Likan, ID: GB/12648)
  4. Renate Habinger (Book Title: Guest Book - The House was Quiet, ID: GB/16361)
  5. Fritz Haeg (Book Title: Sundown Saloon Unfolding Archive, ID: GB/14084)
  6. Horst Hahn (Book Title: Almanach, ID: GB/14992)
  7. Horst Hahn (Book Title: New World, ID: GB/16628)
  8. Horst Hahn (Book Title: Ost West Dialog, ID: GB/15666)
  9. Horst Hahn (Book Title: Schwitter's Menu, ID: GB/30589)
  10. Horst Hahn (Book Title: Uberschrift, ID: GB/14110)
  11. J. R. Hale (Book Title: Story of the Renaissance, ID: GB/15865)
  12. Catherine Hall (Book Title: Sappho, ID: GB/10804)
  13. Donald Hall (Book Title: Kicking the Leaves, ID: GB/2661)
  14. Julia Hall (Book Title: Slaves of Christo, ID: GB/11005)
  15. Walter Hall (Book Title: Spider Poems, ID: GB/2664)
  16. Dorcas Woodbury Haller (Book Title: What's That?, ID: GB/3257)
  17. Alan Halsey (Book Title: Alphabet of Emblems, ID: GB/2668)
  18. E. Halsey (Book Title: Swallow-Tales/Transformations, ID: GB/2669)
  19. Philippe Halsman (Book Title: Dali's Mustache, ID: GB/2670)
  20. Antic- Ham (Book Title: 1969, ID: GB/15347)
  21. Antic- Ham (Book Title: Booksbook, ID: GB/31103)
  22. Ethan Ham (Book Title: Anthropic, ID: GB/16289)
  23. Laura Evans Hamady (Book Title: Epiphany 1978, ID: GB/2671)
  24. Laura Evans Hamady (Book Title: Quotables/1978, ID: GB/2672)
  25. Laura Evans Hamady (Book Title: Why Did You Didn/t?, ID: GB/11298)
  26. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Bait as in Baithoven, ID: GB/2674)
  27. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Book No. 68, ID: GB/2675)
  28. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Chair, ID: GB/2696)
  29. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Disillusioned Solipsist, ID: GB/11519)
  30. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Eyes, Touch and Change, ID: GB/2676)
  31. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: For the Hundredth Time. Gabberjab Number Five, ID: GB/2677)
  32. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Gabberjab number 6, ID: GB/2678)
  33. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Hamady Wilde Sampler/Salutations 1995, ID: GB/2679)
  34. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Hand Papermaking, ID: GB/10198)
  35. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Hunckering in Wisconsin, ID: GB/2680)
  36. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Hunkering. The Last Gabberjab. No. 8 9/16, ID: GB/10879)
  37. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: In Sight of Blue Mounds, ID: GB/2681)
  38. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Interminable Gabberjabbs, ID: GB/2682)
  39. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Journal Liftings, ID: GB/2694)
  40. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Of Boulders and Bolides, ID: GB/2695)
  41. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Off the Hip, ID: GB/2683)
  42. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: One Day to Sintra & Back, ID: GB/2684)
  43. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Perishable Press Miscellany, ID: GB/15711)
