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Authors starting with 'L'

  1. Pierre La Police (Book Title: Gum, ID: GB/3602)
  2. N. C. Laamb (Book Title: Monday Through Friday, ID: GB/3603)
  3. Syl Labrot (Book Title: Pleasure Beach, ID: GB/11591)
  4. Rosa Lachenmeier (Book Title: Sound of New York Bridges, ID: GB/30416)
  5. Tomasz Laczny (Book Title: Erna Helena Ania, ID: GB/31113)
  6. Jusen Ladda (Book Title: Magic Magic Book, ID: GB/12449)
  7. Novák Ladislav (Book Title: Ladislav Novák's Poetry-Work, ID: GB/14764)
  8. Hal Laessig (Book Title: Newark Hidden City Project, ID: GB/3608)
  9. Jules Laforgue (Book Title: Poems of Jules Laforgue, ID: GB/3609)
  10. Maria Lago (Book Title: Umas [Some}, ID: GB/31734)
  11. Manuel Mujica Lainez (Book Title: Cantata de Bomarzo, ID: GB/3611)
  12. Allen Laing (Book Title: Bookmatch Book, ID: GB/15858)
  13. RD Laing (Book Title: ABC of Love in 'Knots', ID: GB/30544)
  14. Mary Laird (Book Title: Eggplant Skin Pants and Poems, ID: GB/3612)
  15. R. F. Laird (Book Title: Boomer Bible, ID: GB/14467)
  16. Bun-Ching Lam (Book Title: Quatre Poemes . Four Songs, ID: GB/10961)
  17. John A. LaMacchia (Book Title: Ridding of unwanted pests with ordinary household objects, ID: GB/3615)
  18. Jean-Clarence Lambert (Book Title: French Schmuck, ID: GB/13221)
  19. John Lambert (Book Title: Enveloppe-Moi, ID: GB/14258)
  20. Yvon Lambert (Book Title: Meeting #13, ID: GB/15938)
  21. Lionel Lambourne (Book Title: Short Stories, ID: GB/1157)
  22. Nigel Lambourne (Book Title: Georgics, ID: GB/4149)
  23. Nigel Lambourne (Book Title: Moll Flanders, ID: GB/1655)
  24. Nigel Lambourne (Book Title: Sybil or the Two Nations, ID: GB/1750)
  25. Nigel Lambourne (Book Title: Trial, ID: GB/3365)
  26. Osbert Lancaster (Book Title: Short Stories, ID: GB/16838)
  27. Osbert Lancaster (Book Title: Unbearable Bassington, ID: GB/16831)
  28. Brian Lane (Book Title: Some Improbable Openings, ID: GB/3631)
  29. Lois Lane (Book Title: I Know Where I'm Going, ID: GB/12446)
  30. Clemens-Tobias Lange (Book Title: Come se avessimo promesso, ID: GB/30521)
  31. Clemens-Tobias Lange (Book Title: Geschichte des Fräulein Ren, ID: GB/11423)
  32. Clemens-Tobias Lange (Book Title: Kalumet, ID: GB/15042)
  33. Clemens-Tobias Lange (Book Title: Mechachal : Shewa Ber, ID: GB/13381)
  34. Clemens-Tobias Lange (Book Title: Nõ Sotoba Komachi, ID: GB/15448)
  35. Clemens-Tobias Lange (Book Title: Ohne Wolken, ID: GB/11424)
  36. Clemens-Tobias Lange (Book Title: Scuola Siciliana, ID: GB/13856)
  37. Clemens-Tobias Lange (Book Title: Story of the Lion, ID: GB/30437)
  38. Clemens-Tobias Lange (Book Title: Wahrheit und Aspirin, ID: GB/11422)
  39. Sarah Langworthy (Book Title: First Visit, ID: GB/11230)
  40. Sarah Langworthy (Book Title: On Physical Lines, ID: GB/15309)
  41. Sarah Langworthy (Book Title: Sidereal, ID: GB/30427)
  42. Gerrit Lansing (Book Title: Turning Leaves of Mind, ID: GB/10693)
  43. André Lanskoy (Book Title: Cortège, ID: GB/15837)
  44. David Lantow (Book Title: U B 3, ID: GB/13042)
  45. Andrew Lanyon (Book Title: Dying for Eternity, ID: GB/3637)
  46. Andrew Lanyon (Book Title: Fairy Find, ID: GB/10450)
  47. Ellen Lanyon (Book Title: Transformations I, ID: GB/10118)
  48. Sam Lanyon (Book Title: Another ABC, ID: GB/3638)
  49. Xavier Laradji (Book Title: Mollusk #4 / Doury, ID: GB/12116)
  50. Emily K. Larned (Book Title: Galois Fields, ID: GB/8728)
  51. Emily K. Larned (Book Title: Parfait. Issue #1, ID: GB/3645)
  52. Emily K. Larned (Book Title: Syntax Machine, ID: GB/3646)
  53. Emily K. Larned (Book Title: Thrift Store: the Past & Future Secret Lives of Things, ID: GB/3647)
  54. Emily K. Larned (Book Title: Walking Middletown, ID: GB/3648)
  55. Rachel K. Laser (Book Title: Uncovering White Privilege, ID: GB/16070)
  56. Jean-Noel Laszlo (Book Title: JNL Ne manque pas d'R, ID: GB/13330)
  57. J. Laughlin (Book Title: Pig, ID: GB/3664)
  58. Ann Lauterbach (Book Title: Here Comes Kitty, ID: GB/15068)
  59. Roberta Lavadour (Book Title: All on the Same Page, ID: GB/12367)
  60. Roberta Lavadour (Book Title: Fiber Transformations, ID: GB/16182)
  61. Roberta Lavadour (Book Title: Guardian, ID: GB/3665)
  62. Roberta Lavadour (Book Title: Here, ID: GB/3666)
  63. Roberta Lavadour (Book Title: How I Learned to Read, ID: GB/13944)
  64. Roberta Lavadour (Book Title: Office Politics Alphabet, ID: GB/3667)
  65. Antoine Laval (Book Title: Sequence Vanishes, ID: GB/3668)
  66. Warja Lavater (Book Title: Jeu, ID: GB/14330)
  67. Warja Lavater (Book Title: Lune Enchantée, ID: GB/15199)
  68. Warja Lavater (Book Title: Night and Day and Night, ID: GB/13439)
  69. Warja Lavater (Book Title: Ourasima, ID: GB/3671)
  70. Warja Lavater (Book Title: Rose and the Tree Frog, ID: GB/3672)
  71. Warja Lavater (Book Title: Snow White, ID: GB/3670)
  72. Warja Lavater (Book Title: Ugly Duckling, ID: GB/13440)
  73. D. H. Lawrence (Book Title: Rainbow, ID: GB/3680)
  74. D. H. Lawrence (Book Title: Sons and Lovers, ID: GB/3681)
  75. D. H. Lawrence (Book Title: Tortoises, ID: GB/3683)
  76. D. H. Lawrence (Book Title: Women in Love, ID: GB/7a)
  77. Dan H. Lawrence (Book Title: Flyleaves, ID: GB/5889)
  78. Deirdre E. Lawrence (Book Title: B, ID: GB/3684)
  79. Jacob Lawrence (Book Title: Hiroshima, ID: GB/2908)
  80. John Lawrence (Book Title: Diary of a Nobody, ID: GB/2613)
  81. John Lawrence (Book Title: Forty-Five Wood-Engravers, ID: GB/3686)
  82. John Lawrence (Book Title: Good Babies, Bad Babies, ID: GB/3687)
  83. John Lawrence (Book Title: Robinson Crusoe, ID: GB/1657)
  84. John Lawrence (Book Title: The Twelve Days of Christmas, ID: GB/16566)
  85. John Lawrence (Book Title: Unlucky Family, ID: GB/1621)
  86. Simon Lawrence (Book Title: Dearest Joana, ID: GB/2795)
  87. Simon Lawrence (Book Title: Fleece Press, ID: GB/16864)
  88. Stanley Lawrence (Book Title: My Mysterious Father, ID: GB/31782)
  89. Henry Lawson (Book Title: Auld Shop and The New, ID: GB/11785)
  90. Robert Lax (Book Title: One Moment, ID: GB/13824)
  91. Ruth Laxson (Book Title: About Change (about), ID: GB/3695)
  92. Ruth Laxson (Book Title: Earth Score, ID: GB/10759)
  93. Ruth Laxson (Book Title: Hundred years of: Lex Flex, ID: GB/10152)
  94. Ruth Laxson (Book Title: Imaging, ID: GB/3696)
  95. Ruth Laxson (Book Title: Measure. Cut. Stitch, ID: GB/3700)
  96. Ruth Laxson (Book Title: Muse Measures, ID: GB/3697)