  44. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Plumfoot Poems, ID: GB/2685)
  45. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Poster, ID: GB/13582)
  46. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Quartz Crystal History of Perry Township Since the Earliest Creation of Life, ID: GB/2686)
  47. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Seeds & Chairs, ID: GB/2687)
  48. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Since Mary, ID: GB/2688)
  49. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Squatting Flies, ID: GB/2689)
  50. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: These Chairs, ID: GB/2690)
  51. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Thumbnailing the Hilex, ID: GB/2691)
  52. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Timeline of Sorts, ID: GB/13033)
  53. Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (Book Title: Travelling or Interminable Gabberjab Number Seven, ID: GB/2692)
  54. Jenna Hamed (Book Title: How to Cook a Wolf, ID: GB/31065)
  55. Ann Hamilton (Book Title: Oneeveryone, ID: GB/15595)
  56. Ann Hamilton (Book Title: Oyster Boat, ID: GB/30150)
  57. Duncan Hamilton (Book Title: Every Day the Urge Grows Stronger to Get Hold of an Object at Very Close Range by Way of its Likeness, its Reproduction, ID: GB/11966)
  58. Richard Hamilton (Book Title: Polaroid Portraits, ID: GB/12656)
  59. Richard Hamilton (Book Title: Polaroid Portraits, ID: GB/12657)
  60. Richard Hamilton (Book Title: Polaroid Portraits, ID: GB/12658)
  61. Richard Hamilton (Book Title: Polaroid Portraits, ID: GB/12658)
  62. Richard Hamilton (Book Title: Polaroid Portraits, ID: GB/12659)
  63. Lizbeth Hamlin (Book Title: Red Thread, Two Women, ID: GB/11229)
  64. Langdon Hammer (Book Title: Bridge, ID: GB/30017)
  65. Dashiell Hammett (Book Title: Maltese Falcon, ID: GB/2713)
  66. James D. Hammond (Book Title: Commonplace Book, ID: GB/2617)
  67. Jane Hammond (Book Title: Magic Magic Book, ID: GB/12449)
  68. Valerie Hammond (Book Title: Substance of a Dream, ID: GB/14658)
  69. Sam Hamod (Book Title: Famous Blue Mounds Scrapbook, ID: GB/2715)
  70. Knut Hamsun (Book Title: Pan, ID: GB/2717)
  71. Shafei Han (Book Title: Three Qattelan, ID: GB/13606)
  72. Romano Hänni (Book Title: It is bitter to leave your home, ID: GB/16177)
  73. Romano Hänni (Book Title: Iti Amotytoma Muxum, ID: GB/30440)
  74. Romano Hänni (Book Title: Tpyoghaisfcre Nitezon II, ID: GB/13767)
  75. Romano Hänni (Book Title: Typo Bilder Buch, ID: GB/13774)
  76. Romano Hänni (Book Title: Typografische Notizen I, ID: GB/13766)
  77. Romano Hänni (Book Title: Words make the infinite finite, ID: GB/16646)
  78. Romano Hänni (Book Title: Words make the infinite Finite (IV), ID: GB/31116)
  79. Michael Hannon (Book Title: Burn Down the Zendo, ID: GB/10193)
  80. Michael Hannon (Book Title: Perfect, ID: GB/16503)
  81. Michael Hannon (Book Title: Pruned Boughs, ID: GB/11878)
  82. Michael Hannon (Book Title: Singing All Night In the Plum Tree, ID: GB/30066)
  83. Arnold Hano (Book Title: South of Heaven, ID: GB/15562)
  84. Brian Hanscomb (Book Title: Cornwall:, ID: GB/2725)
  85. Brian Hanscomb (Book Title: Sun, Sea and Earth, ID: GB/2726)