  97. Ruth Laxson (Book Title: Some Things are Sacred, ID: GB/3698)
  98. Ruth Laxson (Book Title: Wheeling, ID: GB/3699)
  99. Naomi Lazard (Book Title: Lectures in Arkady, ID: GB/31624)
  100. Edna Lazaron (Book Title: Lining Up, ID: GB/12924)
  101. Tanja Lazetic (Book Title: Coloured People in Black ans White (Yellow), ID: GB/14106)
  102. Louis le Brocquy (Book Title: Playboy of the Western World, ID: GB/6322)
  103. John le Carre (Book Title: Clandestine Muse, ID: GB/3702)
  104. J. Sheridan le Fanu (Book Title: Uncle Silas, ID: GB/3703)
  105. Ursula K. Le Guin (Book Title: Direction of the Road, ID: GB/12076)
  106. Edward Lear (Book Title: Complete Nonsense, ID: GB/3711)
  107. Daniel J. Leary (Book Title: Flyleaves, ID: GB/5889)
  108. Nancy Ruth Leavitt (Book Title: Passport, ID: GB/12582)
  109. Nancy Ruth Leavitt (Book Title: Snowgarden, ID: GB/11333)
  110. Ed Lebow (Book Title: MayBow's Book Arts Jargonator, ID: GB/16074)
  111. Oliver Lebrun (Book Title: Final Companion to Books from The Simpsons, ID: GB/16485)
  112. Jane LeCroy (Book Title: Like a Cure, ID: GB/11563)
  113. Jane LeCroy (Book Title: Names, ID: GB/11564)
  114. Irene Ledwith (Book Title: Dog Bite, ID: GB/3728)
  115. Brian North Lee (Book Title: Dearest Joana, ID: GB/2795)
  116. Robert J. Lee (Book Title: Our Town, ID: GB/7113)
  117. Tim Lee (Book Title: Modern Optical Experiments in Typography: Univers ultra Light Oblique (1968), ID: GB/11923)
  118. Hannah Lees (Book Title: To Open What is Shut / To Shut What is Open, ID: GB/15227)
  119. Jim Lees (Book Title: Ballads of Robin Hood, ID: GB/3738)
  120. Edward Leeson (Book Title: Folio Book of Humorous Verse, ID: GB/3739)
  121. Jim Leftwich (Book Title: Collateral Realities, ID: GB/30001)
  122. Fernand Legér (Book Title: Fin du Monde filmée par l'Ange N.-D., ID: GB/14797)
  123. Alicia Legg (Book Title: Sol LeWitt, ID: GB/11311)
  124. William Legge (Book Title: Delicious Babies, ID: GB/5926)
  125. Chrissy Leggio (Book Title: Slaves of Christo, ID: GB/11005)
  126. Jean-Charles Legros (Book Title: dans tous les sens, ID: GB/30594)
  127. Warren Lehrer (Book Title: Brother Blue, ID: GB/3755)
  128. Warren Lehrer (Book Title: Charlie, ID: GB/3756)
  129. Warren Lehrer (Book Title: Claude, ID: GB/3757)
  130. Warren Lehrer (Book Title: Crossing the Blvd, ID: GB/8761)
  131. Warren Lehrer (Book Title: Five Oceans in a Tea Spoon, ID: GB/16488)
  132. Warren Lehrer (Book Title: French Fries, ID: GB/3758)
  133. Warren Lehrer (Book Title: GRRRHHHH, ID: GB/3759)
  134. Warren Lehrer (Book Title: I Mean You Know, ID: GB/3760)
  135. Warren Lehrer (Book Title: Jericho's Daughter, ID: GB/31750)
  136. Warren Lehrer (Book Title: Nicky D. from L. I. C., ID: GB/3761)
  137. Warren Lehrer (Book Title: This Page is an Occupied Territory, ID: GB/31735)
  138. Bryan Leister (Book Title: Gutenberg's Gift, ID: GB/7352)
  139. Laren Leland (Book Title: Chosen Text, ID: GB/11403)
  140. Linda Lembke (Book Title: Gameboard/Symmetries, ID: GB/15560)
  141. Michael Lenehan (Book Title: Essence of Being, ID: GB/3771)
  142. Michael Lenehan (Book Title: Sydney Morning, ID: GB/13477)
  143. Anna Harriette Leonowens (Book Title: English Governess at the Siamese Court, ID: GB/3776)