  86. Biruta Akerbergs Hansen (Book Title: Bee, ID: GB/4768)
  87. Biruta Akerbergs Hansen (Book Title: Brooklyn Pops Up, ID: GB/6441)
  88. Andreas Hapkemeyer (Book Title: Hamish Fulton: Keep Moving, ID: GB/13470)
  89. Susan Happersett (Book Title: Fibonacci Line, ID: GB/11930)
  90. Ryoko Haraguchi (Book Title: Guest Book - The House was Quiet, ID: GB/16361)
  91. Chad Harbach (Book Title: Chronic Freedom, ID: GB/13149)
  92. James Harding (Book Title: Letters to His Son, ID: GB/6135)
  93. Barbara Hardy (Book Title: Pagan Babies, ID: GB/11946)
  94. Daphne Hardy (Book Title: Darkness at Noon, ID: GB/3542)
  95. Thomas Hardy (Book Title: Far From the Madding Crowd, ID: GB/2729)
  96. Thomas Hardy (Book Title: Jude the Obscure, ID: GB/2730)
  97. Thomas Hardy (Book Title: Mayor of Casterbridge, ID: GB/2731)
  98. Thomas Hardy (Book Title: Return of the Native, ID: GB/2732)
  99. Thomas Hardy (Book Title: Tess of the D'Urbervilles, ID: GB/2734)
  100. Thomas Hardy (Book Title: Trumpet-Major, ID: GB/2735)
  101. Thomas Hardy (Book Title: Under the Greenwood Tree, ID: GB/2736)
  102. Thomas Hardy (Book Title: Wessex Tales, ID: GB/2737)
  103. Thomas Hardy (Book Title: Woodlanders, ID: GB/2738)
  104. Thomas Hardy (Book Title: Woodlanders, ID: GB/2739)
  105. Keith Haring (Book Title: Keith Haring Flip Book, ID: GB/10294)
  106. Susan Harlan (Book Title: Song Lines, ID: GB/12951)
  107. Barbara Harman (Book Title: Some Mountains, ID: GB/13107)
  108. Anja Harms (Book Title: Denkst, es ist Zufall, ID: GB/14886)
  109. Anja Harms (Book Title: Hab' so Eine Phantasie . . ., ID: GB/14885)
  110. Anja Harms (Book Title: Nothings blown away, ID: GB/15594)
  111. Anja Harms (Book Title: Wasser, ID: GB/11395)
  112. Anja Harms (Book Title: Wasser und Feuer, ID: GB/13497)
  113. MacGregor Harp (Book Title: Experimental American Flag, ID: GB/13069)
  114. Stephen Harrigan (Book Title: Book of Photographs from Lonesome Dove, ID: GB/15409)
  115. Derrick Harris (Book Title: Tom Jones, ID: GB/2086)
  116. Joanne Harris (Book Title: Acrostics, ID: GB/15389)
  117. Lucy Harrison (Book Title: Fantastic Cities, ID: GB/10408)
  118. Lucy Harrison (Book Title: Reader, ID: GB/10407)
  119. Mark Harrison (Book Title: Oceans - Nature Hide & Seek, ID: GB/7228)
  120. Ski Harrison (Book Title: Portraits of Presses, ID: GB/2764)
  121. James D. Hart (Book Title: Moby-Dick or, The Whale, ID: GB/4337)
  122. Richard Hart (Book Title: Unknown Ceremony [?], ID: GB/15489)
  123. John W. Hart III (Book Title: Found Poetry of Lt. Col. Oliver L. North, ID: GB/15436)
  124. Glynn Boyd Harte (Book Title: Tender is the Night, ID: GB/5752)
  125. Jürgen Harten (Book Title: Book by Anselm Kiefer, ID: GB/3452)
  126. Jürgen Harten (Book Title: Erotik im Fernen Oster oder (Transition from cool to warm), ID: GB/10948)
  127. L. P. Hartley (Book Title: Go-Between, ID: GB/2783)
  128. Heiko Michael Hartmann (Book Title: Bamberg, ID: GB/13380)
  129. Heiko Michael Hartmann (Book Title: Do, ID: GB/10369)
  130. Heiko Michael Hartmann (Book Title: First you have to prove it to me, ID: GB/30135)
  131. Heiko Michael Hartmann (Book Title: Ich - wann? Wo?, ID: GB/11451)
  132. Heiko Michael Hartmann (Book Title: Im Hochhaus, ID: GB/13099)
  133. Heiko Michael Hartmann (Book Title: Japaner ohne Hose, ID: GB/11394)
  134. Heiko Michael Hartmann (Book Title: Triumph eines Hosenverkäufers, ID: GB/10367)
  135. Joan Hassall (Book Title: Dearest Joana, ID: GB/2795)
  136. Joan Hassall (Book Title: Our Village, ID: GB/4470)
  137. Sabine Hassinger (Book Title: Durchblicke, ID: GB/11390)
  138. Jaqueline Hassink (Book Title: Table of Power, ID: GB/30147)
  139. Pattie Belle Hastings (Book Title: Serifim, ID: GB/2799)
  140. Judith Haswell (Book Title: From Finland, ID: GB/10792)
  141. Judith Haswell (Book Title: Recollect: Italy, ID: GB/2801)
  142. Judith Haswell (Book Title: Trio, ID: GB/13715)
  143. Judith Haswell (Book Title: World Go Round, ID: GB/2800)
  144. Dirk P. Haubrich (Book Title: Japanische Hitparade vom 25. Mai 1968, ID: GB/15333)
  145. Martin Häuserer-Bruch (Book Title: Sophie, ID: GB/31117)
  146. David Hawcock (Book Title: Aa to Zz, ID: GB/15200)
  147. Colin Hawkins (Book Title: Take Away Monsters, ID: GB/2810)
  148. Nathaniel Hawthorne (Book Title: Scarlet Letter, ID: GB/16837)
  149. Nathaniel Hawthorne (Book Title: Sights from a Steeple, ID: GB/2812)
  150. Charles W. Haxthausen (Book Title: Sol leWitt: The Well-Tempered Grid, ID: 2613)
  151. Yukari Hayashida (Book Title: Same and Yet, ID: GB/11376)
  152. Carla Hayden (Book Title: Card Catalogue, ID: GB/15432)
  153. Ruth Hayes (Book Title: Revelations by Johannes Mashego Segogela, ID: GB/15087)
  154. James Hayford (Book Title: Four Women, ID: GB/2816)
  155. Tim Heald (Book Title: Adventure Stories from the Strand, ID: GB/451)
  156. Tim Heald (Book Title: Short Stories, ID: GB/7027)
  157. Seamus Heaney (Book Title: Hedge School, ID: GB/2824)
  158. Seamus Heaney (Book Title: Poems and a Memoir, ID: GB/2825)
  159. Seamus Heaney (Book Title: Squarings, ID: GB/11318)
  160. Lafcadio Hearn (Book Title: Insect-Musicians, ID: GB/13940)
  161. Sir Thomas Little Heath (Book Title: Interstices & Intersections or, an Autodidact Comprehends a Cube, ID: GB/14477)
  162. Jean-Pierre Hébert (Book Title: In Visible Cities, ID: GB/14007)
  163. John Hedgecoe (Book Title: Working Camera, ID: GB/2832)
  164. Mary Heebner (Book Title: Silent Faces / Angkor, ID: GB/13834)
  165. Mary Heebner (Book Title: Western Trilogy: The Prairie, The Desert, The Ocean, ID: GB/2833)
  166. Caren Heft (Book Title: Bendicion, ID: GB/12478)
  167. Caren Heft (Book Title: Crossing the Tigris, ID: GB/13090)
  168. Caren Heft (Book Title: For Boys Who Dream of War, ID: GB/10954)
  169. Caren Heft (Book Title: Human Volcano, ID: GB/14042)
  170. Caren Heft (Book Title: Martyr, Mercury and Rooster, ID: GB/9976)
  171. Caren Heft (Book Title: Pagan Babies, ID: GB/11946)
  172. Richard Hefter (Book Title: Animal Shufflebook, ID: GB/2834)
  173. Jim Heimann (Book Title: Pot Shots, ID: GB/14161)
  174. Paul Heimbach (Book Title: Alphabet, ID: GB/14153)
  175. Paul Heimbach (Book Title: Basisfarben, ID: GB/11480)
  176. Paul Heimbach (Book Title: Bis vierundsechzig, ID: GB/14320)
  177. Paul Heimbach (Book Title: Cigarren (Zigarren), ID: GB/2837)