  144. Estelle Leontief (Book Title: Raxerol, ID: GB/3777)
  145. Estelle Leontief (Book Title: Whatever Happens, ID: GB/3778)
  146. Fernand Lequenne (Book Title: Livre des Boissons, ID: GB/3780)
  147. Fernand Lequenne (Book Title: Livre des Salades, ID: GB/3781)
  148. Sandra Lerner (Book Title: She/he Was Beguiled, ID: GB/3782)
  149. Ken Leslie (Book Title: Round World, ID: GB/3785)
  150. Ken Leslie (Book Title: Square Planet, ID: GB/3786)
  151. Woody Leslie (Book Title: Understanding Molecular Typography, ID: GB/14994)
  152. Ulla Lessmann (Book Title: BalkoNo, ID: GB/11485)
  153. Bruno Leti (Book Title: New York Travel Journal, ID: GB/3792)
  154. John Letts (Book Title: Augustus Carp, Esq, ID: GB/1027)
  155. John Letts (Book Title: Short Stories, ID: GB/16838)
  156. Donald Levering (Book Title: Jack of Spring, ID: GB/3800)
  157. Denis Levertov (Book Title: Batterers, ID: GB/3801)
  158. Denise Levertov (Book Title: New Year's Garland for my Students, ID: GB/3802)
  159. Denise Levertov (Book Title: Three Poems, ID: GB/3803)
  160. Kim Levin (Book Title: Volksboutique, ID: GB/12768)
  161. Anne-Marie Levine (Book Title: Reculer Pour Mieux Sauter, ID: GB/15274)
  162. Claude Lévi-Strauss (Book Title: Tristes Tropiques Illustrations Hors Texte, ID: GB/13223)
  163. Ellen Dorn Levitt (Book Title: Gameboard/Symmetries, ID: GB/15560)
  164. Ellen Dorn Levitt (Book Title: It's just a goddamned piece of paper!, ID: GB/15031)
  165. Deborah Levy (Book Title: Diary of a Steak, ID: GB/3819)
  166. Jeffrey Lew (Book Title: Book Articulations, ID: GB/13494)
  167. Harry Lewis (Book Title: Pulsars, ID: GB/3827)
  168. Jonathan Lewis (Book Title: Fourteen Chocolate Bars, ID: GB/12747)
  169. Matthew Lewis (Book Title: Monk, ID: GB/3835)
  170. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: 100 Cubes, ID: GB/3844)
  171. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Arcs, circles & grids, ID: GB/11324)
  172. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Autobiography, ID: GB/14819)
  173. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Autobiography, ID: GB/3864)
  174. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Brick Wall, ID: GB/3845)
  175. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Chicago, ID: GB/3846)
  176. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Cock Fight Dance, ID: GB/3847)
  177. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Collection of Sol LeWitt, ID: GB/11312)
  178. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Cube, ID: GB/12309)
  179. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Ficciones, ID: GB/687)
  180. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Flat and Glossy Black, ID: GB/3848)
  181. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Fotografía, ID: GB/8765)
  182. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour, ID: GB/3849)
  183. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Four Colors and All Their Combinations, ID: GB/11353)
  184. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: From Monteluco to Spoleto, ID: GB/11316)
  185. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Geometric Figures & Color , ID: GB/3850)
  186. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: I, II, III, IIII, ID: GB/11323)
  187. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Incomplete Open Cubes, ID: GB/3852)
  188. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Incomplete Open Cubes, ID: GB/3851)
  189. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Instructions: Moi + Toi, ID: GB/14163)
  190. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Isometric Drawings, ID: GB/3853)
  191. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Lignes en Quatre Directions et Toutes Leurs Combinaisons, ID: GB/3854)
  192. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Lines in Two Directions and in Five Colours with all Their Combinations, ID: GB/3855)
  193. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Location of Straight, Not-Straight & Broken Lines and all their Combinations, ID: GB/3856)
  194. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Open Geometric Structures, ID: GB/3865)
  195. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Opening Series, ID: GB/3706)
  196. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: PhotoGrids, ID: GB/11315)
  197. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Piramidi, ID: GB/11706)
  198. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Prints 1970-86, ID: GB/3857)
  199. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Schematic drawing for Muybridge II, ID: GB/3858)
  200. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Sol LeWitt, ID: GB/11311)
  201. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Sol Lewitt, ID: GB/13503)
  202. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Sol Lewitt, ID: 2014)
  203. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Sol Lewitt 100 Views, ID: GB/12293)
  204. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Sol leWitt: The Well-Tempered Grid, ID: 2613)
  205. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Sol LeWitt: Twenty-five Years of Wall Drawings, 1968-1993, ID: GB/3859)
  206. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Squares With Sides and Corners Torn Off, ID: GB/3860)
  207. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Squarings, ID: GB/11318)
  208. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Sunrise & Sunset at Praiano, ID: GB/3861)
  209. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Variations on I Am Still Alive on Kawara, ID: GB/3862)
  210. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Wall, ID: GB/11313)
  211. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Wall Drawings 1984-1992, ID: GB/3863)
  212. Sol LeWitt (Book Title: Xerox Book, ID: GB/10320)
  213. Micah Lexier (Book Title: Portrait of David, ID: GB/10149)
  214. Libanus Press (Book Title: Daylight Jobbery, ID: GB/3869)
  215. Libanus Press (Book Title: More Daylight Jobbery, ID: GB/15791)
  216. Sylvia Libedinsky (Book Title: Life's a Dream, ID: GB/10453)
  217. Sylvia Libedinsky (Book Title: Story of Audrey, ID: GB/10422)
  218. Yuri Liederman (Book Title: Docteurs-Pêcheurs et Partis du Bonheur Général, ID: GB/8755)
  219. Allie Light (Book Title: Glittering Cave, ID: GB/3881)