  178. Paul Heimbach (Book Title: Dreiklangheft 2, ID: GB/11481)
  179. Paul Heimbach (Book Title: Farbpotenzen, ID: GB/12052)
  180. Paul Heimbach (Book Title: Flip Book, ID: GB/14073)
  181. Paul Heimbach (Book Title: Magic Square, ID: GB/14074)
  182. Paul Heimbach (Book Title: Nach Daten / individuelle Strukturen, ID: GB/12058)
  183. Paul Heimbach (Book Title: Nach Zahlen, ID: GB/14412)
  184. Paul Heimbach (Book Title: Quadrat - Buch 8, ID: GB/14325)
  185. Paul Heimbach (Book Title: Reihenfolgen, ID: GB/12051)
  186. Paul Heimbach (Book Title: Repetitions, ID: GB/12027)
  187. Paul Heimbach (Book Title: Trio 0902, ID: GB/12438)
  188. Paul Heimbach (Book Title: Trio für Cyan, Magenta und Gelb, ID: GB/14326)
  189. Paul Heimbach (Book Title: Übersetzungen, ID: GB/11479)
  190. Paul Heimbach (Book Title: Würfelwürfe, ID: GB/11478)
  191. Paul Heimbach (Book Title: Zehn Worte aus Finnegans Wake, ID: GB/30078)
  192. Alex Heir (Book Title: Input Output, ID: GB/13592)
  193. Jörg Heiser (Book Title: J. Street Project, ID: GB/11992)
  194. Helmut Heissenbüttel (Book Title: von Liebeskunst, ID: GB/11392)
  195. John Held, Jr (Book Title: We'll Chop His Suey When He's Gone, ID: GB/12806)
  196. Nancy Helen (Book Title: Circle Circus, ID: GB/2840)
  197. Gloria Helfgott (Book Title: Arachne, ID: GB/2842)
  198. Gloria Helfgott (Book Title: Down the Rabbit Hole, ID: GB/10919)
  199. Gloria Helfgott (Book Title: Eldorado, ID: GB/2843)
  200. Gloria Helfgott (Book Title: Scrap Book, ID: GB/2844)
  201. Gloria Helfgott (Book Title: Traveling Light on a Short Journey, ID: GB/11771)
  202. Shuta Helgason (Book Title: Skuta's Pointers, ID: GB/13179)
  203. Piero Heliczer (Book Title: Soap Opera, ID: GB/14624)
  204. Richard Hell (Book Title: Psychopts, ID: GB/11986)
  205. Nancy Hellen (Book Title: Circle Zoo, ID: GB/2845)
  206. Michael Heller (Book Title: Figures of Speaking, ID: GB/2853)
  207. Michael Heller (Book Title: Two Poems, ID: GB/2854)
  208. Steven Heller (Book Title: Depero Futurista, ID: GB/15949)
  209. Steven Heller (Book Title: Five Oceans in a Tea Spoon, ID: GB/16488)
  210. Margery S. Hellmann (Book Title: Book for Anne Bradstreet, ID: GB/8746)
  211. Anna Helm (Book Title: 1952, ID: GB/16648)
  212. Anna Helm (Book Title: Böses Wasser (Evil Waters), ID: GB/15627)
  213. Anna Helm (Book Title: Factor über jandl, ID: GB/13352)
  214. Scott Helmes (Book Title: Poems from Then to Now, ID: GB/12899)
  215. Scott Helmes (Book Title: Recent Poems, ID: GB/16366)
  216. Scott Helmes (Book Title: Vispoeologee, ID: GB/14308)
  217. Ernest Hemingway (Book Title: Short Stories, ID: GB/2862)
  218. Jan Henderikse (Book Title: Broadway, ID: GB/2863)
  219. H. F. Henderson (Book Title: Understanding Molecular Typography, ID: GB/14994)
  220. Karen Henderson (Book Title: Macintosh Road Test, ID: GB/13491)
  221. Derek Hendon (Book Title: Fungus and Curmudgeonly, ID: GB/1562)
  222. Geoffrey Hendricks (Book Title: 100 Skies, ID: GB/13145)
  223. Shaw Hendry (Book Title: Sydney Morning, ID: GB/13477)
  224. He Sha Heng (Book Title: UNTITLED (Book from Robbin Silverberg), ID: GB/31635)
  225. Mishka Henner (Book Title: Less Américains, ID: GB/13430)