  220. Glenn Ligon (Book Title: Magic Magic Book, ID: GB/12449)
  221. Jenny Lin (Book Title: Skinny Leg, ID: GB/13965)
  222. Tan Lin (Book Title: Trans Book, ID: GB/3886)
  223. Maria Lindberg (Book Title: Trying to Get in Between, ID: GB/10642)
  224. Dean Lindblad (Book Title: Black Hole, ID: GB/13255)
  225. Dusk Linders (Book Title: Haiku of Issa, ID: GB/3891)
  226. Frannie Lindsay (Book Title: Aerial Tide Coming In, ID: GB/3896)
  227. Jenny Lindsay (Book Title: Fungus and Curmudgeonly, ID: GB/1562)
  228. Norman Lindsay (Book Title: Lysistrata, ID: GB/212)
  229. Kathleen Lindsey (Book Title: Country Life, ID: GB/3897)
  230. Kathleen Lindsey (Book Title: Pub Signs for Samuel Webster, ID: GB/3898)
  231. Ruth Lingen (Book Title: Comeundone, ID: GB/12213)
  232. Ruth Lingen (Book Title: I Know Where I'm Going, ID: GB/12446)
  233. Ruth Lingen (Book Title: In Spite of Everything, the Stars, ID: GB/14143)
  234. Ruth Lingen (Book Title: Led Almost By My Tie, ID: GB/15434)
  235. Valerie Linhart (Book Title: Tunnel Vision, ID: GB/15402)
  236. Joel Lipman (Book Title: from The Origins of Poetry, ID: GB/30525)
  237. Joel Lipman (Book Title: Sold Old Paper, ID: GB/31697)
  238. Lucy R. Lippard (Book Title: Sol LeWitt, ID: GB/11311)
  239. Lucy R. Lippard (Book Title: Tense, ID: GB/30454)
  240. Vlamings Lisa Maria (Book Title: 4 april 2013 - 24 juni 2013, ID: GB/14392)
  241. El Lissitzky (Book Title: Dlya Golosa, ID: GB/14562)
  242. R. P. Lister (Book Title: Allotments, ID: GB/3909)
  243. Jill Alden Littlewood (Book Title: Remember, ID: GB/14615)
  244. Leon F. Litwack (Book Title: Cane, ID: GB/31736)
  245. Wendy Liu (Book Title: sad poem printed on sunlight, ID: GB/31662)
  246. Peter Liversidge (Book Title: bridge (choral piece for Tate Modern),, ID: GB/15189)
  247. Peter Liversidge (Book Title: Proposals for Nils Frahm, ID: GB/15184)
  248. Peter Liversidge (Book Title: Proposals for Printed Matter, Inc., ID: GB/15426)
  249. Jay Livingston (Book Title: Mona Lisa, ID: GB/31092)
  250. Ginny Lloyd (Book Title: Pairings, ID: GB/12992)
  251. Robin Llywelyn (Book Title: Portmeirion, ID: GB/12480)
  252. Keith Lock (Book Title: Cover to Cover, ID: GB/13102)
  253. Margaret Lock (Book Title: Two Centuries of Bookbinding, ID: GB/3926)
  254. R. M. Lockley (Book Title: Britain in Colour, ID: GB/13377)
  255. Margo Lockwood (Book Title: Bare Elegy, ID: GB/3929)
  256. Roger Lockyer (Book Title: History of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh, ID: GB/283)
  257. Nancy Loeber (Book Title: Pressed for Time, ID: GB/14779)
  258. Florence Loewy (Book Title: Alphabet Truck, ID: GB/15178)
  259. Mary Logue (Book Title: House in the Country, ID: GB/3937)
  260. Helmut Löhr (Book Title: Visual Music, ID: GB/3938)
  261. Helmut Löhr (Book Title: Visual Poetry, ID: GB/3939)
  262. Helmut Löhr (Book Title: Visual Prose, ID: GB/3940)
  263. Torben Lokvig (Book Title: All Kinds of Cats, ID: GB/5866)
  264. Torben Lokvig (Book Title: All Kinds of Dogs, ID: GB/5867)
  265. Torben Lokvig (Book Title: Brooklyn Pops Up, ID: GB/6441)
  266. Torben Lokvig (Book Title: Paddy Finds a Job, ID: GB/2464)
  267. Torben Lokvig (Book Title: Pop-up Book of Gnomes, ID: GB/15957)