  226. Nuno Henrique (Book Title: Senciente, ID: GB/30582)
  227. Barbara Henry (Book Title: Album, ID: GB/2870)
  228. Barbara Henry (Book Title: Casebook, ID: GB/10567)
  229. Barbara Henry (Book Title: Four-Letter Words, ID: GB/30451)
  230. Barbara Henry (Book Title: Lesson of Corrections, ID: GB/30456)
  231. Barbara Henry (Book Title: New World Suite, ID: GB/11396)
  232. Judith Henry (Book Title: Anonymous True Stories, ID: GB/2873)
  233. Judith Henry (Book Title: Overheard at the Bookstore, ID: GB/2874)
  234. O Henry (Book Title: Voice of the City and Other Stories, ID: GB/2876)
  235. Kerstin Hensel (Book Title: Erbe, ID: GB/11388)
  236. Anna Hepler (Book Title: Age Rings, ID: GB/2877)
  237. Anna Hepler (Book Title: Ebb, Neap, Flood, ID: GB/2879)
  238. Anna Hepler (Book Title: Hunger, ID: GB/2880)
  239. Anna Hepler (Book Title: Insect Alphabet, ID: GB/2881)
  240. Anna Hepler (Book Title: One Day, Long Long Ago, ID: GB/2883)
  241. Anna Hepler (Book Title: Swarm, ID: GB/2884)
  242. Anna Hepler (Book Title: There are Monsters in my Hair, ID: GB/230)
  243. George Herbert (Book Title: Ev'n as the Flowers in Spring, ID: GB/2887)
  244. A. Herman (Book Title: Kentucky Fried Chicken Matchbook, ID: GB/2892)
  245. A. Herman (Book Title: One tablet on tongue every 2 or 3 hours when needed for throat, ID: GB/2893)
  246. Adriane Herman (Book Title: Eye Candy Sampler, ID: GB/2894)
  247. Judith Hermann (Book Title: Ende von etwas, ID: GB/15211)
  248. Jonathan Hernandez (Book Title: Japanese Diary, ID: GB/14461)
  249. Yonel Hernández (Book Title: El Espanto, ID: GB/16517)
  250. Matthias Herrmann (Book Title: 1997; Hotel 1; Q.: And Babies?; Texts, ID: GB/2902)
  251. Matthias Herrmann (Book Title: 8x10", ID: GB/8762)
  252. Matthias Herrmann (Book Title: Hotel, ID: GB/2903)
  253. Matthias Herrmann (Book Title: Hotel 3/ Bondage, ID: GB/2901)
  254. Matthias Herrmann (Book Title: Sluts Magazin. Vol. 1, #2, ID: GB/2904)
  255. Matthias Herrmann (Book Title: Sluts Magazine. Vol. 1, #1, ID: GB/2905)
  256. Bob Hersey (Book Title: Van Gogh's House, ID: GB/2907)
  257. John Hersey (Book Title: Hiroshima, ID: GB/2908)
  258. Hendrik Hertzberg (Book Title: One Million, ID: GB/2909)
  259. Auguste Hervieu (Book Title: Domestic Manners of the Americans, ID: GB/6568)
  260. Alexander Herzen (Book Title: Childhood, Youth and Exile, ID: GB/2910)
  261. Hesiod (Book Title: Battle of the Frogs and Mice, ID: GB/2912)
  262. Carina Hesper (Book Title: Like a Pearl in my Hand, ID: GB/16653)
  263. Hans Hess (Book Title: 5x7 Collages, ID: GB/15672)
  264. Hans Hess (Book Title: Post an einen Freud, ID: GB/13785)
  265. Hermann Hesse (Book Title: Im Nebel, ID: GB/8791)
  266. Hermann Hesse (Book Title: Out of the Dark, ID: GB/10287)
  267. Hermann Hesse (Book Title: Steppenwolf, ID: GB/2915)
  268. Karen Hesse (Book Title: Trio, ID: GB/13715)
  269. Stefan Heuer (Book Title: Impossible Exile, ID: GB/30587)
  270. William Heyen (Book Title: Brockport Sunflowers, ID: GB/10800)
  271. Tom Hibbard (Book Title: Rebelle, ID: GB/30509)
  272. Christopher Hibbert (Book Title: Rise and Fall of the House of Medici , ID: GB/2922)