  268. Torben Lokvig (Book Title: Secret Treasures, ID: GB/968)
  269. Torben Lokvig (Book Title: Shrewbettina Goes to Work, ID: GB/2465)
  270. Cynthia Lollis (Book Title: Enten / Eller, ID: GB/12431)
  271. Cynthia Lollis (Book Title: Relinquo, ID: GB/11476)
  272. Cynthia Lollis (Book Title: Risk. Risiko, ID: GB/12734)
  273. Cynthia Lollis (Book Title: Throw of the Dice will Never Abolish Chance, ID: GB/14085)
  274. Cynthia Lollis (Book Title: Viel Glück, ID: GB/11477)
  275. David Lomas (Book Title: Bureau of the Centre for the Study of Surrealism and its Legacy, ID: GB/10325)
  276. Celine Lombardi (Book Title: Murmurations, ID: GB/13913)
  277. Stanley Lombardo (Book Title: Aratus / Phaenomena / Sky Signs, ID: GB/31630)
  278. Alan Loney (Book Title: Rise, ID: GB/3942)
  279. Alan Loney (Book Title: Sirens, ID: GB/13098)
  280. Elizabeth Long (Book Title: Salt Lake Travel, ID: GB/15275)
  281. Gareth Long (Book Title: Don Quixote, ID: GB/13075)
  282. Gareth Long (Book Title: Illustrated Dictionary of Received Ideas, ID: GB/13089)
  283. Lois Long (Book Title: Mud Book, ID: GB/14730)
  284. Richard Long (Book Title: Dartmoor, ID: GB/11091)
  285. Richard Long (Book Title: From Time to Time, ID: GB/3943)
  286. Richard Long (Book Title: Gravity, ID: GB/14334)
  287. Richard Long (Book Title: Heaven and Earth, ID: GB/12635)
  288. Richard Long (Book Title: Hundred Stones, ID: GB/3944)
  289. Richard Long (Book Title: Line Made by Walking, ID: GB/12633)
  290. Richard Long (Book Title: Mirage, ID: GB/3945)
  291. Richard Long (Book Title: Mountains and Waters, ID: GB/3946)
  292. Richard Long (Book Title: Mud Hand Prints, ID: GB/3947)
  293. Richard Long (Book Title: No Where, ID: GB/3948)
  294. Richard Long (Book Title: Old World New World, ID: GB/3949)
  295. Richard Long (Book Title: Papers of River Muds, ID: GB/10316)
  296. Richard Long (Book Title: Planes of Vision, ID: GB/3950)
  297. Richard Long (Book Title: Richard Long, ID: GB/3951)
  298. Richard Long (Book Title: River to River, ID: GB/3952)
  299. Richard Long (Book Title: Some Notes on the work of Richard Long, ID: GB/1322)
  300. Richard Long (Book Title: South America, ID: GB/14078)
  301. Richard Long (Book Title: Spanish Stones, ID: GB/10941)
  302. Richard Long (Book Title: Surf Roar, ID: GB/3953)
  303. Richard Long (Book Title: Twelve Works, ID: GB/12691)
  304. Richard Long (Book Title: Walk Across England, ID: GB/10521)
  305. Richard Long (Book Title: Walk Past Standing Stones, ID: GB/12690)
  306. Richard Long (Book Title: Walking in Circles, ID: GB/3955)
  307. Richard Long (Book Title: Walking the Line, ID: GB/3954)
  308. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Book Title: Birds of Killingworth, ID: GB/3956)
  309. Rene Longueville (Book Title: Silences, ID: GB/3959)
  310. Anita Loos (Book Title: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, ID: GB/3962)
  311. Fernando Lopes (Book Title: Flag Book, ID: GB/3965)
  312. Barry Holstun Lopez (Book Title: Anotaciones, ID: GB/11231)
  313. Barry Holstun Lopez (Book Title: From Arctic Dreams, ID: GB/10793)
  314. Barry Holstun Lopez (Book Title: Mappist, ID: GB/10691)
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