  273. Christopher Hibbert (Book Title: Travels Through France and Italy, ID: GB/6030)
  274. Erica Hibbert (Book Title: Guest Book - The House was Quiet, ID: GB/16361)
  275. Francis Hickes (Book Title: True Historie of Lucian the Samosatenian, ID: GB/2923)
  276. Dave Hickey (Book Title: Hard Travel(ing), ID: GB/12219)
  277. Candace Hicks (Book Title: Common Threads. Volume 117, ID: GB/33431)
  278. Sheila Hicks (Book Title: Weavings as Metaphor, ID: GB/12341)
  279. Dick Higgins (Book Title: Foew&ombwhnw, ID: GB/10751)
  280. Dick Higgins (Book Title: Happytime the Medicine Man, ID: GB/2927)
  281. Dick Higgins (Book Title: Modular Poems, ID: GB/12697)
  282. Dick Higgins (Book Title: Of Celebration of Morning, ID: GB/11069)
  283. Dick Higgins (Book Title: PopArchitektur Concept Art, ID: GB/14102)
  284. Dick Higgins (Book Title: What are Legends, ID: GB/13717)
  285. Daniel Nomo Higgs (Book Title: Book of Antennae, ID: GB/11207)
  286. Matthew Higgs (Book Title: Collected Writing: 1993-2003, ID: GB/10323)
  287. Matthew Higgs (Book Title: Fifteen People Present Their Favourite Book, ID: GB/12410)
  288. Matthew Higgs (Book Title: Seven Wonders of the World, ID: GB/2928)
  289. Conrad Hilberry (Book Title: House Marks, ID: GB/2931)
  290. Conrad Hilberry (Book Title: Jacob's Dancing Tune, ID: GB/2932)
  291. Christine Hill (Book Title: Volksboutique, ID: GB/12768)
  292. Susan Hill (Book Title: Cranford, ID: GB/2319)
  293. Etty Hillesum (Book Title: Hommage à Etty Hillesum, ID: GB/10182)
  294. Bevis Hillier (Book Title: Pumorama, ID: GB/2937)
  295. Susan Hillier (Book Title: After the Freud Museum, ID: GB/2935)
  296. Susan Hillier (Book Title: J. Street Project, ID: GB/11992)
  297. Mark Hime (Book Title: Classic Book Cards. Series 1 & 2, ID: GB/2941)
  298. Arno Hintjens (Book Title: White Ass European Cowboy, ID: GB/10885)
  299. Antonia Hirsch (Book Title: Komma, ID: GB/13049)
  300. Edward Hirsch (Book Title: In Spite of Everything, the Stars, ID: GB/14143)
  301. Damien Hirst (Book Title: Elusive Truth, ID: GB/16442)
  302. Jonathan Hitchen (Book Title: Short Stories, ID: GB/7027)
  303. Kathryn Hixson (Book Title: Rigidity / Flexibility on the Grid, ID: GB/11082)
  304. Maria Hlandy (Book Title: Macintosh Road Test, ID: GB/13491)
  305. Edward Hoagland (Book Title: Circus of Dr. Lao, ID: GB/2109)
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  308. Charles Hobson (Book Title: Andromeda Imagined, ID: GB/2962)
  309. Charles Hobson (Book Title: Anotaciones, ID: GB/11231)
  310. Charles Hobson (Book Title: Dancing with Amelia, ID: GB/2963)
  311. Charles Hobson (Book Title: Degas in Rome, ID: GB/13819)
  312. Charles Hobson (Book Title: Diaries of Adam & Eve, ID: GB/10156)
  313. Charles Hobson (Book Title: Fresnel's Tower, ID: GB/16076)
  314. Charles Hobson (Book Title: Mappist, ID: GB/10691)
  315. Charles Hobson (Book Title: Nelson & Emma, ID: GB/11762)
  316. Charles Hobson (Book Title: Parisian Encounters, ID: GB/2964)
  317. Charles Hobson (Book Title: Red Thread, Two Women, ID: GB/11229)
  318. Charles Hobson (Book Title: Taking off Emily Dickenson's Clothes, ID: GB/1306)
  319. Charles Hobson (Book Title: Three Kisses, ID: GB/10121)
  320. Charles Hobson (Book Title: Writer, ID: GB/10143)
  321. Charles Hobson (Book Title: Writing on the Body, ID: GB/2965)
  322. Studebaker Livingstone Hoche (Book Title: Adders of Memory, ID: GB/10360)
  323. Studebaker Livingstone Hoche (Book Title: Regional Museum, ID: GB/10375)
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  327. David Hockney (Book Title: Six Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm, ID: GB/2976)
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  329. Paula Hocks (Book Title: Heads & Bodies, ID: GB/10145)
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  331. Barbara Hodgson (Book Title: After Image, ID: GB/13057)
  332. Barbara Hodgson (Book Title: Around the World in Colour, ID: GB/14468)
  333. Barbara Hodgson (Book Title: Cutting Paper, ID: GB/13794)
  334. Barbara Hodgson (Book Title: Decorating Paper, ID: GB/14934)
  335. Barbara Hodgson (Book Title: Folding Paper, ID: GB/15157)
  336. Barbara Hodgson (Book Title: Marbled Paper, ID: GB/31659)
  337. Barbara Hodgson (Book Title: Occupied by Colour, ID: GB/13360)
  338. Barbara Hodgson (Book Title: Paper Botanists, ID: GB/30415)
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  353. Günter Hofmann (Book Title: Zwergfell, ID: GB/1738)
  354. Günter Hofmann (Book Title: Zwergfell, ID: GB/1738)
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  358. Sjoerd Hofstra (Book Title: 1 Feuille Papier à Cigarettes, ID: GB/11908)
  359. Sjoerd Hofstra (Book Title: 1 leaf of rolling paper, ID: GB/15335)
  360. Sjoerd Hofstra (Book Title: 6 Empty Bookcases, ID: GB/14135)
  361. Sjoerd Hofstra (Book Title: All Meadows, ID: GB/12637)
  362. Sjoerd Hofstra (Book Title: Boeken, ID: GB/14463)
  363. Sjoerd Hofstra (Book Title: Closed Book, ID: GB/12447)
  364. Sjoerd Hofstra (Book Title: Five Empty Bookcases, ID: GB/2999)
  365. Sjoerd Hofstra (Book Title: Flesh, ID: GB/1177)
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  367. Sjoerd Hofstra (Book Title: Gewaarwordingen, ID: GB/13811)
  368. Sjoerd Hofstra (Book Title: My Mother’s Dress Patterns and My Brother’s Broken-Pair Model for Nuclei and Its Extension With Quadrup(o)le Vibrations, ID: GB/14390)
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  380. Friedrich Hölderlin (Scardanelli) (Book Title: Scardanelli, ID: GB/13821)
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  424. A. E. Housman (Book Title: Shropshire Lad, ID: GB/3066)
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  444. Mike Hudson (Book Title: Gutenberg, ID: GB/7391)
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  446. Mike Hudson (Book Title: Inequality, ID: GB/12243)
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  456. Mike Hudson (Book Title: Water, ID: GB/9452)
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  458. Mike Hudson (Book Title: Wayzgoose Affair, ID: 3257)
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  462. Roger Hudson (Book Title: Grand Tour 1592-1796, ID: GB/3099)
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  497. Edward H. Hutchins (Book Title: Darkest Hour, ID: GB/3157)
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